Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 16 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 16 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: If you've had no luck getting your message out in the traditional fashion, now is a good time to try a few alternative approaches to marketing. After all, you have very little to lose.
● Finances: You know how to visualize success -- that's old hat. But how do people fit into your visions? Working in groups will not help you turn a profit faster but help you feel good along the way.
● Love: Tone down the aggressiveness, or else you could spook someone, and just when you were getting off to such a good start too! Remember to keep your interactions low-stakes and low-key and it'll go swimmingly.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: You have talents you've been holding back from using. Now is the time to engage them fully and start really mowing down the competition. You have nowhere to move but up that corporate ladder!
● Finances: Nerves are frayed as it is, and no one needs to be set off on purpose. What a waste of energy that is. Whichever side of the power struggle you're on, spend your limited resources more wisely.
● Love: You've got your posse's back, which is why it's handy to have some dates who don't work out for you, but who would be perfect for your friends. One good turn deserves another -- a great date is coming your way.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Your energy level might not ever get high enough to really meet the day's challenges, but you can still get by pretty well with a little creative procrastination -- just don't let your boss catch you!
● Finances: The only ones making hay out of the current situation are the intellectuals and the pundits. You're starting to feel like the salt of the earth, and that's not such a bad feeling.
● Love: An old flame wants to rekindle that spark, but you know they can't hold a candle to your present, and with good reason. What's past is past. How could it possibly compare to all that you have going on right now?
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Whatever happens, try to distance yourself and keep from getting involved. Politics will be even stranger than usual, and you could easily end up on the wrong side of the fray. Stay out of it for now.
● Finances: Money brings out the best and the worst in people, even though lately it only seems like it brings out the worst. Whether you respond to its disappearance with emotion or intellect makes all the difference.
● Love: You're willing to be responsible for your romantic choices. Congratulations! This means that your future will be ever so much brighter now. Living in the past won't help. Forgive everyone, then move on.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You might have to bear the brunt of workplace hijinks, so try to show good humor and play along -- otherwise, you'll just prolong the inevitable agony. If it gets too much, excuse yourself from the action.
● Finances: You know what they say about love -- let it go and if it's real it will come back to you. The same old saw certainly doesn't hold true for money. Or does it? If you've been clinging too tightly, you may need to find out.
● Love: The shortest distance between two hearts is a direct sentence. Could it be that you've been involved with so many game players that you've forgotten the delicious appeal of the straightforward and direct?
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Don't let the customers get you down. Take care of your own needs and they'll share your enthusiasm. You'll be surprised how far a little selfishness can get you.
● Finances: The times, they are a-changing. Of course all of your regular ways of doing things are going out the window. But if you're open to some experimentation, you can still incorporate some of your old successes.
● Love: Actions speak louder (and are so much more appealing than) words. You realize that when someone gets your attention by standing up and doing what's right while everyone else sits there and debates endlessly.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Stay away from detail-oriented tasks right now as much as you can. The numbers and names will all seem to swim together, although if you go very slowly, you'll get them all right.
● Finances: If the thought of money isn't making your heart swell, then move on to more traditional means. Not for love or money? Your last resort is a stimulating intellectual connection.
● Love: When it comes to love, it's time to decide what it is that you want instead of always worrying about the other person. After all, if they're a grown-up, they can learn to voice their needs. Shouldn't you do the same?
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Reach out across the office or to a colleague in the industry -- you have the ability to help someone out. Your effort will pay off handsomely in the near future. And they'll be more than happy to return the favor!
● Finances: You may have the urge to redecorate or change the house in some way, but not the means. At least not for anything radical. That leaves you plenty of time to explore the roots of your more fatuous longings in the first place.
● Love: Sometimes a person just has to stake out their territory when it comes to romance. That doesn't mean you have to growl and bare your teeth; it just means that you have to let certain parties know that you're very interested.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Put off hammering out any concrete plans until later in the week. You have some serious issues that need clarification now, and that won't come for a while. Don't take on anything new until things clear up.
● Finances: If your first impulse when meeting someone new is to impress them, then you're wasting a lot of energy. Connect via more creative means, Sag, and keep the vigor in your wallet.
● Love: Up and at 'em! Move your body. Any kind of physical activity centers you and reminds you of how much beauty there is to be had in this world. And who knows? You might run into a cute prospect at the park.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Communication is unclear at best for now, so try not to rely on messages received from people you don't know and understand deeply. Focus on the tasks in front of you instead.
● Finances: As frantic as you may be for money, be wary of new schemes. They are as suspect today as they were when you were flush. The only difference is in your pallor.
● Love: Remember the game Truth or Dare? It's time to play a round with yourself -- only this time, there are only dares allowed. Dare yourself to talk to someone cute. Then dare yourself to ask them out. No do-overs!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Just let go and trust your instincts; they'll guide you the right way. All the carefully reasoned arguments in the world won't help you make that big decision today, so don't overthink it too much.
● Finances: Never look directly at the sun. Is your financial vision attractive or is it sheer brilliance? The only way to find out is to share it, and see how your listeners are affected.
● Love: Begging for a date is a strict no-no, but taking the initiative is always encouraged. Just make sure that your moves can't be misconstrued as being overly aggressive under the current assertive celestial energies.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You'll be frustrated with the pace around the workplace, but there's not much you can do about it. Try to relax and let things go for now -- you can pick up where you left off when the energy improves.
● Finances: It's time to give yourself a break so you can refocus. And that doesn't mean daydreaming about the future if that only adds to your stress. Imagine a profitable tomorrow.
● Love: Someone swoops in and saves the day. And you, you romantic creature, could easily mistake feelings of gratitude for feelings of romance if you're not careful. Weaving daydreams around this could be dangerous.