Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 15 2017

Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 15 2017

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Horoscope for today - Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: The heavens have arranged for some major-league changes. Happily, this time, you'll actually be able to appreciate the outcome. The steps along the way might not be great fun, especially if you have to say goodbye to someone or something, but the ends will definitely justify the means. Fortunately, you've never been afraid of hard work -- or extra work -- so you'll come through this transition with flying colors.
● Work: Listen to your instincts next week, especially when it comes to customers or others you don't see regularly. There's more going on than meets the eye, and you need to be clued in to a different dimension to get it.
● Finances: You have to slam on the brakes. Things will come to halt through no fault of your own. Both your drive for success and your profits have run out of road, and you have no choice but to slow down.
● Love: Willing to take the world as it is: that's you, thanks to these mellow astrological influences. Pay attention to the attributes in people who really matter. You're not worried about how love works, just know that it will.

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Horoscope for today - Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: You're not usually the sappy type. Well, you'll need to get past that now, especially if you're already with someone you consider delectable. Because the heavens have seen fit to arrange a veritable buffet of romantic interludes, and you'll certainly be able to partake of at least one. In fact, you'd better confine yourself to just one. Jealousy isn't pretty -- especially yours.
● Work: Your dreams are so close to the surface now that it'll be a snap to pull them out and make them come true. If there's something you've been holding back on, cut loose. Now's your chance to let it shine!
● Finances: Plans will be firm in the future, but for now, everything is up in the air. Except travel plans, that is. You may be grounded and you may be in-flight, so prepare for any eventuality.
● Love: It's not enough to see what the problems are; now you have to take action. While you have insight to spare when it comes to your recent love life, the stars say it's time to get off your duff and do something.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Horoscope for today - Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: You've been so good for so long -- worthy, even, of outright adoration -- that you're not sure who you are anymore. After last night, it's easy to see how your partner might think they couldn't live without you, now that they've seen what living with you would be like. It's all right. Let them stay for a while and be yourself at all costs. Give them a day or two, and you'll be off that pedestal.
● Work: Think back to old jobs or career crises and how you handled things back in the day. A solid clue to your current situation is locked away in your memories -- your task is to unleash that stored-up wisdom.
● Finances: Don't start getting paranoid. You're not being held back -- that is, no more so than anyone else. It has nothing to do with hidden agendas and everything to do with the economy.
● Love: Your brilliant ideas shine even more when you share them with someone you think has romantic potential. It's not that you two have to act on them right away; rather, this person enjoys getting to learn even more about you.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Horoscope for today - Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: Just after you wake up, you'll realize that the romantic roll you've been on isn't just good -- in fact, it's about to get better. In addition to luring all kinds of attractive options your way, you'll be able to have your pick -- and the pickings will be quite fine. But how will you know that? Simply by checking your email and your voicemail. But sit down and get comfy first -- it'll be a while.
● Work: Aesthetics will be surprisingly important for you as you proceed through your day -- so if something doesn't look right, move on. Try to err on the side of beauty and you'll make the best decisions.
● Finances: Nothing points to the black but you don't have to be seeing red. Problems with the books, problems with the checkbook -- you've got to find a place to feel balance. The gym is only the most common choice.
● Love: Romance strikes close to home. Reschedule invitations to later dates or see if you can't have a party right in your own backyard. When you set out a fancy spread, you never know just who it might attract!

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Horoscope for today - Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: You're not usually the type to overspend -- at least, not on a regular basis. But when something catches your fancy, the impulsive side of your nature takes over and you let go. Prepare yourself, because that's exactly what's coming your way right now. If you can't afford it, you'd better place your plastic and checkbook under the lock and key of a frugal friend who's telling you to watch it.
● Work: Shared resources will be important to your success next week, so make sure you're getting your appropriate allocation -- and that you don't get too greedy with it. Be as professional as possible.
● Finances: You have a strong sense of what you want, but never gave up an ounce of self-respect trying to get it. That might make you feel arrogant as you watch others take a tumble, but don't lower yourself now.
● Love: You've always been fond of the large gesture, the dramatic moment, but the stars urge you to take things slower and sweeter right now, especially with a certain shy type whom you've just encountered.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Horoscope for today - Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: You woke up this morning with the urge to cry for absolutely no reason. No conscious reason, at least. You're not sad; you're just feeling extremely sentimental. Now that can be good or it can be bad -- and if you're not in a situation where you feel comfortable expressing your feelings, it can be awkward. Oh, well. When all is said and done, no one will ever accuse you of being a phony. And think of the sympathy!
● Work: Any project kickoff or new client will be auspicious for you and the rest of your business next week. Spend a little extra time with the new faces or plans -- a little familiarity will go a long way!
● Finances: Healthy ambition should be just that -- healthy. When it starts to eat away at you, it's time to tweak your goals. Having fun should be a critical part of the mix.
● Love: Understanding someone is a tricky business. Sometimes you can go too far, other times, not far enough. Use your own feelings as a gauge. If something starts to push you past your edge, it's time to reevaluate.

