Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - April 16 2020

Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscopes - April 16 2020


Horoscope for today - RAT
● General: You''ll accept criticisms with much difficulty; however, they would allow you to become conscious of your drawbacks, which you don''t see yourself.
● Love & Relationships: Try to understand how you feel about your sweetheart -- not how you think you feel.
● Career: You have a weird backlog in your communications.
● Lucky number : 86
● Best time of the day : 13h00


Horoscope for today - OX
● General: Put the finishing touches on a social plan -- and don''t forget to confirm things.
● Love & Relationships: Love''s rarely predictable, what with it involving those most unpredictable of creatures, other people.
● Career: Channel your energy toward trying to decode a very mysterious communication now.
● Lucky number : 17
● Best time of the day : 17h00


Horoscope for today - TIGER
● General: You won''t be at the top of your physical or mental shape.
● Love & Relationships: If you''ve been in a phase of processing some emotions, look for your love life to shift now -- into serious high gear.
● Career: Work with the universe''s schedule rather than try to make it conform to yours.
● Lucky number : 90
● Best time of the day : 13h00


Horoscope for today - RABBIT
● General: To do it, you simply have to dream it! Get your imagination working on new goals.
● Love & Relationships: Your strong emotions and tendency toward impulsiveness can be beneficial for this relationship -- things spark up between you and sweetie when you let passion rule.
● Career: Beware of excessive gossip and incessant criticisms: if you don''t control yourself well, you may cause frictions with your family or work entourage.
● Lucky number : 31
● Best time of the day : 21h00


Horoscope for today - DRAGON
● General: Ignore those business deals -- you can wait until there''s a better cosmic configuration to hammer out the fine points.
● Love & Relationships: Make an effort to stay in touch with loved ones and you''ll always be up-to-date on the latest developments.
● Career: Plug up some of your financial leaks.
● Lucky number : 14
● Best time of the day : 11h00


Horoscope for today - SNAKE
● General: Don''t provide any.
● Love & Relationships: Observe the give-and-take of your relationship today.
● Career: Look for common ground and you''ll find that communication between you and your main squeeze really takes off.
● Lucky number : 31
● Best time of the day : 10h00


Horoscope for today - HORSE
● General: Take better care of your health by forcing yourself to do exercise every day.
● Love & Relationships: If there''s one thing you love, it''s a chance to engage in a friendly contest of skills.
● Career: You''ll have the desire to change your professional horizon, to do a more interesting, more creative job; but can one always do what one likes to? Risk of dispersion; difficulty concentrating on yourself and gathering up your ideas.
● Lucky number : 45
● Best time of the day : 20h00


Horoscope for today - SHEEP
● General: In the career domain, rigor will pay off, be sure of that; you''ll have the possibility to strengthen your position progressively thanks to strict discipline and scrupulous respect for deadlines.
● Love & Relationships: Your romantic compass is guiding you unerringly in some pretty sweet new directions of exploration.
● Career: You''ll manage to find a good equilibrium between work and play, pleasure and emotional security.
● Lucky number : 6
● Best time of the day : 9h00


Horoscope for today - MONKEY
● General: Look over those details and deal with the nitty-gritty.
● Love & Relationships: Use diplomacy to get your sweetie moving.
● Career: Financial excess is not wise for you right now.
● Lucky number : 32
● Best time of the day : 12h00


Horoscope for today - ROOSTER
● General: And don''t forget to ask for help too.
● Love & Relationships: Is this your cause, or are you taking it on because unconsciously you hope to please your sweetie? It''s difficult to separate what''s yours, mine and ours, but it''s necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.
● Career: Finances can really hang you up the most -- especially if there''s something you know you should be doing to set the matter straight.
● Lucky number : 9
● Best time of the day : 15h00


Horoscope for today - DOG
● General: Always keep an open mind.
● Love & Relationships: Give yourself and your sweetheart a day or two to do nothing but follow your whims.
● Career: Enough with the modesty -- it''s time to toot your own horn, especially if you''re looking for some kind of advancement on the job.
● Lucky number : 45
● Best time of the day : 20h00


Horoscope for today - PIG
● General: A little action can go a long way; there''s a lot of efficient power in you today.
● Love & Relationships: You know there''s a great need for change in this relationship, but you''re frustrated by your seeming inability to effect that change.
● Career: If the outlines are too vague for you to work with, be open but firm about what you require to move forward.
● Lucky number : 1
● Best time of the day : 12h00