Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - June 13 2017


● General: There is such a thing as overexplaining.
● Love & Relationships: Speak kindly and from the heart.
● Career: Increased activity at work or school offers you welcomed relief from personal woes.
● Lucky number : 50
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: '' Pay attention to the here and now! That''s where the real rewards are.
● Love & Relationships: Wouldn''t you rather be loved for your own self rather than for some idea of what you think a lovable person is? The truth is, your genuine personality is far more lovable than any facade you might put up in its place.
● Career: Some advice from a financial professional helps you resolve some old issues around debt.
● Lucky number : 32
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: With your reactions becoming less precise, you mist be even more prudent at your driving wheel.
● Love & Relationships: Your sentimental life will be tense, but no breaking off is likely to ensue.
● Career: This climate won''t be quite favorable to your work: the environment will be agitated and confusing and will not permit you to do a good job as you wish.
● Lucky number : 18
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: You know what''s best.
● Love & Relationships: You, active person that you are, want to jump into the fray and ask your sweetie what you can do to fix this thing.
● Career: Financial excess is not wise for you right now.
● Lucky number : 3
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: Make sure you lend a helping hand wherever it''s asked for -- and even some places where it''s not.
● Love & Relationships: Listen to your heart, especially if it''s saying that you deserve so much more when it comes to work and love.
● Career: Why burn any bridges? The old ''let''s be friends'' line might actually work for you at the moment, if you mean it sincerely.
● Lucky number : 93
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: Best take care of some stuff around the house and rest up while you''ve got the chance.
● Love & Relationships: There''s a give and take going on with loved ones.
● Career: Look for common ground and you''ll find that communication between you and your main squeeze really takes off.
● Lucky number : 54
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: In the professional domain, continue to defend your viewpoint with calm and courtesy, and you''ll succeed in overcoming all resistances.
● Love & Relationships: If a relationship issue is distracting you, go get some quiet time to figure it out.
● Career: Work on having an impersonal point of view on issues -- your maturity requires it.
● Lucky number : 91
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Prickly encounters are more educational than you think.
● Love & Relationships: Your love life will be threatened by monotony and routine; appeal to your imagination.
● Career: You''ll have the desire to change your professional horizon, to do a more interesting, more creative job; but can one always do what one likes to? Risk of dispersion; difficulty concentrating on yourself and gathering up your ideas.
● Lucky number : 86
● Best time of the day : 17h00


● General: Look for the good rather than automatically honing in on the negative.
● Love & Relationships: You don''t usually suffer fools gladly, but go ahead and let your loved one be a just a little bit -- oh, okay, a lot -- silly.
● Career: It took a while, but finally all your hard work has paid off.
● Lucky number : 92
● Best time of the day : 17h00


● General: In your work, don''t recoil before your responsibilities.
● Love & Relationships: Boredom is the enemy of your heart right now, so be sure to keep engaged.
● Career: To keep moving forward, pay more attention to your communication style.
● Lucky number : 16
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: You''ll recover a glowing physical form; nevertheless, beware of your greediness, don''t eat too much.
● Love & Relationships: There''s nothing you love more than educating yourself about the human condition -- it''s so illuminating about your own relationships and your psyche.
● Career: Finishing up your work will bring you a much-needed sense of accomplishment now.
● Lucky number : 1
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: So maybe flirting with danger isn''t such a great idea, but you can go ahead and make some small talk with it for a little while.
● Love & Relationships: Gather information and work on a game plan before presenting your findings to your sweetheart.
● Career: Communication is not everyone''s forte.
● Lucky number : 3
● Best time of the day : 19h00