Free Daily Horoscope - June 10 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If you play your cards right, a promotion or coveted reassignment could be in your immediate future. Your creative drive will not go unnoticed. After all, you provide the missing vivacity on this new project.
● Finances: You can't get from Point A to Point B. It's not a problem with logistics either, it's a problem with you. Your subliminal self is dragging its leaden feet. Instead of desperately pushing on like Quasimodo, spend some time looking inward and untying your inner chains.
● Love: Be ready to bite your tongue -- or not. You're liable to blurt out how you really, truly, deeply feel, whether it's angry, excited, lusty or who knows what. Maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: A project may appear to be operating at a loss, but don't worry -- it's all about playing with the numbers and focusing on long-term gains. Keep your money locked in; this investment is sure to pay dividends in the long run.
● Finances: Is there anything you aren't passionate about? You get to have it all, when 'it all' is the day-to-day life most people take for granted. You're sensitive to every nuance of every transaction today, from investing your life's savings to plunking down some change for a cup of coffee.
● Love: Your passionate depths are surprising now, to those around you and to yourself. Look at what's (or who's) bringing up these emotions -- there's a big clue for your love life here.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You've taken on so many assignments, it's hard to see where one begins and another ends. Where's the progress in that? Delegate some projects so you can focus on the ones that will keep your career moving on an upward trajectory.
● Finances: You're moving at a slower pace than usual today. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? If you're spending the extra time doing an especially thorough job, then don't let yourself be rushed. If you're just dragging your heels, then get a move on.
● Love: If a friend's in need, you're there indeed -- especially when it comes to romantic difficulties. You're extra empathetic now, and you're able to really tune in and listen -- and offer some insightful advice.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Before you jump in on a new project, make sure things are humming along smoothly on an existing assignment. You don't want to take the fall if things go wrong, especially after all the work you've invested.
● Finances: You're not sure which is worse: Upheaval or slow, nagging doubt. You're so tied in knots that you simply can't make any decisions at all today. That's just as well, because you just can't pick a winner anyway.
● Love: You'll want to be especially careful to keep matters of the heart on the up-and-up now. The more honest you can be, the better -- and the more you can expect others to be straight with you.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Someone is gaining on you, and it won't be a pretty picture if they break your stride. Nip an office rivalry in the bud before the other person gains the upper hand. You have the power in this situation -- don't relinquish it.
● Finances: Buff up your image of the future you, collecting antiques or sailing on your yacht. You need that kind of inspiration today to remind yourself that you won't always be in this state of sweaty toil. It will pay off some day.
● Love: Beauty's only skin deep, and right now, you're much more into the allure of the heart and soul. Luckily, the stars are sending extra powers of perception and intuition your way.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You don't want others to judge you for minor setbacks, so keep a low profile while you're still getting back on your feet. You know that success requires trial and error, but that may not be obvious to everyone.
● Finances: Feeling restless with what you have? Set some unrealistic goals. You need challenges that will keep you busy for a while. They'll motivate you to work harder and reach further than the status quo.
● Love: Is your head in charge now? Or is it your heart? These two forces are equally strong, and you could be engaged in a bit of an internal struggle. Perhaps a consultation with a well-balanced friend is in order?
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Stay out of the mix if you want to stay out of the fire right now. This isn't a day for big moves or major decisions. Keep a low profile if your tanks are tapped out. Better to remain uncharacteristically silent than to say something regretfully stupid or ignorant.
● Finances: Nothing seems to satisfy you. That's because all the things you are reaching for are material goods. You need to look a bit deeper than that to find what you need. In the meantime, try to check the spending.
● Love: It's not like you to get distracted by pretty surfaces, but right now you'll have to make a conscious effort to look beyond what's only skin deep. Inner beauty takes some finding, but it lasts forever.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Mingle with clients and competitors, and show them you're a force to be reckoned with. Once your name is out there, they won't easily forget it. It's time to make your presence known in industry circles.
● Finances: People seem to see right through you today -- and not in a good way. You're starting to feel invisible. Exactly why you don't show up in their line of vision isn't exactly clear, but you might as well look at it as an advantage.
● Love: Leave it to you to transform the vibe in a magical way -- especially right now. Positive change is the order of the day, and meanwhile, people can't help but be attracted to you. Think of the possibilities!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Take care of the routine stuff ASAP -- the difficult, tedious work will be a piece of cake. After all, there's nothing wrong with spinning your wheels now and then. Your boss understands that everyone needs a little downtime.
● Finances: You may not want to spend time alone but there is no way to avoid your inner demons. Being around people and spending money are only delaying tactics. You might as well save your money and face what you have been putting off.
● Love: You're usually a glass-half-full type, but at the moment the level in the glass may look distinctly low, or you may just want to smash the glass altogether. Bad moods are normal -- talk it out with a smart, funny friend.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Use any means necessary to get the job done adequately and they'll be lining up outside your door. After all, a satisfied client is the best advertisement. Who knew the formula for success could be so simple?
● Finances: Making decisions can be hard but don't stew over them. You'll get clues in unlikely places, so let yourself live as if you will be sure by sundown. You will be if you pay attention to little things like interactions among friends.
● Love: A fresh perspective is at your fingertips now -- one that allows you to perceive all the various elements of a romantic situation with new clarity. Then you can decide how you like what you see.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Make sure you don't overextend your resources right now. Everyone is starting to wonder how you do it. To be honest, you're starting to wonder that yourself. Only you can give yourself the break you need -- know when to say when.
● Finances: Getting out and being of service is a pull that's hard to resist, but so is your intense need for privacy today. That's exactly why God invented the Internet. You can have a productive and social day all alone, enjoy.
● Love: Stamp yourself 'handle with care' -- your usual thick skin is a bit thin now, meaning you're extra sensitive to what people may say. Explain your mental state, and if something's unclear, ask instead of assuming.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Good ideas -- and you're full of them -- will always find their way to the surface. You're a force to be reckoned with in meetings, and everyone knows it. That's why some people try to keep you down. Don't let jealous colleagues drown out what you have to say.
● Finances: A warm bath would be oh-so-relaxing but unfortunately what you experience today is more like an episode from Jaws. You'll come out squeaky clean anyway though -- if you can live through the suspense.
● Love: So you can be a little gullible sometimes -- but not right now, and especially not in the realm of romance. Engage the ol' brain as well as your optimistic heart, and keep your hopes within the realm of the realistic.