Free Daily Horoscope - May 31 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It's hard to be patient when you know exactly what needs to happen, but bide your time. You have to take things more slowly than you usually do for the time being.
● Finances: You need a mother's touch, and it doesn't have to come from a real mother, or even a woman. In fact, something as inert as a bank statement can be as soothing as a cool hand on your forehead. Enjoy the relief it brings.
● Love: Rather than settle in to one scene this evening, plan to skip around and do whatever suits your fancy. You're like a social shark -- keep moving, and you'll do more than survive, you'll thrive.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You're in love with your job again, or at least some part of it. That goodwill is going to spill over into other parts of your life, but for now just be ready to charm customers.
● Finances: Staying home is appealing, but don't do it for any reason. You'd be missing out on an excellent opportunity, one that doesn't come along every day. You'll never know unless you venture out.
● Love: A long talk with a friend about your love life might be a good idea, but making some sort of long-term plan or coming to a big conclusion is less so. Let it all evolve a bit more -- and enjoy yourself while you're at it.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: From out of nowhere, you'll draw on reserves of strength you didn't suspect you had. It might seem like a miracle to outsiders, so it might be a good idea to keep your secret to yourself.
● Finances: No matter how much drive and determination you have, you just can't figure out how to get much accomplished. Not every day can be productive. Don't beat yourself up; just vow to have more follow through tomorrow.
● Love: Chitchat, brainstorming, heart-to-hearts -- you're the master of communication now, and when it comes to witty repartee and flirting, forget about it. Unleash those one-liners and leave 'em thinking about you.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: People will pay attention when you clear your throat. So it's up to you to get things started, especially if there are fairly large groups of people involved. Someone, you're just a magnet like that.
● Finances: Your evil double surfaces again. That's okay, because somebody has to do the dirty work today. Don't let yourself off the hook once it's all over, but do remember that your better half would gladly put yourself in the place of anyone else who got the ax.
● Love: Wherever you go, that's where the party is at, and whoever's in your entourage is thanking their lucky stars. If you've got a date, they're liable to see a wild side of you they might not have expected.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Don't spread yourself too thinly. Whether it's compensation, investment or territory, too much is too much. You might overreach yourself if you try to grab more than you can reasonably take on at once.
● Finances: You have a hard question to ask yourself today. Is pride really worth the effort you're putting into being right? Is it really worth the money? Take a good, hard look at your motivations and tally your efforts.
● Love: You're roaring like a lion and floating like a butterfly now -- a social butterfly, that is. With your rampant charisma and amped-up conversational, networking and flirtation skills -- well, let's just say 'Wow!'
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Your peers will all be freaking out at once. Depending on your relationship with them, it might be a good time to reach out a hand to help -- or to swat them down. You be the judge, of course.
● Finances: Life is getting rough. You don't need help, per se, but you could use a bit of emotional support. Go ahead and lean on your friends. After all, you're not asking for money.
● Love: Reread that flirtatious email before you click send -- what you think is hilarious could leave a certain someone confused and nonplussed right now. Likewise, be ready to gracefully extract your foot from your mouth.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Rein in the enthusiasm a little and spread it out over time. You're feeling so great about the recent changes to the workplace culture that you might risk overextending yourself and burning out.
● Finances: Your regular schedule, your routine obligations -- you've put everything aside to address one pressing issue, and yet you can't manage to make a dent in it. Don't get upset. Even without any evident progress, it will have been worth the extra effort.
● Love: Two's more fun than one now, and you'll like doing something of substance more than indulging in mindless fluff. Take a date or a friend to a lecture, reading or offbeat event and enjoy discussing it endlessly afterward.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Your rivals have the upper hand right now, but that just means you should be working on your big offensive. Convene a quick meeting of your best minds and get a plan in place quickly.
● Finances: You're not just daydreaming, you're dreaming big. You have plans that go deep and you can't help but turn them over in your mind. Don't hesitate to share with others as you do. They are interested in just that kind of deep conversation.
● Love: If you think there's something a little odd going on in the realm of romance right about now, chances are you're not imagining things. Look a bit longer and deeper to discern the real deal.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Stop procrastinating and do your homework. If you're getting ready to make a big presentation or pitch to a supervisor, prep time is everything. Those texts, chats and emails can wait.
● Finances: Your energy level fluctuates throughout the day. You'll have to be flexible to keep up with it, even when it's at a serious lull. It's hard to get from Point A to Point B this way, but you'll manage to get somewhere.
● Love: You want to talk about a big idea, but they're really into telling you about their new shoes. Hmm -- maybe this isn't a match made in heaven. Move on as soon as it's politely possible.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Pare back to the bare essentials right now. That doesn't necessarily mean budget cuts, though those might be good. Instead, do away with needless complications and frivolous expenditures.
● Finances: Some of your worries are legitimate but some of them are just based on generic anxiety. Discard anything that's not tightly connected to the situation you are facing. All the extras are just draining your energy.
● Love: There's a fine line between applying your smarts to the realm of romance and overthinking things -- your challenge right now is to walk that line.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Weirdness rules, at least for the moment. If you can stand out from the crowd, even just a little bit, you're a shoo-in for the next big promotion or award.
● Finances: From your desk to your emotions, it's imperative that you stay organized. If you're not organized already, spend the day making sure you get so. No matter how hard you try, there is simply no way to succeed otherwise.
● Love: For best romantic results now, connect, communicate and keep it creative. The stars say possibilities are coming your way -- including the possibility of a hot affair. Meet lots of people and let your individuality shine.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Your gut feelings are practically infallible right now, so ignore what your brain is yammering on about and just listen to your primal intuitions. You'll see what's really important soon.
● Finances: You're more interested in your feelings than your intellect today. Can you make a buck in the poetic mood you're in? If not, cut your losses and spend the day on more artistic pursuits than the almighty dollar.
● Love: Somebody else may be insisting on a concrete social roadmap for the evening, but your always-excellent instincts say there may be more random fun to be had. Be ready to convince them to take a detour.