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Horoscope for today - Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: There's no easy way to solve this situation, especially since you're not seeing things quite as clearly as usual. Your heart is involved, and that's when things get tricky. All you can do is ask a loved one, who tends to be objective, for their take on the situation. And you can speak honestly. The good news is that once the nonsense is over, romance is on the agenda.
● Work: Listen carefully when your intuition starts speaking -- pushing it back down will only prolong the pain. You have more insight than you thought into your current situation, so dig it up and act on it.
● Finances: You never used to feel this way, but you're not the only one feeling weird about your budget. Everyone around you is starting to feel it. All things considered, sentimentality is not such a bad place to be right now.
● Love: It's a good time to wrap up any old romantic situations that have been lingering in your life. This may mean literally cutting ties, or simply putting them to rest -- emotionally and spiritually. Do what works for you.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Horoscope for today - Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: That certain someone you've been exchanging long, lingering glances with at work? They're preparing to ask for a bit more of your time. Now, if this is a potential relationship, be sure it won't interfere with your career before you take the next step. It's a lot easier to stop glancing than to explain why you won't be accepting the invitation to date number three.
● Work: A common solution is the only solution, so bring your family or friends together and remind each other why you're doing what you're doing. Group vision is important now, even if you usually fly solo.
● Finances: You'd never know it by reading the news, but it's just the right time for implementing your plans. You can convince others of it today, too, and that makes it an excellent day for them to sign.
● Love: Many times the path of least resistance leads to the most eventual gain. If a certain person or romantic opportunity isn't panning out, let the universe do the directing for a while instead. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Horoscope for today - Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: Is love grand, or is it grand? You're definitely the person to ask today -- in fact, you're just about buzzing, you're so darned pleased with yourself. Don't keep these good feelings bottled inside. Surprise someone late this afternoon or early this evening. Give them a call and suggest that you two get together and pretend it's a Saturday night. If anyone can pull it off, it's you.
● Work: If you get the chance next week, work with the creative minds in your business -- or, if you're one of them, expect your output to increase dramatically as you get into a good groove.
● Finances: If penn- pinching is unusual for you, then embrace it for all it's worth, so to speak. Make an art form of it, from shopping for bargains to avoiding shopping altogether.
● Love: The effort may not have any immediate payoff, but the effect is still there. Keep on learning about yourself and what you want from dating, mating and relating. Big changes are definitely in the offing.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Horoscope for today - Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: You're not used to this -- to being so emotional, that is. So when your eyes start welling up with tears (again), and everyone who knows you tells you to take a nap, don't argue with them. They're genuinely concerned, and you really can't blame them. It's not as if you act like this every day, now is it? Be as patient and understanding as you possibly can. Your loved ones certainly are.
● Work: You'll most likely be asked for aid, and you should try to help out whenever possible. Whether it's cleaning out the garage or preparing for that big spring cleaning, make sure you're available today.
● Finances: If you want a positive outcome, it won't be immediate. If the positive outcome you're looking for is profit, that is. But your stamina impresses others, and that's a buzz you can feel today.
● Love: Fretting about the impression you're making on a certain person? Just keep reminding yourself how lovable you are. Most importantly, relax. You're naturally impressive. You have nothing to worry about.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Horoscope for today - Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: The changes you've been waiting for are coming fast and hard; luckily you'll have plenty of energy to get the job done. So when you're suddenly asked to step up to the plate and take on a bit more responsibility, you'll be only too happy to agree. Oh, and don't worry about being compensated, either. You'll likely be very pleased with the package on the table -- and they'll be thrilled with your results!
● Work: Something completely stupid will cross your desk or workspace at some point next week, which might set your fuse burning. Try to tamp it out before you blow -- it's not worth it this time.
● Finances: What parents don't teach their children growing up, life teaches them. In this case, life is teaching those without discipline that flailing away all day long won't get them anywhere. At least, not anymore.
● Love: It's all well and good to think highly of a certain person, but make sure you're not placing them on a pedestal. You'll get a crick in your neck from staring up at them, and they'll start to feel uncomfortable too.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Horoscope for today - Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: Congratulations. What you're about to enjoy is better than Ed McMahon showing up at your door with a giant check. The heavens have arranged an absolutely heavenly -- if you'll pardon the pun -- array of callers, all of whom will be intent on making you happy. Fortunately, the right one will indeed be among the crowd that's amassing. All you have to do is show up and interview applicants. Tough job.
● Work: Try to avoid detail-oriented tasks for the day -- keep your focus on just having fun. Instructions and small print will be much more confusing than usual right now, but by tomorrow you'll snap back to normal.
● Finances: Some are looking to coworkers for comfort, and some are looking to friends in high places. But all of you feel like you're riding the Titanic. It's not as bad as all that, but do glance around for the life boats.
● Love: If you learn to let go a little, you'll have a little peace. If you learn to let go a lot, you'll have a lot of peace. What does it mean to love someone? What does it mean to love yourself? Ask the big questions right now.