Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 17 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - September 17 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You always say what others are thinking. Something is on your mind that really needs to be put out there, so speak up in that meeting or conference call -- express yourself. People will thank you for your courage and candor.
● Finances: You have plenty of time on your hands to be spontaneous, but not much money with which to do it. Be prudent with what you have, and don't put all of your chips on any one square.
● Love: Love interests who are ready to go the distance are more concerned with what's inside than what's outside. Long conversations and genuine interest in your opinions are two big clues that they're quality suitors.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Your participation will make the difference on your current project. No matter how big the team is, your efforts, above everyone else's, will get noticed. It might be up to you to adjust schedules and deadlines accordingly.
● Finances: The time to rush out and shop willy-nilly is not only over, it's long over. You can still make purchases, but you need to shop around. Consider it an important financial skill to learn.
● Love: Someone finds your single-minded determination awfully sexy, and no wonder. In a world full of wishy-washy types who can't make a decision or are afraid to take charge, you stand out in an oh-so-attractive way.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Don't worry about strategy right now. You need to focus on numbers, figures and day-to-day business -- the small stuff is where your attention will do the most good. And everyone will appreciate your dealing with the details.
● Finances: Don't just wish for a change in your finances, try to go about making it yourself. Get some advice from those in the know, and your first step is to communicate your interest in hearing it.
● Love: Being a dazzling creature yourself, you tend to be drawn to similar types. However, it might be time to switch up your style. Perhaps an earthy sign gives you the support you secretly crave. Variety is the spice of life!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You need to let go of something huge to stay flexible and positive. It won't be easy, but if you can relax your attitude a little, you'll win big. And while you're at it, sweeten your words with praise. You're at risk of coming across as too sour right now.
● Finances: Feeling somewhat suspicious, blurting things out before thinking -- classic symptoms of stress. Don't let money get the best of you -- take your time and remember that the bottom line is not your ultimate authority.
● Love: Put a song in your heart and joy in your life. Do something that's irresistible and completely pointless. Enjoying your own company, appreciating who you are -- they're all necessary steps to enjoying another's company.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If you notice an undercurrent of excitement building around you, that's because you sense the early tremors of a business-changing discovery you're about to make. Get a pen and paper and make sure your sharpest peers are on board.
● Finances: You could have a good time out of anything, even being broke. Luckily for you things won't go that far, but try to put an emphasis on making the most of a bad situation today.
● Love: You're curious about this cool cat. He or she won't drop a clue, but you're endlessly researching what you think are common topics of interest. Well, at the very least, you'll expand your areas of expertise.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Something isn't as great as it seems, though it's really not all that bad either. Try to cut through the sweet talk and figure out the real deal. If you have to be upfront and honest with someone, don't be afraid to call them on the carpet.
● Finances: Take time analyzing financial issues. You might be tempted to start hording, but that would be jumping the gun. You still have plenty of resources, even if the splurge money is dwindling.
● Love: It can be frustrating to work on connecting with a person, only to feel like it's not quite enough despite all your hard work. Try examining why you felt like you had to put such a great effort into the situation.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Your initiative will strike a chord and make things happen when it comes to the project that seems to have stalled out or died from lack of attention. Take the lead and get everyone fired up again. Your enthusiasm is contagious.
● Finances: Your bottom line is either way up or way down, and so is your emotional state. They don't have to be that closely tied together. In fact, you'd be a lot happier if they were completely independent of each other.
● Love: It's the right time for you to dive deep into your passionate nature. Do you understand what being intimate truly means to you? Are you pursuing it? It all gets easier once you know where you want to go.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Astral clarity is heading your way, and it's bringing you a jolt of professional reality. You'll get another reminder that you're in the right line of work -- or that you need to forge a new career path. Either way, you'll be happier afterward.
● Finances: The 'all's fair' phrase covers only love and war. Life requires balance, even when it comes to money. Don't pretend you're not out for gain, but don't be cut-throat about making a profit either.
● Love: The whole point of love is that it can't be calculated, measured, captured, cut or dried. That's why it's best left to the poets, artists, and writers to describe. Toss out limitations. Open your arms to expectations.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You'll draw on resources you didn't know you had when you discover that more is needed on your latest big project. You'll have to adjust very quickly if you want to succeed -- but don't worry. If anyone can do it, you can.
● Finances: What could be more fun than making a profit? How about romance, games, even children for starters. Focus on them, because financial satisfaction is not forthcoming.
● Love: Some people prefer to settle, because going for the best means that nothing else would satisfy. You, however, know that settling is the most dangerous action of all, especially when it comes to love.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You're about to reap the rewards of all the hard work you've been putting in lately. Go ahead and take a quick, well-deserved rest, but don't get too comfortable. You'll be needed soon. Sure it's exhausting, but at least your participation is sought.
● Finances: Where would you be if your ancestors had thrown in the towel? Not here, for one. Don't give up, simple perseverance will pull you back into the black.
● Love: Here's a self-esteem exercise for you: Have your best friend write your personal ad. There's no need to publish it. Just put it somewhere visible, so you can remind yourself how fantastic you are.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Business ethics loom large in one way or another. You might be worrying needlessly or wondering about taking action against someone you like. One way or another, you'll have to act. Don't fret about the consequences -- just let the chips fall.
● Finances: You may feel too pinched for such advanced ideas as altruism and charity, but that is false thinking. Don't cut yourself off from real value just because money is dwindling.
● Love: You get the sense that there's something unspoken between you and a pal. There might be unrequited romantic feelings involved. Are you interested? Maybe it's time to say something about what's (not) going on.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Articulate your needs and goals, and you'll find others moving in step with you soon. After all, you're in the right frame of mind to express yourself clearly and forcefully -- use this new clarity to make some progress.
● Finances: You'd love to come up with a cash sponge, then leave it somewhere unobtrusive. That might raise you money, but not satisfaction. Make sure you go about things the right way.
● Love: Oh, you lovable worrywart. When good things are happening is no time to worry about the bad things that might be around the corner. The stars say to enjoy this time while it lasts. Good fortune usually begets more.