Horoscope for today - Free Daily Horoscope - July 9 2017
● General: A gathering of kindred spirits is coming up, and soon. You'll definitely be invited, and while you're there, you're due to cross paths with someone who'll be quite appealing to you for a variety of reasons. Don't get too caught up in the whys of it. Just enjoy the connection. In a very subtle way, this person may affect your life for some time to come. Pay attention.
● Work: Balking will get you nowhere -- keep an open mind! In trying to push through an impasse on a project, don't reject daring solutions. Sometimes the most outrageous proposal is the one that yields the biggest rewards.
● Finances: You may wake up feeling like you're in a foreign land, even if you're in your own bed. There is just something unfamiliar about the world around you today. Make the most of the odd feelings. See things as they really are.
● Love: It's amazing how the same romantic problems keep popping up, only wearing a different change of clothes. Now that you've seen the pattern, you can start to do something about it before too long.
● General: It's not exactly true that you're stubborn. Fixed, maybe, focused, for sure and definitely fond of your routine -- but stubborn? Well, stubborn is a bit harsh. So when a new authority figure arrives with a whole new way of doing things -- and when you're not exactly tickled about it -- don't let anyone pin that one on you. Besides, you never know. Time may prove that you were right to resist at least one of the changes they want to initiate.
● Work: Preparation is everything, especially when your proposal has a financial impact. Make sure you've anticipated every question and angle, and no one will catch you off your guard. After all, you've worked the data!
● Finances: You can charm strangers today but you can't charm those who know you well. They are onto you, Taurus. No one is willing to take any financial risks with you today, so don't waste your breath trying to convince them.
● Love: Do you really need all kinds of fancy advice and self-help books for what ails your love life? You can give yourself just the Rx you need. Figure out what it is you need -- and what you can compromise on.
● General: You're as versatile as anyone could possibly be. So when a new friend comes to you with an exciting plan, you won't think twice about agreeing. All you'll be worried about will be how to pull it together. But don't worry. If you really want to do this, and you give yourself a couple of hours and a legal pad, you'll manage it just fine. Doesn't matter whether it's Egypt for three months or eight days chasing tornadoes in Okalahoma. You're due for an adventure.
● Work: Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, it takes a little disagreement to break through a roadblock that's been keeping you from reaching your full potential. So go ahead, speak up when everyone else keeps quiet!
● Finances: If you woke up ready to face just another run of the mill day, hold onto your hat. You're in for a good time, in the extreme, whether it's hitting a long-standing goal or hitting the jackpot in a totally random way.
● Love: The first time is an accident, the second time is a coincidence -- but a third time means the stars are trying to tell you something! This person you 'happen' to run into over and over again might be meant for a more serious role in your life.
● General: Keeping things inside you is familiar territory. You know how to do it, and you're good at it. But you've been bitten by a bug, and you're suddenly just dying to let it all out -- everything you've been holding onto for so very long. Whether you choose to reach out on a physical, emotional or mental level, you've made the decision to do it, so don't hold anything back.
● Work: Tiptoe around the big bosses and be sure to use your indoor voice. They're feeling a touch grumpy, and you and your coworkers would be better off not provoking their ire. Tend to quiet work and stay scarce.
● Finances: Isn't licking your wounds getting old? It's time to do something for yourself that doesn't involve pity. Remind yourself of how competent you once felt and don't let the recent past's failings hobble you.
● Love: Chemistry counts. Even if someone looks great on paper, you two might be missing that all-too-necessary spark when you meet face to face. Feelings matter more than facts right now, so listen to your instincts.
● General: Isn't love grand? And interesting? If you answered 'yes' to one or both of those questions, let's just say that you ain't seen nothing yet. For the next few weeks, all your relationships are due to become eminently grand, eminently interesting -- and oh, so exciting. That goes double for existing relationships -- believe it or not. You're due for newfound passion -- and some surprise moves from your partner, too.
● Work: You won't get anywhere with a radical proposal unless you use diplomacy and tact. Constructive not destructive criticism will win them over to your way of thinking -- and that's something you can't live without now.
● Finances: If you ignore subtle hints, then don't be surprised when the universe resorts to shouting in your ear. The signs of romance are being amplified by the minute. In your case, ignorance is not bliss.
