Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - July 30 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - July 30 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Discerning the truth from the lies will be difficult at the moment -- that's why it's not a good time for negotiating with clients or interviewing prospective recruits. Stick with paperwork until clarity prevails.
● Finances: It may be glamorous but it's not healthy to jump from one big thing to the next. Take your time and think things through for a change. Your biggest challenges have more to do with sitting idle than with conquering.
● Love: A measure of stature is the quality of your competition. So your potential romance has a lot of very interesting people vying for his or her attention -- this is actually great. It means you have to be on top of your game.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You'll find that the more you put into your career right now, the more you'll get back. Pushing yourself even harder than usual is definitely worthwhile, and you'll see quick results with a small bit of effort.
● Finances: You've won over your companions with your charm, your diplomacy -- and, yes, your money. The cold, hard cash simply can't be ignored but that doesn't lessen your accomplishment a bit.
● Love: Lately, it's occurred to you that you have a profound impact on others. No wonder you're so in demand, both in the workplace and socially. A romantic ideal is suddenly well within reach after all this time.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You'll have to duck and cover when the boss or a board member starts freaking out over something you know is trivial. There's no easy way to explain the situation, so your best bet is to hide out until calmer heads prevail.
● Finances: Don't wait for bills to catch up with you. Add up the damage now so you can prepare yourself, financially and emotionally. You already know the blow will be big, but you need to be more exact than that.
● Love: The stars say to put business on the back burner and to make social studies a priority. It's time to attend a party -- or, better yet, throw one. Group endeavors foster romance for everyone in your circle right now.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: A dilemma that's been bugging you all week will turn out to be an illusion. You don't have much choice in the matter, so let the dice roll. Luckily great fortune's coming your way, so it could turn out in your favor.
● Finances: You love nothing more than making long-range plans but that kind of focus makes the present slip by almost unnoticed. It's a good day to stop for a moment and notice all the small details that are the steppingstones to your goals.
● Love: Break a date if you're not feeling up for any mad socializing. Absolve yourself of any feelings of guilt -- it would be far worse to force yourself to go out. Tell this prospect that you'll reschedule soon.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Your leadership style is dominant right now, so take advantage of the situation and guide your team's thinking in the right direction. It'll be easy, and you may even come across a crucial bit of info.
● Finances: You have the urge to save just when it's finally appropriate to let go and spend. Why must you always be so out of synch with the universe? Your stubborn ways are getting you nowhere, Leo.
● Love: You know you're flirting. Your friends know you're flirting. The question is, does the object of your (mild) affection know that you're flirting? Your charm is more potent than you think, so deploy it carefully!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Coworkers or customers will try to draw you into their extracurricular problems. Luckily, it will be all too easy to bow out and take care of your own business -- you have plenty of that to contend with anyway.
● Finances: You are getting organized and it's not as hard as you thought. You'll be ready for anything once you stack your proverbial coins neatly in place. You may even find a discrepancy or two in what you've been charged once you finally get a grip on your bills.
● Love: Music moves you, heart and soul. Let any potential suitors see you at your very best. Catch a concert, go to a record store or, better yet, break out your own musical skills. Romantic harmony awaits!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You're finally starting to get the recognition you deserve, and your heart is swelling rather than your head. Take time to enjoy what you have before moving on to the next phase.
● Finances: You're too overwhelmed by your financial situation to want to socialize but you can't really avoid loved ones. It will do you good to focus on something other than money, anyway. Let yourself enjoy life.
● Love: You have plenty of time to find just the right person, so remind yourself of that even if a parent or a sibling starts getting on your case. The truth is, you're enjoying yourself. When you're ready to go long-term, you will.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Something you let drop might get taken way too seriously by peers or competitors, so be prepared for a little damage control when word gets out. Don't take it personally -- people are just glad it's you and not them.
● Finances: There is a secret to living the good life, and it lies in how to have a good day. One follows logically after another -- and another and another and another. The same holds true for your retirement plans. There is no time like the present to start building that bridge.
● Love: Love isn't always serious -- it can be downright lighthearted and whimsical if you let it. Give yourself a break and put a toe back in the romantic waters. Crushes are fun, so let yourself enjoy this one.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Watch out for unwarranted ego trips. You deserve a certain level of props, but right now you might feel that too much isn't enough. Try to lower those expectations just a tad.
● Finances: Go over all the details of your day-to-day spending. Cutting out the cappuccinos is a trendy way to save but you are wasting money in a completely different way. You have been taken for a ride simply because you haven't been paying attention. Wake up.
● Love: You're aces when it comes to interpreting other people's personality quirks. You always manage to find amusement from peccadilloes -- including your own. No wonder you're so in demand on dates.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Your energy will last for however long it takes to finish up what needs finishing. You might be surprised at how soon your reserves kick in -- and how long they last. Keep the momentum going.
● Finances: Don't just lay out big plans -- specify. You'll win over backers by itemizing more than by using a broad brush. After all, if they didn't know how to do the math, you wouldn't be approaching them in the first place.
● Love: Express yourself! In order to receive your romantic wishes, you have to be able to articulate them. Write them down, talk about them with a dear friend or use a grade-school exercise and make a collage.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: The boss hates drama. You hate drama. But your coworkers, apparently, are madly in love with it. Don't get involved -- stay away from the chaos as much as you can until they calm down.
● Finances: They say that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. You've been brought from the heights down to the ground. Keep your eyes open for anything that may be glinting in the dirt.
● Love: You always considered yourself a rarefied taste -- like fine French cheese or art house cinema, not everyone gets you. Well, not anymore. The stars enlighten the masses -- your appeal is definitely universal.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Try to keep pushing your projects forward, but be wary of new information that will come in. Some last-minute adjustments may be required on your part, and your compliance will be crucial.
● Finances: You've being given a golden opportunity and for once you shouldn't bother with due diligence. Just dive right in. This will work for you on more levels than one, as you'll come to understand once you get started.
● Love: You're low-key and easygoing, so when you think about someone you like, you think in terms of connecting with them or chatting for a few minutes. The stars say think bigger. Set out to rock their world!