Free Daily Horoscope - June 7 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Don't be afraid to exploit your innate advantages, skills, and talents. After all, you have the upper hand in negotiations right now. Everyone knows exactly who they're dealing with, so they'll make sure to defer to your greatness.
● Finances: You're wondering if you're being a bit too self-interested, but it's hard to know for sure. Take your cues from those around you. Spending money on others is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sharing.
● Love: Are you asking the impossible of yourself? Figure out what's realistic when it comes to your romantic life. It's also a good time to establish a boundary between other people's expectations of your own.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Your case has never been more clear than now because you're becoming indispensable around the office and everybody knows it. Is it time to ask for a raise? Perhaps! Don't be afraid to brag -- a little self-promotion never hurt.
● Finances: Even greedy feelings eventually get old. You're finally bored with gobbling up everything you want. It's a good day to spend figuring out how to really take care of yourself, since merely making money no longer hits the spot.
● Love: The most ordinary places can bring the start of extraordinary love. Make sure you tackle as many mundane errands as you can today. Even taking the garbage out could lead to a truly stellar connection.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Don't launch into a presentation without doing your research first. You'll build a more convincing case if you anticipate every question they might toss your way and come up with ideas and possibilities they hadn't considered.
● Finances: If you're hoping others will step in to pick up all the loose ends, you're dreaming. You have a lot to finish up before you can call it a day, and you're the only one who's equipped to do it. At least you'll feel good once it's all said and done.
● Love: Bemoaning your love life doesn't do any good -- in fact, it makes you feel worse. The stars direct you to feel grateful for the blessings you have in your life. Make a list of all the good luck you have in your life.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Don't allow a weak link to ruin everything you and the team have worked so hard to accomplish. Instead of throwing this person under the bus, try to exploit their talents and motivate them to work toward the common good.
● Finances: Things at home are not going as smoothly as things in your professional life are. That might be a first, but at least you have some experience handling this kind of challenge. Treat it in a calm, business-like manner and act like it matters. Pretend your money is at stake.
● Love: Swapping stories with other singles is always fun, but make sure it doesn't wind up becoming an endless circle of complaints. That's where madness (and irritation) lies. No one's life is perfect, even if it seems that way.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: No one gets instant results. Remember, success takes time, patience and a little fortuity. Don't get so impatient when things don't work out exactly as planned. Learn from your mistakes so you don't repeat them.
● Finances: It's not popcorn and butter or coffee and cream, but it's close. You've happened upon the perfect combination on another level. Make sure whatever financial decisions you make about your find match its real value.
● Love: Sometimes you're envious of long-term couples. Well, sometimes they're jealous of you. Relish the freedom to go out dancing with your friends and to stay in bed on the weekends reading the paper.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Keep your emotions and opinions out of the fray -- just stick with the facts. Making the case for radical change takes diplomacy and skill. Use constructive criticism to win them over to your way of thinking.
● Finances: You're sick of paddling in the baby pool. You're ready to take off your water wings and make a big splash. All the training in the world won't make you any better prepared to jump in than you are right this minute. Don't hesitate.
● Love: Forget about your 'type' or what you 'usually' do when it comes to love. For right now, abandon those old habits. Try something brand-new instead. You might like it so much that you'll make it a new habit.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Reach into your innermost core for support and momentum now. You've always been willing to try things that others deemed impossible. That creative impulse will help you now while you're trying to push through this impasse.
● Finances: You're due a good day -- no, a super day -- and that's just the kind of day it could turn out to be with a little help from you. Up the ante whenever you can, and before you know it you'll be beating the house.
● Love: A coupled-up pal wants to complain and complain and complain about their relationship. Let them. You can be simultaneously sympathetic and appreciative of how the grass isn't always greener.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Finally, you've done the footwork, laid the foundation and now it's time to cash in on your efforts. There's plenty of business to go around, but after all the hard work you've done, why share? It's okay to be stingy with your babies.
● Finances: Sure, you could just give in and walk away, but would you feel good about it? At the end of the day, it's about more than just money. Don't do what's easy, do what's right.
● Love: Money matters can get tricky when you and a certain party are still in getting-to-know-you mode. It's important that you learn to trust each other. Be honest about what your limits are, and expect the same from them.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Admit it: You love being in the middle of the action. The more stressed out you are, the better you perform. No wonder you're doing so well right now. Everyone's looking to see what you'll come up with next -- don't disappoint.
● Finances: Some things are hard to swallow, like too much work and not enough play. There's a lot of hard work in your immediate future, but it's peppered with plenty of fun and laughter. That's what makes it all so palatable. Enjoy.
● Love: You know what's sexy? Getting back to basics. Take a new date on a hike or a trip to the beach. You'll learn so much more about each other when you're in natural elements. Simplicity can be sensual.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: The office environment can breed anonymity, but you don't have to let it. Fight back. Talk to unfamiliar colleagues or eat lunch in the break rooms of different departments. You never know where the conversation will take you.
● Finances: You're getting off track by forgetting one of your own cardinal rules. Don't let yourself get too far off course. Check your internal compass and follow your own lead if you want to end up in the proper destination.
● Love: You need a combination of head and heart when it comes to dating. You can't always go on analytical judgments -- you need to soften that with some kindness and understanding. Give a little.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Your current job isn't where you want to be forever. But it's a lot better than where you've been. So don't be so impatient -- you'll move up the ladder. But first, you're going to have to pay your dues.
● Finances: Someone you normally don't understand at all suddenly seems easy to decipher. In fact, they are a whole lot like you. This deep connection won't last forever, so try to seal the deal while you can.
● Love: Personal romantic goals need to be set aside for now in favor of focusing on some lifestyle choices. It's time to start eating better and exercising more. While you're at it, find ways to feed your brain too.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Don't worry about cutting corners -- the important thing now is getting the job done. You can always go back and clean up later. Think outside the box: strategic thinking will get you through a tricky situation.
● Finances: Life may seem pretty good to you right now but there is always room for improvement. Money or debts might not be directly involved but they will be affected by any changes you make for the better today.
● Love: It's time to use your skills for a larger cause. How can you help out your friends, family, neighborhood and the global community? Your efforts to expand your passions reintroduce passion into your life.