● Love: Feel like dating has become a high-stakes game? No wonder you're not enjoying yourself! It's all about the journey, not the destination. You'll meet your mate eventually, but on the way, you can have a lot of fun.
● General: When you get up this morning, you may think you should expect just more of the same old, same old, from your workday -- but nothing could be farther from the truth. Someone who's quite far from routine, monotonous or ordinary will be along to throw some fireworks your way -- fireworks of the most interesting kind. Just for the heck of it, wear something a tad flashier than you usually do.
● Work: Roll up your sleeves and dig in! For some people, stress makes things more difficult. For you, it's a motivator. You're right in the middle of the action; and right now, there's nowhere you'd rather be.
● Finances: You'd love to rush into the waiting arms of your future, but you're stuck in the present. Force yourself to make the most of what you have on hand. It will only help make your future that much brighter.
● Love: The most attractive quality about a person isn't how they look or how much money they make -- it's how passionate they are about life. The more you find to love, the more love is able to find you.
● General: You've got a lot on your mind now, there's no doubt about that -- but there's more coming, so you'd better clear your plate and make room. Someone extremely different will be along shortly, apparently sent by the universe to wrench you out of anything in your life that even remotely resembles a rut. You, of course, are the very soul of sociability, so you won't mind at all. Your partner, now -- well, they may feel a bit differently about the subject. Be prudent. And patient.
● Work: As much as you may be tempted to procrastinate, there's really no delaying the inevitable. You might as well get it over with while it's fresh in your mind. If you wait any longer, you'll be in over your head timewise.
● Finances: Your communication style leaves a bit to be desired. Simply stating the facts isn't the best way to get your message across. Try to be a bit more expressive -- your financial future may be riding on it.
● Love: You think you know what you need when it comes to your perfect mate, but consider this: What you needed five or ten years ago is so very different from what you need now. Learn to be more flexible.
● General: Better fasten your seatbelt and put your table tray in the upright position -- because there's a bit of a bumpy ride ahead. For the moment, you can expect one of several rather unusual scenarios to unfold: a) a new and unusual addition to your family; b) a career opportunity in an entirely different field; c) the chance to move to a place you've always wanted to live or d) all of the above. See? Buckle up, now.
● Work: The more you know about a customer or client, the more you'll impress them with your concern for their satisfaction. Knowledge is power -- get some any way you can!
● Finances: Trust your instincts more than the person trying to convince you. You're too old to be taken in by the kind of persuasion they are dishing up. When you feel yourself getting swept away, hold onto your wallet.
● Love: You can write your own ticket when it comes to romance these days. The stars acknowledge that you've had a cycle of struggle, but it's full speed ahead once you know what you want. And you do, right?
● General: The good news is this: For the moment, you'll be especially unbridled in the department of conversation -- an astrological 'additive' you really didn't need -- but you'll also be so wildly, unpredictably charming that no one will mind. The bad news? You'll be feeling so absolutely free to say whatever you want, without any guilt, for once, that after this 'gift' from the heavens has passed, you'll miss it. There's only one thing to do: Take advantage of it while it's here.
● Work: All you wanted was a little feedback -- so why is a supervisor giving you the cold shoulder? Relax, this isn't about you. There's nothing you can do about it now, so wait until they're feeling more responsive.
● Finances: Goodwill is a must. Don't expect any doors to open without it. Dominating the issue or the other people involved might seem like the solution to your problem, but that approach will only come back to haunt you.
● Love: You want to make this date stunning, unforgettable, the best one ever. How about settling for enjoyable and fun? After all, the point is to have another date with someone you like, not to set a world record.
● General: Just for the heck of it, invite someone to go shopping with you who you know secretly thinks you're too 'traditional' in your tastes. Then prepare to have some fun, as you watch the look on their face change and change again. You'll want to peruse specialty shops and boutiques that carry absolutely nothing they'd ever expect you to be remotely interested in, much less make a purchase in. Just don't get too carried away with the plastic. This, too, shall pass.
● Work: No one can do everything on their own. That's something even your boss understands. If you can't get an extension, ask for backup. Chances are you'll need as much help as possible to get it done on schedule.
