Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 5 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 5 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Why get all caught up in schedules and plans? It's your day off, so keep things light and informal. Save the serious stuff for the workweek, and enjoy the freedom of the day instead. You deserve as much downtime as possible.
● Finances: Renewal won't happen any time soon. If only this phase would go by fast, you say? Don't waste time daydreaming. You knew you were in it for the long haul, and this is it.
● Love: Do you want to be startin' something? The stars say it's a great time to get romantic ventures off the ground. Early on, focus on one potential cutie. Later on in the evening, your attention is better off in a large group.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: No diversion is too small to enjoy. All week you have to make decisions based on a larger plan. But today, let yourself get caught up in the moment. It's not about quantity -- it's definitely about quality.
● Finances: The stock market is starting to feel like a bad relationship. And like one, you should know it's the market, not you. That knowledge won't help your bank account, but it will help your emotional bottom line.
● Love: Does it get any better than this? You meet someone with whom you have everything -- absolutely everything -- in common. Enjoy this companionship, but be careful that you don't get complacent in the relationship.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Focus on friendships, not work relationships. Today you should store thoughts of the office in the furthest reaches of your mind. In fact, make them so hidden it takes some exploration to find them come morning.
● Finances: Cut corners and still not in the black? Then it's time to do even more calculating. There are plenty of ways to stay healthy without belonging to a gym, for instance, so get creative.
● Love: Could it be that the consummate flirt of the zodiac feels like just hanging around one particular person? Hey, you're multilayered! Now the question is are you with someone you want to be with for the long term?
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: When it comes to your work life and your social life, the office wins out during the week. That's how it should be. But today -- not so. Make sure all projects are focused only on your private life: don't let yourself be drawn into work issues.
● Finances: Investing is not for the risk averse. You're used to emotional intensity and upheaval by now, but what's new to you is the more prudent and cautious side of you that is emerging. Consider that your new pearl.
● Love: You are loyal to a fault, but are you holding onto this potential romance out of a misguided sense of duty? Ask yourself if you're truly enjoying this person's company, or you're just happy to make someone else happy.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: When it comes to running errands, finishing household projects or connecting with friends, you are a machine. The only thing vaguely resembling work should be the amount you manage to pack into your day.
● Finances: Watching for plotters, looking for motives beneath the surface -- don't let tension make you paranoid. Take your mind off of your accounts for a while. Focus on antiques or nurturing your family instead.
● Love: If you want someone, they don't stand a chance. Now, hold on there. Move slowly and deliberately and you just might find that the journey brings you to an entirely new set of desires. Be a little more flexible.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Leave problems at work in their proper place -- the office. Your boss always thinks she or he knows best, but today you have no authority to defer to. Make all decisions yourself and stick to them.
● Finances: It's possible to analyze the unseen economy but way less likely to regulate it. But even so, steer clear of underground money, no matter how restless you feel about the above-board variety.
● Love: If you have to work really, really hard at making this love connection, it may not be the right time. Don't push things, or you could end up with someone whom you only thought you wanted.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: If you've been having issues with coworkers, you may be shocked to discover a variation on the theme this weekend. That makes it a bona fide personal and social life problem -- at least you'll come up with a common solution.
● Finances: It's a day to consider the oxymoron. Cut backs are going deep, and that means they're going up. If even the top ten percent think it's a bad time to be acquisitive, then you should, too.
● Love: Finally, you know what you require from love. Get a pad and paper and write it all down before this burst of inspiration disappears. Now that you have some definitive standards, you can find the person who fits them.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Have fun, for goodness sake. You shouldn't spend another second thinking about anything financial. You can always charm someone into paying your way, especially someone you don't spend your working hours with.
● Finances: The pull of money is intense, and so the power of its sudden loss. Don't get sucked into a black hole trying to hang onto it. Keep your self respect and hold out for a financial rebirth of sorts.
● Love: Playing games is for kids -- and you're definitely one mysterious, alluring and sexy grown-up. The right person who challenges you intellectually and fulfills you emotionally is out there. Enjoy what you have, but don't settle.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: With colleagues, you get satisfaction on an intellectual level. But on the weekends, you should go for good-time extremes. Don't wait to be asked. Seek out your partners in crime and have a blast!
● Finances: At least you don't have to spend much time figuring out the source of your emotions. The big picture and your internal one are matching up. In fact, you have so much in common with the overall population that you may just want to be alone, and not to count your money.
● Love: You're in it for the long haul. Half-measures or chance encounters just aren't interesting to you right now. You're the kind of person who finds what they seek, so ask for something (or someone) truly fantastic.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Working with the same people all week makes you stir-crazy. Though you don't have to run out and meet a bunch of strangers, some new blood would be beneficial and refreshing.
● Finances: Don't let market turmoil get to you. Taking a deep breath is your first step. Figuring out your objective and going after it systematically is still the best approach to profit.
● Love: You can't hurry love. But in the meantime, you can get a whole lot done with the rest of your life. Sure-footed as you are, you're able to negotiate your path with skill, enthusiasm, and ambition. Keep climbing.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: When you come across pettiness, you'll be tempted to speak your mind, and you won't mince words. But is that really how you want to spend your weekend? Maybe, especially if it's cutting into your leisure time.
● Finances: Your profits may have slowed down but your ambition is still going gangbusters. Don't let this disparity make you trip over yourself. Focusing on deeper feelings than greed will help you settle into the right pace.
● Love: You've got the most outrageous ideas about how to find love and make it work, and usually, they're right on the money. Not everyone can see it right away, though. Keep refining your theories.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: All week you've been imagining rushing out and having a good time. Now some part of you is saying, ah, forget it. Force yourself to overcome this inner tension and just enjoy yourself.
● Finances: Business isn't the only thing changing drastically. You used to be one of the sharks, but now you feel like a worm on a hook. Just how you got into this position is not crystal clear, but it's not too fuzzy to learn from, either.
● Love: The real thing is out there, but before it can come to you, you have to find the real thing within yourself. In other words, learn to love who you are and love will find you. That means all of you, not just the nice bits.