Free Daily Horoscope - June 25 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Today is an opportunity to reflect on your past actions and gain inspiration to keep future plans going. You have an insightful eye right now, and you see something big you can take advantage of if you line up everything just so.
● Finances: When it comes to communication, take the easy way out. An email is fine if your only access to the target it through the computer. One-on-one conversations are more energy than they're worth -- but only today.
● Love: Your straightforward compliment (or outright proposal) is about a billion times sexier than other people's eyelash-batting and beating around the bush. Say what you mean for terrific results now.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Slow and steady wins the race, especially during this season. If you try to push yourself too hard, you'll just have a tangle of complications (and a bad hangover) to deal with next week -- so keep moving at your own pace.
● Finances: You are ready to rush out of the gate and right down the track to the finish line. Unfortunately, it's a day of hurrying up to wait. Being patient will be your hardest task of the day.
● Love: Who, you -- acting on an impulse? The stars are sending some unusual energy your way -- energy that might prompt you to do something unexpected or even off-the-wall in the realm of romance.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Even if it's a slow day, that's no reason to let your fantastic leadership skills go to waste. Take charge and get things moving in the right direction. There are strategies to analyze, emails to answer, and goals to meet!
● Finances: It may look to outsiders like you're not getting anything done but you are actually coming up with plenty of good ideas to use at a later date. Keep on shooting the bull, if that's what it looks like because it's like depositing money in your nest egg.
● Love: Communication's key now, whether you're getting on the same wavelength as a romantic prospect or touching base with some favorite friends. You're great at connecting this way, so sort it out.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Even though you have a lot on your plate, you can't help but look at your phone. If you discover something troublesome, don't react immediately -- you can't do anything about it now. Wait a few days, when you'll have a new perspective and feel more grounded.
● Finances: Breaking out of your shell and running wild will have to wait. You may be feeling irritable about the last loose ends that need to be tied up but you just can't avoid them. Force yourself to complete the task before you even daydream about moving on to a new project.
● Love: The reaction you're having now may seem all-encompassing, entirely rational and absolutely correct, but it could be just the beginning of a much larger thoughts-and-feelings process. Get a reality check from a friend.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the food, but something a new client or coworker said last week finally clicks -- and you love it! This might not be the most radical notion you've ever entertained, but it will make an impact.
● Finances: It's time to stop playing 'meeting' and start playing 'party.' You'll get much further, faster if you spend your energy on socializing rather than on acting professional. Find the place where all the good ideas come out to play.
● Love: Oh, the luxury of being able to change your mind, adopt new opinions, try out different points of view. As a single, you're especially at liberty to do all of this -- and right now, you'll be loving it.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: This time of the year always brings up money issues, personally and professionally. When you get back to the office next week, slow down and assess your financial situation. It's more complex than you realize, so make sure you have a good grasp of it all.
● Finances: Conversation can make or break your day, depending on how you express yourself. Tread carefully, especially with someone known to be hypersensitive. Act like you're walking on eggshells when money is the topic.
● Love: Talking to a coworker about romantic matters right now could lead to a bit of an issue. Even if you've got an established personal relationship, keep it professional for the moment.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Make sure your relationships are as strong as possible for what's coming ahead. You have a lot on your mind, and most of it relates to the people you work most closely with. But that stuff can wait for now. Enjoy yourself!
● Finances: You've done about as much thinking and planning as you can possibly do. You are beyond prepared to begin. So what is holding you back? Don't let your fears keep you from succeeding -- that would be too predictable of you.
● Love: Your natural diplomacy comes in handy now when you're faced with a potentially awkward situation. Finesse it as only you know how, and you'll come out of it smelling like the proverbial rose.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: This time of the year have a way of creating conflict, and you've probably found yourself in a few scuffles over the past few days. If you're still hanging on to a resentment or two, let it all go. Let bygones be bygones and enjoy the day!
● Finances: Others may be playing it safe but you're ready to do a bit of gambling, with or without a safety net. The economy may not be ready but you are. Just be especially careful if you're playing with borrowed money.
● Love: Romance may be on the back burner at the moment -- the stars say it's more important to handle the day-to-day and also take extra good care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and you'll be ready when you're back in action.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Karma knows if you've been bad or good -- and you've definitely been on your best behavior. So expect a nice present when you get back to the office next week. The gods of recruitment will send you the ideal job candidate: just what you needed!
● Finances: It's good to keep busy. If there isn't anything pressing for you to tackle, then come up with something on your own. It shouldn't be hard to come up with something worthwhile, one way or another -- there is busy work and then there is busy work.
● Love: When it comes to the realm of romance, if you're not having fun, you're not doing it right. Set the expectations to the side, flirt randomly, laugh long and loud, and you're on the right track.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Procrastinating is not that bad some days but today it would be deadly to your career. There are certain projects that need to be started right away even if you don't end up finishing them. Find some inspiration and get to work.
● Finances: The universe is holding up a mirror to you, in the form of the people you attract. Try to spend time with only those who are financially successful if that's your goal for your own makeover.
● Love: Sticking to your regular tasks and working hard gives you a needed sense of security and accomplishment. Others may say 'all work and no play,' but you know 'all things in good time' -- including romance.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Inspiration strikes today. Jump up from the table and write it down. This was a problem you might not even have known was troubling you. If you handle it as soon as you get back to the office, you could get tremendous leverage out of it.
● Finances: An intellectual firestorm is taking place and it's making sparks fly. It's an all-out romance of ideas. It can be more than that if you have the courage to pursue it. Make these napkin diagrams a reality.
● Love: You've got the kind of electric energy that some find shocking, yet they still can't stay away. People want to connect with you now, and the way you're charged up, it's no mystery why.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: The energy today has a way of lulling you into a fantasy world. If you stay there for a day or two, that's okay. But if you linger any longer, you're apt to start losing your grip on reality. You're due for a spot check.
● Finances: You're feeling overwhelmed by life. Luckily for you, you have the entire day to hide under the covers if you should choose to spend it that way. There aren't many days like this in store, so enjoy its medicinal value while you can.
● Love: Things and people aren't precisely what they seem at the moment, but this isn't necessarily a negative thing. There are more possibilities than you know, and hidden qualities and aspects galore.