● Finances: Okay, so you're a tiny bit idealistic. You still have a chance of succeeding, albeit not in the spectacular way you are imagining. Don't let anyone talk you out of your spot-on belief in your plans.
● Love: Lately, you've been in a misanthropic mood. All you've wanted to do is rent DVDs and watch them at home with a few friends. That's fine -- you can't be a social animal all the time. Love will wait.
● General: In the mood to 'do something different' with yourself? In the physical sense, that is? Good. Get used to it, because it's yours for the moment. Whether it's a diet, quitting a bad habit or just changing everything about yourself, from your hairstyle to your wardrobe, you won't do it in a small way. This will be a change that's absolutely impossible to ignore -- which will suit you just fine. Speaking of being noticed, expect at least one special someone to offer up a really nice compliment.
● Work: A new way of doing things may seem alluring, but before you jump on the latest bandwagon, make sure you've kept a few options open. Sometimes hot prospects are really just dead ends.
● Finances: There is a message about you that is being disseminated far and wide, and it's not a pretty one. The messenger? You. Take a long, hard look in the mirror and make a few changes before pitching your ideas to anyone.
● Love: Just when your swingin' life as a singleton was going swimmingly, a past love shows up and knocks you on your head. Just remember that the person you are now is very different from the person who dated them.
● General: Pretend that you're working undercover on an extremely exciting assignment. You've got a top-secret mission to accomplish, and you're determined to go it alone. Your first priority, of course, will be to dash out and pick up all the accessories any Mata Hari or James Bond would need: dark sunglasses, digitally-locked briefcase and lots of black outfits. After that, though, it will be on to the far more practical purchase: A journal. You won't want to forget this month. Guaranteed!
● Work: Think strategically about a tricky assignment. If you're concerned about deadline pressure, it may be a good idea to get the broad strokes out of the way first, then fill in the details later.
● Finances: No matter how many times you flip a coin, it lands on your side. You are on a winning streak that won't be broken anytime soon. It takes more than luck on your side to be successful, though, so focus on your skill set.
● Love: Being flexible is a part of life, especially when it comes to love. However, if your recent partner seems to be too fond of taking and not good with giving, it might be time to reevaluate your personal boundaries.
● Work: Balking will get you nowhere -- keep an open mind! In trying to push through an impasse on a project, don't reject daring solutions. Sometimes the most outrageous proposal is the one that yields the biggest rewards.
● Finances: You may wake up feeling like you're in a foreign land, even if you're in your own bed. There is just something unfamiliar about the world around you today. Make the most of the odd feelings. See things as they really are.
● Love: It's amazing how the same romantic problems keep popping up, only wearing a different change of clothes. Now that you've seen the pattern, you can start to do something about it before too long.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Preparation is everything, especially when your proposal has a financial impact. Make sure you've anticipated every question and angle, and no one will catch you off your guard. After all, you've worked the data!
● Finances: You can charm strangers today but you can't charm those who know you well. They are onto you, Taurus. No one is willing to take any financial risks with you today, so don't waste your breath trying to convince them.
● Love: Do you really need all kinds of fancy advice and self-help books for what ails your love life? You can give yourself just the Rx you need. Figure out what it is you need -- and what you can compromise on.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, it takes a little disagreement to break through a roadblock that's been keeping you from reaching your full potential. So go ahead, speak up when everyone else keeps quiet!
● Finances: If you woke up ready to face just another run of the mill day, hold onto your hat. You're in for a good time, in the extreme, whether it's hitting a long-standing goal or hitting the jackpot in a totally random way.
● Love: The first time is an accident, the second time is a coincidence -- but a third time means the stars are trying to tell you something! This person you 'happen' to run into over and over again might be meant for a more serious role in your life.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Tiptoe around the big bosses and be sure to use your indoor voice. They're feeling a touch grumpy, and you and your coworkers would be better off not provoking their ire. Tend to quiet work and stay scarce.
● Finances: Isn't licking your wounds getting old? It's time to do something for yourself that doesn't involve pity. Remind yourself of how competent you once felt and don't let the recent past's failings hobble you.
