Free Daily Horoscope - July 14 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: With your energy levels higher than usual, even boring tasks will be oddly rewarding. No one can sustain this kind of momentum forever, of course, so make an extra push to get things done while you have the gumption.
● Finances: There's more than one way to achieve your goals. If the definition of insanity is trying the same thing again and again expecting a different outcome, then you are officially off your rocker. Try something new.
● Love: Matters have been more fizzle than sizzle in the romance department lately, but fear not. Love takes a turn for the better soon. Either a current relationship will deepen or a new connection will spark.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Resist the temptation to hurry, or you could find yourself doing things over later. With so much on your plate, you may be tempted to cut corners and do things in a slapdash manner.
● Finances: You have an outrageous idea brewing. It may be on the back burner now, but when you give it your full attention it will be downright radical. Expect a bit of push-back; ideas like these can't help but generate power struggles.
● Love: Love is closer than you think. In fact, it's very probably just around the corner -- or closer to home than you would have considered. Keep an open mind and a receptive heart. Anything can happen.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Anticipate budget cutbacks before they happen by cutting down on unnecessary expenses. A little advance preparation will make any unavoidable reductions easier to stomach.
● Finances: It's time to reconsider some of your most dearly-held opinions regarding money. Your parents taught you well, but why do things exactly the way you're their own parents did? There are newer, fresher ways to handle your money that make sense for today.
● Love: Whether you realize it or not, you're even more darling when you're daring. Stop trying to hide your light under a bushel. Be less of what you think your date wants and be the you that you've always known you could be.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: The details may seem overwhelming but resist the temptation to go with the easiest option. Pay close attention to all the alternatives and take your time before making a decision.
● Finances: You'll have a lot of different situations to face today, and being rigid is out of the question. Flexibility is the only way to make it from sunup to sundown without breaking, both you and the bank.
● Love: Be persistent and intelligent and you'll secure the relationship you want. You don't have to work at being charming or attractive. Your trustworthy attitude -- not to mention your winning smile -- draws people to you.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You're an integral part of this process, but don't take credit when others deserve it. Be humble about your contributions and others will be more than willing to pay you the compliments you deserve.
● Finances: Relationships are all about power, whether it's acknowledged or not. Money only highlights the issue for you today. There's no reason to pretend you're above caring, either. You'll hold on for dear life when the time comes.
● Love: Move forward and you'll feel yourself leaving a stagnant state of mind behind. Get yourself physically out there. The stars say love interests could be jogging around the park, just like you ....
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: You may think it's too late to take back a recent decision but check again. There may be just enough time left before the deadline to undo even a major misstep. After all, it's in your best interest to get it right.
● Finances: Once your mind has been opened, you'll see everything differently, from your worldview right down to your own, personal routine. It's the little things that make the most profound difference.
● Love: Are you trying to impress someone you like? You really don't need to make all that effort, you know. Believe it or not, you're at your most delightful and charming when you make no effort at all.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Coworkers' demands may become a little overwhelming. Try to downsize their expectations to a realistic level. Some things just aren't your responsibility, and you need to know when to draw the line.
● Finances: It's imperative that you try something new. But how, you ask? There are plenty of ways to spice up the tried and true. Your money is just sitting idly in accounts when it could be working hard for you. You don't have to do much shuffling to make a big difference.
● Love: You can actually end a stalemate or some procrastination by taking your time. When it comes to love, the extra thought you put into an endeavor will really pay off at this moment. So put on that thinking cap.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Slow down there! Yes, you absolutely want to get through this assignment or meeting sooner rather than later; but if you rush, you're in danger of missing some relevant and eye-opening revelations.
● Finances: Your cave is your castle. Don't let anyone convince you to spend a small fortune making it look any different than it is right this second. Others may think your decorating choices -- or lack of them -- are radical but you are fine with them, and that's what counts.
● Love: You want to stay home and put up your feet, but your best friend begs you to come along and play wingperson for them. Go ahead and say yes, just this once. The stars will send you a lovely surprise.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: You're an idea machine now, and everyone is turning to you to help fine tune their proposals or get them over a creative hump. Just make sure you get credit where credit is due.
● Finances: Communication is key to a successful day. It's hard to impress people when you're not really connecting with them. You'll get your maverick ideas across better if you do it in an original way.
● Love: You need to heal old wounds before you can move into the healthy relationship the stars say is waiting for you. It won't be easy, but this step is necessary. Go ahead and grieve, then you'll soon be on the mend.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Keep your big plans to yourself for now; you don't want to give away secrets to a rival before you've sealed the deal. There'll be plenty of time for bragging later, but for now, mum's the word.
● Finances: You don't have to stray drastically from your comfort zone to make big changes, but you do have to make some small effort to do things a bit differently. Both you and your bank account will grow from the experience.
● Love: Feel like a recent date is more like a missing person? What gives? Who knows. You're not a mind reader, and you have your own life to lead. The fact is you just can't know everything that's going on with them.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Tensions may be simmering beneath the surface between you and a colleague, so try to stay on your best behavior and avoid making idle comments. Anything you say or do may be subject to misinterpretation.
● Finances: It's a high-energy day and you're not the only one who can feel the excitement. Share your goals with those around you and they're more likely than not to help you reach them.
● Love: Are you really in a space where you want to commit? If not, then don't pretend otherwise. Be up-front with the person -- or people -- currently on your romantic prospects list. They'll appreciate it.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: The complexities of your industry or business may bog others down, but to you, they're a cinch. You're on the right path; stay the course and watch the dividends roll in.
● Finances: Are you open to changing your goals a bit? Making them more realistic isn't as painful as you imagine. Once you bring them back down to earth, you'll be reaching them in no time.
● Love: Had a few words with a potential cutie? Now, yours is a peace-loving sign, but running away won't make this problem disappear. Realize that disagreement is normal. Just deal with the conflict and move on.