Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - July 24 2017
Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - July 24 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Spending time with people outside of work only makes you a more valuable employee, so expand your horizons today. Reach out to friends and family for some personal enrichment -- avoid talking shop at all costs.
● Finances: You'll be distracted again and again if you let yourself. Phone calls, texts, emails -- all the personal messages in the world can't derail you unless you let them. Stay on task until the job is done.
● Love: Your friends are filled with good advice when it comes to relationships (or a lack thereof), but in the end, you're the only person who knows what's best for you. Learn to trust your own judgment and stay strong.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Look at the small picture for now, or you'll miss out on some important business that's going on in the details. Save the strategic vision for later, when you're prone to seeing things through a wide-angle lens.
● Finances: It's hard to make long-term plans right now, if only because the plans of the next few days are dominating your thoughts. Short-term plans are fine every now and then as long as you don't lose sight of your ultimate goal.
● Love: Is admiration a solid basis for a relationship? Who cares? It's more than promising for a delightful flirtation. Someone you like and know has the same feelings for you. It's time to exchange some witty repartee.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Be ready for some serious curveballs today. Spend your energy wisely and you'll come out on top -- just don't swing at every pitch. You don't have the wherewithal to make contact with everything the comes your way.
● Finances: Don't expect any follow through today unless you're planning on doing it yourself. The phrase, 'if you want something done right you have to do it yourself' was never so true. Forgive your colleagues but get the job done.
● Love: Fellow singletons are exactly what you need when the battlefield of romance gets to be too much. Digging at old wounds, however, is counterproductive. Don't get caught in a negative spiral. Take positive action.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You're the go-to person for implementing far-out changes in your personal and professional life. Make a name for yourself at home and at the office by making your outlandish ideas work for you and yours.
● Finances: A lot of things need to get done before you can consider yourself off the hook. Grousing about it will just waste your time and delay the inevitable. Buckle down even if the atmosphere is not exactly conducive to working.
● Love: To take from Gertrude Stein, 'a crush is a crush is a crush.' So you're attracted to this person -- that doesn't mean something has to happen. So don't beat yourself up with coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: If work is eating into your personal time too much, consider letting go of some territory or responsibility. It won't be easy, but it will open up new personal opportunities for you in the near future.
● Finances: Brainstorming just might work, even if it's initially hard to get people to focus. Things don't have to be perfect to work perfectly. Get a group of people together and discuss things until you find the right solution.
● Love: Do you really need to watch another episode of reality TV? You're wasting time that could be spent on having a more interesting, productive, intellectually stimulating life -- not to mention finding love.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: It's really a great day to be impulsive. After all, you spend your workweek being measured and in control. Well, now's a great time to let loose and let it all hang out. Push yourself out of your comfort zone today.
● Finances: Financial issues, sadly, dominate your thoughts. Your best strategy is to tackle them now so you can have a vacation from the stress and worry. You have what you need to do just that if you apply yourself.
● Love: Put down the self-help books, tear up the checklists and stop taking magazine personality quizzes. Get in touch with your emotions rather than approaching romance strategically. Be open to the energies in the air.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: When it comes to making plans today -- especially personal plans -- don't be too rigid. Let the day unfold naturally and see what comes up. You'll be surprised at what kind of experiences and opportunities come your way.
● Finances: Preparing for your immediate future means oiling your jawbones. You'll be talking about lots of things, true, but none of them will be new to you -- or anyone else involved in the conversation. Sigh.
● Love: Your airy, flirtatious quality is what draws a certain someone to you, but communication is filled with troubled waters right now. Make sure you're attentive, or they could see you as flighty and self-involved.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Start working on your focus and you'll go even farther. You tend to let things slide when you're feeling good, but for maximum efficiency and success, you need to keep up that intensity no matter what.
● Finances: Be careful with your money today. Someone thinks your inattentive attitude means they can slip one over on you. Stay focused on the fine print even if your mind naturally goes elsewhere.
● Love: A discreet friend is trying to drop some crucial information about your potential new sweetie without resorting to gossip. Listen up or this news could pass you by right when you need it the most.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Sure, you can probably afford it, but do you want to? Let you finances settle down for a few more weeks. Don't be afraid to put your foot down and make a decision that will positively impact your whole family.
● Finances: If you're not bored, consider yourself lucky. You long to make some big deals but there's just nothing doing today. Don't expect to make the big bucks now. You'll just have to be patient.
● Love: Easy come, easy go. Keep a lighthearted attitude handy when you're looking for love. Not only will you keep a good sense of perspective, but also your easy-breezy attitude is sure to attract just the right person.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Surround yourself with people you have personal alliances with -- that means friends, family, even close business associates. Don't hesitate to leave work-related stuff where it belongs: at the office.
● Finances: You suddenly understand something that has been confusing for ages. It's not the right time to put your theory to the test; your impatience will make the next several days all the more difficult to endure.
● Love: Think of your life as a classic screwball romantic comedy. There's witty repartee. There's a sassy sidekick. Most importantly (and satisfyingly), there are hilarious misunderstandings that lead to a sweet resolution.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You're radiating all kinds of great energy right now -- you've been waiting for a day off for what seems like years. Embrace it! If you don't have to get out of your PJs, by all means, stay in comfort all day long!
● Finances: If you're waiting for sparks to fly, you'll be waiting a long time. Enjoy an intellectual connection for what it is and don't expect anything more. Once the infatuation fades you'll be happy you didn't spend a small fortune on it.
● Love: Your life has become so busy, active and interesting that you've totally forgotten about the pursuit of romance -- and of course that's when all the interest starts happening. The universe is funny that way.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Most of your days are spent being immersed in business and numbers, so why not let your creative side show today? You'll find many outlets, so pick just one and get to work. Allow your personality to blossom.
● Finances: You're overwhelmed on both a personal and financial level. Spending money seems to be a must, but it's really not necessary. A bit of creativity works wonders on what you can contribute on a small budget.
● Love: You're being pulled in two directions when it comes to romance. Don't make a big dramatic production out of it. Just make a choice and move on. The other parties will deal with it in their own way.