● Love: Chemistry counts. Even if someone looks great on paper, you two might be missing that all-too-necessary spark when you meet face to face. Feelings matter more than facts right now, so listen to your instincts.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You won't get anywhere with a radical proposal unless you use diplomacy and tact. Constructive not destructive criticism will win them over to your way of thinking -- and that's something you can't live without now.
● Finances: If you ignore subtle hints, then don't be surprised when the universe resorts to shouting in your ear. The signs of romance are being amplified by the minute. In your case, ignorance is not bliss.
● Love: Feel like dating has become a high-stakes game? No wonder you're not enjoying yourself! It's all about the journey, not the destination. You'll meet your mate eventually, but on the way, you can have a lot of fun.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Roll up your sleeves and dig in! For some people, stress makes things more difficult. For you, it's a motivator. You're right in the middle of the action; and right now, there's nowhere you'd rather be.
● Finances: You'd love to rush into the waiting arms of your future, but you're stuck in the present. Force yourself to make the most of what you have on hand. It will only help make your future that much brighter.
● Love: The most attractive quality about a person isn't how they look or how much money they make -- it's how passionate they are about life. The more you find to love, the more love is able to find you.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: As much as you may be tempted to procrastinate, there's really no delaying the inevitable. You might as well get it over with while it's fresh in your mind. If you wait any longer, you'll be in over your head timewise.
● Finances: Your communication style leaves a bit to be desired. Simply stating the facts isn't the best way to get your message across. Try to be a bit more expressive -- your financial future may be riding on it.
● Love: You think you know what you need when it comes to your perfect mate, but consider this: What you needed five or ten years ago is so very different from what you need now. Learn to be more flexible.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: The more you know about a customer or client, the more you'll impress them with your concern for their satisfaction. Knowledge is power -- get some any way you can!
● Finances: Trust your instincts more than the person trying to convince you. You're too old to be taken in by the kind of persuasion they are dishing up. When you feel yourself getting swept away, hold onto your wallet.
● Love: You can write your own ticket when it comes to romance these days. The stars acknowledge that you've had a cycle of struggle, but it's full speed ahead once you know what you want. And you do, right?
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: All you wanted was a little feedback -- so why is a supervisor giving you the cold shoulder? Relax, this isn't about you. There's nothing you can do about it now, so wait until they're feeling more responsive.
● Finances: Goodwill is a must. Don't expect any doors to open without it. Dominating the issue or the other people involved might seem like the solution to your problem, but that approach will only come back to haunt you.
● Love: You want to make this date stunning, unforgettable, the best one ever. How about settling for enjoyable and fun? After all, the point is to have another date with someone you like, not to set a world record.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: No one can do everything on their own. That's something even your boss understands. If you can't get an extension, ask for backup. Chances are you'll need as much help as possible to get it done on schedule.
● Finances: Okay, so you're a tiny bit idealistic. You still have a chance of succeeding, albeit not in the spectacular way you are imagining. Don't let anyone talk you out of your spot-on belief in your plans.
● Love: Lately, you've been in a misanthropic mood. All you've wanted to do is rent DVDs and watch them at home with a few friends. That's fine -- you can't be a social animal all the time. Love will wait.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: A new way of doing things may seem alluring, but before you jump on the latest bandwagon, make sure you've kept a few options open. Sometimes hot prospects are really just dead ends.
● Finances: There is a message about you that is being disseminated far and wide, and it's not a pretty one. The messenger? You. Take a long, hard look in the mirror and make a few changes before pitching your ideas to anyone.
● Love: Just when your swingin' life as a singleton was going swimmingly, a past love shows up and knocks you on your head. Just remember that the person you are now is very different from the person who dated them.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Think strategically about a tricky assignment. If you're concerned about deadline pressure, it may be a good idea to get the broad strokes out of the way first, then fill in the details later.
● Finances: No matter how many times you flip a coin, it lands on your side. You are on a winning streak that won't be broken anytime soon. It takes more than luck on your side to be successful, though, so focus on your skill set.
● Love: Being flexible is a part of life, especially when it comes to love. However, if your recent partner seems to be too fond of taking and not good with giving, it might be time to reevaluate your personal boundaries.