Free Daily Horoscope - June 16 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Life is a balancing act, but right now you need to focus like a laser on career concerns. Your domestic situation might be suffering as you throw yourself into your job. You can only try to plead your case and hope for the best.
● Finances: When it comes to achieving your financial goals, you don't let the day of the week get in your way. So when the rest of the group wants to take a break, let them. That simply means there's more much-appreciated work for you to jump at.
● Love: A stint of long, hard labor means that your social life falls by the wayside for a brief amount of time. It's worth it. After all, you can't live on love alone. Other projects and career prospects take precedence now.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Suddenly today, you'll see things from a totally new perspective and will most likely take new insight away with you. So expect one of those earth-shattering a-ha moments -- probably while you're daydreaming.
● Finances: You may get a weird feeling that you just can't act on. When someone rubs you the wrong way, your first impulse is to back away, but in this case you're already financially committed. Find a way to work around the vibes.
● Love: A fresh project -- whether at work or in a creative area you've long enjoyed -- is just what you need to perk up your love life. The energy you get from this new endeavor will spark up your social life.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Agreements you thought were set in stone turn out to be not quite settled. Your suspicions about rivals will turn out to be correct, but you'll need to confirm them in public.
● Finances: It's not your circumstances that need to be changed, it's your attitude. Spend some time today thinking about the situation. Getting to the bottom of opinions is a good first step toward figuring out a solution.
● Love: That certain someone had you on tenterhooks, and they've finally come to a decision about the role you play in their life. The funny thing is, once you hear it, you realize you cared more about the suspense than the person.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: A certain problem has been on the stove and simmering for a little too long, and it's about to boil over. Try to let your actions speak for themselves. If you don't have to get involved in all aspects of this issue, leave it for others to deal with.
● Finances: Others may have different ideas about what to do with money today than you do -- especially if it's your money. Remember that you're the one who signs on the dotted line. Don't let anyone pressure you.
● Love: Don't let romantic feelings confuse your take on a practical or work-related situation. In this case, compartmentalization is helpful to the decision you have to make. Keep your eyes on the long-term prize.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Listen carefully, then make a decision and get to work. You have obligations to yourself and others, but you can't do both now. Let your own issues and projects go for the time being -- the team or the greater good needs you.
● Finances: You can adapt to anything, but that doesn't mean it's healthy for you. Stop hanging onto something so fiercely simply because you're used to it. It's not really the best thing for you. Time to let go -- you'll land on your feet.
● Love: You're in love with your work, and that passion makes you ever so attractive to the right party. Just make sure that you're not so slammed on the job that you can't make time for a little flirtation right now.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: It's a good time to seek promotions, raises or other new opportunities, even a little office romance if you're looking. Your ambition is showing -- and the right people are taking notice. Don't let your momentum stall out.
● Finances: If you want to make major changes in your life, start with the small things. You can tweak your regular routine into something that helps you produce more, save more or both. Spend time doing just that today.
● Love: That certain someone is still on your mind. Guess what? You're definitely on theirs too. Just remember that nice and easy does it. There's no need to rush or get all goofy. You've got plenty of time.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: When it comes to authority figures, make all the right gestures and say all the right things, then get back to work. Supervisors and management teams might be problematic right now as they flex their muscles, but you're way ahead of them.
● Finances: It's one of those days. You can't seem to understand the people around you, much less connect with them on a deep level. That's okay, because you're only dealing with business today, not romance. All you need to connect with are the numbers.
● Love: Are you confusing the idea of love with the concept of being rescued? If the answer's yes, no wonder your last few forays into dating have been slightly bizarre. It's time to get some clarity on what you want.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Stay on task and in charge of your responsibilities. Any projects you start at this time will proceed smoothly and turn profitable quickly. You're the belle of the ball -- it's a great time to ask for favors from the boss or the board.
● Finances: You get that old, familiar urge to change appearances today. Do you really want to waste your time and money on things that are merely superficial? Looks do count, but you're simply rearranging the existing furniture, so to speak, when you should be renovating the building.
● Love: Thinking of love as an arena where you can win or lose doesn't help matters -- it's just self-defeating. Instead, think of dating as an endless series of opportunities to learn and grow -- oh yeah, and to have fun.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Whether it's in your job description or not, you have great ideas on how to save money, so start cutting back. Even if you don't control spending, pipe up with ideas on how to save bucks. Your supervisors will swoon over your concerns.
● Finances: People are open to you today, which makes it a good day to reach out to just about anyone you cross paths with. You can forge connections easily, and that's exactly what you need to do to get to your next goal.
● Love: You really like this person. Their down-to-earth energy complements your pie-in-the-sky optimism. Just remember to keep that combination of attitudes about this romance. It's still beginning, you know.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: With all that hard work starting to pay off, you might just want to get started with a new round of projects. You can take a break if you're burned out, but don't feel obligated to break your stride if you're making good progress.
● Finances: You can tweak things a bit but don't go making any major changes to your usual modus operandi. The only sure way to reach the goals you have set in your visions of the future is to stick to your own beaten path.
● Love: A close friend points out an area or two with room for improvement when it comes to your dating style. Before you ruffle your feathers, listen to what they have to say. There might be a nugget of truth in there.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: For now, just lie low -- all will be made clear very soon. Too much is going on around you that you don't understand. Instead of trying to grasp at all those fleeting ideas and loose ends, wait until things settle down and the air clears.
● Finances: Your ambition inspires others today, so share it freely. Keeping your vision to yourself is a form of selfishness. You shouldn't have to worry about anyone stealing your good ideas, either, as long as you keep the keys hidden.
● Love: A potential romantic interest can throw you for a loop with even the tiniest gesture. Before you go into an emotional tailspin, remember that no one can make you feel this way without your consent.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Throw your weight behind the challenger -- your rivals are worthy of your attention. It's time for a change of leadership. If not officially, then at least you need to exert some kind of influence everyone can see and experience.
● Finances: Coming up with a plan should be easy for someone like you. Why waste time being lost in thought when you can use the exercise to come up with a good road map? Go ahead, imagine where you want to be and how to get there.
● Love: Feel like your romantic karma has been kicking you in the pants? It's time to examine what you don't like about your dealings with love and figure out how to draw in what you really and truly need.