Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 4 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 4 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: You spent all week at the office, and now it's your chance to enjoy the other side of the coin today: family and friends. You don't have to do much to have fun together -- hanging out is enough for everyone!
● Finances: It's a good time to initiate a new project, especially if it involves character building. Take a look around to see how those you admire are riding out the storm, then emulate them.
● Love: Free your mind and a better love life will follow. You've made rules, boundaries, and structures to make your life more orderly, but as of late, you might be finding them more burdensome than helpful.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Avoid conflicts today, even more so than on any other day. You have enough on your plate this weekend, so be methodical about sidestepping clashes. You'll never finish all your projects if you throw personalities into the mix.
● Finances: Going over the bottom line is beginning to be a grind. Instead of figuring out ways to make it less dull and more exciting, it could be a good day to ignore the books altogether. Spend time on yourself.
● Love: Why go back to your everyday routine when you've just had such luscious moments of pure pleasure? Extend the party for just a little while longer. You have more people to meet (and even more to charm).
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: It seems like the work never ends. It may be a day off, but you're still getting a lot done. Think of it this way: Today's not that different from being at the office. You're just having fun with your work instead of dreading it.
● Finances: You don't need a lot of money to feel good, but it certainly doesn't hurt. The right equation for the day is a mix of cash and people, so focus on your partners in crime.
● Love: Some astrological movers and shakers pow-wow about your romantic prospects and decide that it's time you moved to the next level. Is your address book current? Are you putting yourself out where people can see you?
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: If the workweek is usually about nothing but business, today is the opposite. It's completely about relationships -- the good, the bad and the ugly. Dig in and reconnect with those you neglect Monday through Friday.
● Finances: Things are not going smoothly at home, and it has less to do with money than you think. You and a partner have differing ideas about how to spend it, and that's the bottom line. Focus on it.
● Love: Take a good, long look at any romantic patterns you've been repeating or baggage you've been trying to make others carry for you. It's time to deal with your past so that you can have the future you deserve.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You can't stop on a dime. It would be nice to go from office mode to weekend mode with unconscious speed, but your emotions don't work that way. It may be hard to imagine, but relaxation is possible if you persevere.
● Finances: When things get a bit stressful, your first impulse is to spend money. You can take action in a more fiscally responsible way, but if you must spend, don't do it on computer equipment.
● Love: Feel like you're lookin' for love in all the wrong places? Maybe you need to stop looking for love as though it's a job. If you're having to spend a lot of time fussing with it, give it up. There are simpler ways. Be patient.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Being productive is exhausting, so relax and store up some energy for next week. Getting lost in a daydream, doing crossword puzzles and simply staring at clouds are all perfectly acceptable ways to spend the day.
● Finances: Don't get stressed out by changing times. All you need to do to make sure setbacks are minor is stick to the rules you already know: avoid impulse buys and focus on things with true value.
● Love: It's time for an attitude change. It's not that a relationship will make your situation complete; rather, it's that you have so much to offer that it'd be a shame to deprive someone of the opportunity to share your life.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: You're in a hurry, but why? Have you forgotten it's the weekend? Chill out! You need to take your time when it comes to a particular domestic task. That's the only way to get recognition for a job well done on the home front.
● Finances: It offers you riches then turns its back. You may think the market is flirting with you, but get serious, Libra. It's getting plenty of attention from others. Look for romance elsewhere.
● Love: You're usually a generous soul, but right now you don't feel like sharing yourself or your current cutie with anyone else. That's understandable (and some even think it's adorable). Just make sure you don't go overboard.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Today is your day to remember who you really are. You spend so much time rushing around during your workweek that you almost forget you're slow by nature. Almost. It's a great day to kick back and watch the world go by.
● Finances: You have some thinking to do. If you don't have an exit strategy, now is the time to come up with one. You may never have to use it, but if the time comes, you want to walk, not run.
● Love: Your relationship with yourself is key. After all, it's your primary connection and it sets the standard for how you relate to others -- especially romantically. Deciding to like yourself is a crucial first step.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Don't wait for the phone to ring -- it's up to you to take the initiative. If your friends haven't gotten together recently, they've probably been busy, too. Force everyone to drop what they're doing for some much-needed hanging out.
● Finances: All the planning in the world can't prepare you for the ups and downs of your bank account, not to mention your emotional response to it. But that doesn't mean you should face the day unorganized. Stay focused on the big picture.
● Love: All your romantic dreams are falling neatly into place, so now is the perfect time to pack up all your troubles. You're on the brink of a brand-new era of your life. Wonderful adventures await and exotic locales beckon.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: If you're not sure how to spend your day off, get out and do some exploring. You don't have to find meaningful activity; you can save that for later. Something entertaining and lighthearted will do.
● Finances: Some perspective is more valuable than gold. This is nothing you can't work through with the right attitude. Your current situation is just one of life's challenges, so rise to the occasion.
● Love: If you're willing to do some grunt work, the stars give you a promising fresh start when it comes to romance. Your tasks include taking stock of your behaviors and what's worked as well as what hasn't.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: You'll probably meet someone new, and that's always the basic ingredient for a great day. Ahhh, it's so nice to be away from the office; you could make a good time out of just about anything.
● Finances: You're tempted to look at your financial situation as a personal issue, but it's much bigger than you are. Welcome to the global economy, reach out to others in the same boat.
● Love: In the game of love, it's important to learn to forgive, even if you can't quite bring yourself to forget. (Forgiving yourself is, of course, part of the deal.) You might just see some payoffs in your current situation.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Let last week's problems with your coworkers and bosses fade into oblivion for the day. If you keep dwelling on this stuff, you'll risk transferring your anger to your private life. Just let it go and enjoy this precious free time!
● Finances: Debts are piling up. But instead of thinking about what others owe you, focus on what others need from you instead. That may sound like a contradiction in financial terms, but it's where the gold is.
● Love: Have you lost your inner wild child? Well, not lost, exactly -- more like misplaced. Go ride a roller coaster and scream. Finger paint or wear a funny costume. Romance is easier when you remember it can be fun.