Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 25 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 25 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Put in time to do some research. It's a great day to finalize dates, itineraries and other details pertaining to your upcoming schedule. You'll find the facts you need to confirm your plans, giving you peace of mind (and something to look forward to).
● Finances: Think of yourself as a caveman, using a stick and some flint to generate heat. Then sparks. Then a fire. You can generate money in the same primitive way, if you translate the action to the modern market.
● Love: Knowing when enough is enough is more than half the battle when it comes to relating to someone else. After all, not every moment can be filled with connection and discovery -- how exhausting that would be!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Family members and friends will get on your bad side today. Nobody's interested in doing what you want to do -- unfortunately, majority rules and you have to go along for the ride. Try to have a good attitude about it.
● Finances: You're letting money take on human form. It's not a power struggle, so don't invest that kind of ego or arrogance into it. Slowly let go, and you'll see how much energy you've wasted on your emotional attachment.
● Love: Take good care of yourself; and not just because your impressive appearance might snag some attention from a certain cutie. Take good care of yourself because you deserve the best life has to offer -- all of it.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Your significant other is not in a very receptive mood today, which might make life on the ranch difficult at best. Take a deep breath and try to work around them. Obviously, it's not a good day to discuss buying that new car.
● Finances: When it comes to getting out of this financial mess, everyone's got an opinion. Seeing their ideas put into action is another story. Don't invest until they put their money where their mouth is.
● Love: Be persistent and follow through on those good intentions, especially when it comes to a potential romance. Any actions taken now provide a solid foundation for later interactions. Be genuine and have the best motives.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Your listening skills will be valuable today when someone confides a juicy tidbit of info in you. Avoid suggesting any solutions -- they really just need to vent. Their trust in you is flattering.
● Finances: Don't invest in anything outrageous. Being prudent has never been more sensible. Look for the best interest value, or simply leave your money in the bank.
● Love: Let your sensuous side come out to play. Put on a great outfit for no particular reason. Get the car washed and drive to a restaurant with a terrific view. Appreciate all the earthy pleasures life has to offer.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Even though it's Saturday, be careful when it comes to all things business related -- take a step back and double-check the details before going forward. If you have to move at all, err on the conservative side.
● Finances: Staying within budget may not be the pinnacle of your financial career, but in this economy it's still an achievement. Give yourself a pat on the back, and then celebrate -- on the cheap.
● Love: If it's one thing that gets your goat right now, it's sloppiness. When you make plans, they stay made. It might be best to explain this to someone beforehand, just to avoid any messiness after the fact.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: A lack of information doesn't mean you should stop and give up. You have the time and energy today to keep searching. You know where you're going -- all you need are the details. Don't throw in the towel until you've crossed the finish line.
● Finances: Should you stay with the program or be flexible? The answer lies somewhere in the middle. Think of yourself as a company and all the busybodies breathing down your neck as your shareholders.
● Love: The stars send you a double dose of charm when it comes to love. You could talk the birds out of the trees if you wanted to. So now the question is, who do you want to talk into doing something with you?
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: A long lost friend or lover could pop up today, and if it feels right, you should take the time to reconnect with them. This could mean big things for you down the road, because this person has tons of connections.
● Finances: Don't let anyone convince you that the details don't really matter. Listen to the wisdom of the ages, and know that that's exactly where the devil is. There, and in the numbers.
● Love: A potential love interest wants your opinion. The trouble is, your discerning eye sees more than your prospect is able to handle hearing right now. Rise to the occasion and be your ever-diplomatic and discreet self.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You've been too busy at work to notice that things around the house are falling apart. You can't avoid the truth any longer: You're going to have to reinvest some money on the domestic front. Assess your budget first, then start prioritizing.
● Finances: You might have some extra chips, but that's not something you want to show off in this economy. In other words, being flamboyant is more of a problem than it's worth, so tune it down.
● Love: Trimming the fat is always helpful, whether you're preparing a meal, working on a budget or dealing with love. Some bits of wretched excess are getting in the way when what you should be focusing on are the basics.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You've been misunderstood before, so why put yourself through it again? If someone in your personal or professional life is poking around, stay silent. They're only digging for petty info, so don't give 'em an inch. Keep your cards close to your chest.
● Finances: The days of big bonuses are gone, but you can still scrape together enough to get away. You can rejuvenate right here on home soil, so forget the vacations to distant destinations.
● Love: Playful and precise are the two sentiments you find yourself balancing between. Rather than trying to choose one or the other, use them both and find an acceptable rhythm as you deal with love matters.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Your latest household project still has a lot of loose ends. Fight the urge to rush; you'll just get more frustrated in the end. Take your time and include family members in the endeavor -- your efforts will be rewarded.
● Finances: There's nothing you hate more than being stingy, especially if it's you who's doing all the hogging. But someone just has a way of bringing out the worst in you, whether it has to do with business or personal resources. Give yourself a pass.
● Love: You know who you like and who you don't. Hey, if you're not feeling it, you just can't force yourself to react any differently. But this person might deserve a second chance. Get their email -- just in case.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: A budget review may be in order as financial concerns force you to be more conservative than usual. If you follow this strategy for a while, you can expect to weather any storm. You may even have a few bucks to spare.
● Finances: Don't think of your financial train as running out of track. There won't be any sudden changes for the better, but consider this one of life's interruptions. Your profits can grow down the line.
● Love: Why beat yourself up when it comes to your love life? After all, life and love aren't about being perfect. They're about doing the best you can, learning all you can and trying to help out a few people along the way.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: No, you're not at the office, but your productivity is revved super high today. Try to finish off all those little projects that have been nagging at you for a while. You have plenty of time to tie up loose ends.
● Finances: Minding your own business was never a healthier choice. Don't get carried away in other people's dramas, especially if their situation is direr than yours. Look at your own balance for some comfort.
● Love: Sit back and enjoy the ride. When you're not so intent on the destination, you'll find that the journey itself becomes the point. And if someone attractive sits next to you and strikes up a conversation, all the better.