Free Daily Horoscope - July 1 2017

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: You've been pushing hard, but take care that in the quest for success you don't lose sight of what's most precious to you. Are you planning to work again during your free time? Instead of toiling in the trenches for an uncertain reward, why not pour equal time and energy into nurturing your family? An afternoon in the woods, at an amusement park or even just picnicking in the backyard can make an enormous difference in everyone's spirits.
● Work: Are you hiding a secret? Do you need to make some amends at the office or at home? Is there something you need to get out in the open? Today is a great time to air grievances and old burdens.
● Finances: There is nothing routine about your day. Don't let yourself get tricked by visiting fools -- they're only trying to agitate anyone who will bite. Toss them some gummy worms and let them do the biting instead.
● Love: Performing a feat of daring in the realm of romance not only feels exhilarating, it can work out pretty terrifically right about now. Go ahead and make your biggest, boldest move. You're on fire!

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: You could be traveling today. Whether it's a short hop or a longer journey, you won't have any trouble with snarled traffic or interminable flight delays. You have high hopes for this trip, either from a personal or professional standpoint, and the beginning is both pleasant and auspicious. Listen to a good book on tape to relax you and help shorten your perception of the travel time.
● Work: It's time to put your cards on the table. Stop being afraid to stand up for yourself. Don't be afraid to claim some space in this world.
● Finances: There is too much fun going on to be bored and even the most hideous face is a thing of beauty. You get a chance to be as generous as you want to be, because being sensible is out of the question. Do your part to be sure a good time will be had by all.
● Love: Sure, you want to choose your friends with care, but you also want to have a healthy, inclusive social scene. Welcome someone different with open arms -- they might just know your next sweetheart.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: You won't make much progress on advancing a business plan today, so it's best to just resign yourself to jogging in place for a couple of days. You may not have the right mindset for getting down to what you need to do. Perhaps there are disturbances in your household or maybe there's simply too much going on at work. If you need to attend to others, do so gracefully without laying on any guilt about what you would rather be doing.
● Work: Petty weirdness from the workweek may follow you tonight. Don't be surprised if you get a forlorn call from a coworker who needs a shoulder to cry on at precisely 11:59 p.m. Don't answer -- have fun!
● Finances: There is no way to read anyone's face this evening, much less their thoughts. You can take an educated guess as to what they want, though, and you almost can't go wrong. Enjoy.
● Love: If you've got a little romantic idea -- whether it's setting up a friend, contacting a cutie online or something else altogether -- the stars say the time is right. Put it into action and see what happens.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: Sleeping late seems like a good idea this morning, even if you've got a busy day ahead of you. Your energy might be low and your motivation even lower. Maybe you're troubled by some unresolved tension in your personal life, or maybe you're just worn out from a hectic schedule. Whatever is going on, take care of yourself first. The errands can wait.
● Work: If you haven't spoken your piece, now's your chance to make yourself known. Whether you want to profess your undying love to your cubicle mate or you need to repay some of the petty cash you 'borrowed' this past year, it's time to come clean.
● Finances: It's a good day to let your house get a bit out of control. Don't worry, you can clean up later. For now, make it as evil and uninviting as you can. When it comes to attracting visitors, it's what works every time.
● Love: Rather than cling to your existing ideas about romance, cultivate some bigger, better, totally outside-the-box thinking. Turning your perspective upside-down and banishing expectations is a good place to start.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: You'll have to work hard to stifle your controlling nature today when someone comes to you with a dilemma. You know exactly how you would handle a similar situation, but others must make their own decisions and their own mistakes. You can offer advice if you're asked, but putting your foot down firmly and dictating terms will only lead to conflict.
● Work: Make sure your name and face are out there as much as possible so you get seen by as many potential clients and employers as possible. You are hot property right now, whether you know it or not -- just be subtle about it.
● Finances: If you absolutely must be thrifty today, then put some creativity into pleasing your guests with what you can afford. Not doing them right is simply out of the question. It will just encourage more of a headache later. In fact, that's the entire point of the day's equation.
● Love: The king of the jungle is right, especially right now -- and you're the kind of royalty everyone wants to be ruled by. Your loyal subjects are liable to get more loyal as they're vying for your affections.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: The only thing you want to have on your mind today is romance. Keep your focus on your partner and don't dwell on petty annoyances or minor inconveniences. So what if the lettuce on your sandwich is wilted, or the soft drinks from the convenience store aren't as cold as you like them? Nothing will spoil the mood faster than endless grousing about silly stuff. Blow it off and have some fun.
● Work: Socializing won't feel like work today, because it isn't. So whether you're hanging with work friends tonight or not, you'll inevitably run into some new contacts that will help you get ahead. Don't forget your business cards tonight!
● Finances: If you've got your own stage set to perfection, then go ahead and help someone with their efforts, but not before you're sure of every last detail of your own. The grand results are worth your undivided attention.
● Love: Love's rarely predictable, what with it involving those most unpredictable of creatures, other people. Much as you might wish it'd be more orderly, right now you're going to have to embrace the chaos.

