Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - August 15 2018
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Chinese Horoscopes - August 15 2018

● Love & Relationships: Your sentimental life will go through a difficult, confused, perturbed phase; what could be taken for granted yesterday will be open to question tomorrow.
● Career: In your work, it would be better to work with a team than to act on your own.
● Lucky number : 6
● Best time of the day : 8h00

● Love & Relationships: You''re not much into compromise, and when it comes to love, you''re certainly not willing to settle.
● Career: Use all your charm and gratitude to find folks who can help finish your work today.
● Lucky number : 95
● Best time of the day : 13h00

● Love & Relationships: A new relationship is only worth growing if it helps you grow too.
● Career: Plug up some of your financial leaks.
● Lucky number : 62
● Best time of the day : 13h00

● Love & Relationships: You know that letting your sweetie win in the game of love makes victors of you both.
● Career: Work your magic.
● Lucky number : 95
● Best time of the day : 10h00

● Love & Relationships: Your financial situation will improve sensibly, but continue to be careful about your expenses; beware of a friend to would try to push you into squandering everything for their own gain.
● Career: Even work may be fun.
● Lucky number : 7
● Best time of the day : 15h00

● Love & Relationships: A lighthearted attitude is what you need to make this relationship do a 180.
● Career: You''ll work for your future with enthusiasm and effectiveness and you''ll draw satisfactions of self-pride.
● Lucky number : 29
● Best time of the day : 15h00

● Love & Relationships: Is one person in this relationship in the habit of dictating all the terms of your interactions with each other? If the answer is yes, it''s time to look at the balance of power and how you can rectify it before things get too out of whack.
● Career: Certain financial transactions require much patience and a long preparation; if you act too hastily, you may have very bad surprises, so don''t let yourself become blinded.
● Lucky number : 78
● Best time of the day : 15h00

● Love & Relationships: Your sentimental life will be tense, but no breaking off is likely to ensue.
● Career: You''ll work with much ardor and courage, but you''ll be confronted with hostilities arising from professional jealousies.
● Lucky number : 98
● Best time of the day : 12h00

● Love & Relationships: Real life and real love offer much richer experiences than you would have thought possible, but that includes frustrations as well as triumphs.
● Career: Finance-wise, you''re doing better than you expected.
● Lucky number : 92
● Best time of the day : 12h00

● Love & Relationships: Celebrate the unpredictability of love and life with your darling.
● Career: Someone is willing to give you a pretty important set of responsibilities, but only if you''re truly willing to step up to the job.
● Lucky number : 38
● Best time of the day : 9h00

● Love & Relationships: It might feel as if you and that sweetie or friend are two aspects of the same person.
● Career: If you''re at work, expect to have to deal with the grumpiest boss in the world.
● Lucky number : 9
● Best time of the day : 10h00

● Love & Relationships: With so much courage and heart on your side, the competition might as well give up now.
● Career: Your communication skills are at an all-time high.
● Lucky number : 28
● Best time of the day : 17h00