Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 12 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - August 12 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Have you thought about the feng shui of your cubicle? Try rearranging your computer or your bookshelves to give yourself a new outlook. Even a small change in your physical perspective can make a huge difference!
● Finances: Expansion, prosperity, contraction, recession -- it's the same old, same old. You're not experiencing something new, just something new to you. You can learn a lot if you study how this phase affects you, and the culture around you.
● Love: Your much-vaunted enthusiasm is a gift, but at this time you're able to see where and when you can best conserve your romantic efforts. After all, not every date can be a keeper. You should save some time for yourself.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Someone might say something completely unexpected at work today. Whatever it is, it's sure to be radical. Even if everyone else waves them off, listen up. This could be the answer you've been seeking.
● Finances: The more people need money, the more susceptible they are to taking risks. Don't do it, Taurus. It won't pay off. Slow and steady wins the race, even in desperate times.
● Love: Part of maturing is being able to see where you were responsible for some of the wrong turns in your romantic road. Your future prospects look better once you realize how much you can influence events.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: What's one of the greatest assets to have on the job? No, not an ergonomic stapler. No, not a spill-proof coffee thermos. It's an open mind! Fortunately, you're all over that today.
● Finances: You warned against good time extremes, but few listened. And even less will listen if you get the urge to say you told them so. Preaching won't get you or anyone else anywhere, so resist.
● Love: Normally you have energy to spare, but even a spark plug like you has to watch your resources. Dates may be demanding more than you want to give. Feel free to draw some boundaries and, most importantly, maintain them.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: This could be the start of a beautiful friendship, so make sure you work with this person again. A strong intellectual connection on the job translates into great ideas and more efficiency.
● Finances: It's taboo to talk about money, so your financial problems are your private problems. But keeping things bottled up isn't healthy, either. Find the right person to share with, without broadcasting your concerns.
● Love: Take the long view when it comes to love, especially if a good friend or family member is going through a dilemma. You have lots of hard-won wisdom that could really give them a sense of perspective right now.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: When it comes to your work, you're multifaceted -- you'll dazzle just about everyone at the office today with ease. Just don't step on any toes. Not everyone is as sparkly as you are!
● Finances: Don't be stressed out by change. Even a downturn can be exciting if you look at it the right way. You aren't really in dire straights, so think of riding out the storm as a unique kind of adventure.
● Love: You run into someone who seems out of this world. Not only do they make your pulse race, but some of the things they say leave you wondering if they're of this planet. Just sit back and enjoy the kooky ride.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Tackle one thing at a time today. You have so much going on in your head that it might be hard to focus on work. That should give the eddy of emotions in your head a chance to slow down.
● Finances: You may be tempted to take your first bit of profit and use it to make more, but you need that money for more practical things now. Family responsibilities come first, even before the chance to strike gold.
● Love: Your connection with a certain person is just plain uncanny. Who knew that you could be drawn to someone like this? It just goes to show you how surprising life can be. One thing always leads to another.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Budgetary concerns are on the top of your list. Examine every line item carefully before you make cuts or additions. Perhaps it's time to consult with your manager or someone who's more intimately involved with the money.
● Finances: If you're having a hard time balancing the books, it's time to explore some options. Make sure the only ones on your list meet the high ideal test, or at the very list, pass the smell test.
● Love: Lately, you've been so happy with a group social dynamic that it's hard to think about focusing on one person. Hey, go with it! If you're having fun with a gang, there's no reason to force yourself to change.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Someone might be taking the role of devil's advocate a little too far. If they're on your team, gently get them back on track. If they're not, let it just slide off your back and don't get involved.
● Finances: Something smells fishy. An impulse buy could earn you plenty of profit, but then again, you could wind up with something altogether different in your net. Ask yourself one simple question: what are the chances?
● Love: Improvement is a continual process. Why not take your impressive energies and devote them to a community or a global cause? You'll be fascinated by the process (and you might even meet someone fascinating).
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: A brand-new person, who will definitely shake things up, may show up on the job. Listen before you make any judgments. You might like what they have to say and they may end up becoming your new office BFF.
● Finances: How can some people stay happy in the midst of current conditions? They could have old money, or they could have good character. The only thing you can emulate is the later, so do your best.
● Love: What will be will be. You can't shape everything so that it meets your plans, least of all when it comes to love. Think how boring that would eventually become! Be grateful for all the small surprises the universe gives to you.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Right now, you can see farther than anyone else in your office or department. You're noticing an emerging trend that's about to impact your workplace in a big way -- spread the word.
● Finances: Moving ahead with lightening speed isn't possible in today's economy, but turning a profit is still an option. Stick to old fashioned discipline, structure and perseverance if you want to get ahead.
● Love: It's time to add some unusual plumage to your appearance. If you normally dress in black, try a splash of bright red. Sometimes you need to signal your availability to get the right kind of attention.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Don't play your cards too close to your chest; share your plans with a chosen few. To see your new business innovation actually happen, reach out -- ask for help. You can't execute this plan on your own.
● Finances: Networking isn't only for boom times. You need your connections now more than ever, and they need you right back. Get in touch with old connections, if only to remind yourself of the good times.
● Love: Let's face it, you're not like everybody else, so why should you meet someone and settle down the way everybody else does? Just the word 'settle' goes against what you stand for. Hold your standards in place.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Why don't you take that training class that's being offered? It might not be in your area of expertise or in your department's repertoire, but isn't that the point? Free your mind and learn a new skill.
● Finances: Is someone guiding the ship through the storm? Pay attention to your boss. They have information that you don't have. So if you think you know best, think again. In fact, don't say anything.
● Love: Venture out dateless and you might find more prospects than you would have believed. The trick is to go to a venue or event that really interests you. Lose yourself in the moment and someone will find you.