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: Your enthusiasm is at the low-water mark today, and you might be feeling a little put out because no one is asking about how you're feeling. Maybe you've been pulling this sad face a bit too often lately. If so, those close to you may have decided that their efforts to cheer you up don't do much good anyway, so they have just pulled back and expect you to deal with it on your own. Try to figure out what has put you in this state.
● Work: All kinds of strange people are flowing into your life right now. You'll feel as if you're crackling with energy, especially when you're face to face with these people you don't know well. Blow them away with your charm and wit.
● Finances: It's the perfect time to socialize without exposing yourself or even communicating on any meaningful level. It's the rare evening when you can be yourself and someone else entirely, all at the same time. Enjoy.
● Love: A friendship that's beginning or burgeoning now carries promise when it comes to your love life. Maybe this person's a potential eventual mate, or maybe they know one for you, or maybe they'll be a super sidekick.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: Good control of your facial expressions helps hide your shocked surprise at today's news. You were very likely expecting to receive much less, so the munificence of the offer catches you off guard. Nevertheless, you know you deserve it and can hardly wait to share the victory with someone special. Until then, content yourself with a secret smile of satisfaction and a pat on the back.
● Work: It's a good time for strategizing and planning for the future. If you can schedule a last-minute retreat, even if it's a quick lunch, you'll be able to sketch out bulletproof plans for the future -- that way everyone will know what you're after.
● Finances: It's a day of secrets, and they are as fundamental as someone's identity. If you do unravel one, do everyone a favor and keep it to yourself. There is nothing to be gained by spilling the beans.
● Love: Getting stressed out about what's going on (or not going on) in your love life doesn't help matters. Find a way to release some tension and focus on the positive stuff -- then you'll be sitting pretty.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: Even if you've never picked up a musical instrument in your life or taken a day of lessons, you are filled with the urge to create beautiful sounds today. Play around on a friend's piano or guitar. You may have some latent talent that's begging for development. Who knows? If you get serious about this, you could be providing the entertainment at parties before too long.
● Work: Today will present lots of great opportunities to connect with coworkers and others you need to know well. Networking and team-building will go quite well for you, and you'll find plenty of possibilities to exhibit your delegating skills.
● Finances: It's the cheeky child who asks for more. Whether they look like Oliver Twist or someone else altogether, it makes you stop in your tracks. You're tempted to say no, but don't. Indulge them instead.
● Love: The opportunities for personal growth are abundant now -- and so are the opportunities for fun. In fact, these two things may be one and the same. Take your sense of humor along and enjoy the ride.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: You can never get too much good news, and today the happy tidings just don't stop. Every aspect of your life, whether personal or professional, is touched with magic. But this good fortune didn't just fall out of the sky and into your lap -- you know that you've worked hard to get to this peak and have every right to take a deep sigh of satisfaction and congratulation.
● Work: If you have to spend time working with others today, try to keep it one-on-one. Your attention span is meager, and all you want to do is get out of the office and into some fun! If you can focus your energy on one relationship, so much the better.
● Finances: There will be amazing tracks laid today. Little feet will cover more ground than you realized was even possible. The pay off will be great, though, and that's a good lesson for even the smallest of consumers.
● Love: Negotiations of the interpersonal variety involve a lot of extra push and pull at the moment, and you don't really dig feeling pushed. Consider putting it on hold while the energy cools off.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: You've got a lot on your mind -- so much so that you could feel as if you're bound by handcuffs and leg chains today. No matter what you try to do, your reach simply won't extend far enough. Perhaps you're trying to take too big a stride or embrace too much in one grab. Retrench, resurvey and restrategize. You may need to call in reinforcements.
● Work: Today, do something productive. Clean the house, organize your desk and get rid of all the deadwood that's keeping you from moving forward. It won't be easy, but life will be sweeter when you're done.
● Finances: No matter how hidden behind masks people may think they are, their desires are completely transparent. It seems as if you can satisfy them with only a token or superficial offering. Don't bother going any deeper.
● Love: You should expect not only the unexpected in the realm of romance now, and you should avoid responding in expected old ways. Meet each situation with an experimental heart and an open mind for sweet results.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: A guardian angel in a human guise could come to your aid today. You may not even find out about their intervention until much later. If things seem to smooth out especially quickly or if you receive some excellent news, be aware that it could be the result of someone's advocacy on your behalf. Show the proper gratitude when the time comes. In the meantime, be an angel to someone else.
● Work: Your inner game show host is expressing itself through all the right jokes, smiles and eye contact. And why not? You can't wait to let your personality shine. Have fun and be safe!
● Finances: There's no way of knowing who you are dealing with today, and for some reason that doesn't bother you, or anyone else, either. You'll figure it out later -- or not, as the case may be. Spend your time helping others help themselves.
● Love: If wishes were horses, you'd be running a ranch. There's nothing wrong with hopes and dreams, but at the moment try to keep them within reach of reality to avoid unnecessary disappointment.