Free Daily Horoscope - April 9 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If you're dealing with difficult people (and most likely you are in all areas of your life), it's a great time to bring up touchy subjects and resolve long-standing resentments. If anything, you might make some seriously positive changes.
● Finances: Friction and discord bring out the best in you today. No need to bristle when you can simply turn up the heat on the competition. But don't stick with tried and true methods. The more creativity you put into winning, the more likely you are to do just that.
● Love: The energy's mellow, while you may be far from it. Do something that helps you chill out -- get some exercise, watch a movie with a friend, do some knitting. Focusing on your love life won't expedite it right now.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Now's not the time to gloss over anything. A superficial overview won't cut it for you now. In fact, you may end up with more problems than you anticipated. Get it right the first time and you'll be on your way to something great.
● Finances: You don't mean to be pompous, but when someone takes you on and you pin them to the mat, it's hard not to be. You deserve a congratulatory pat on the back but don't take it further than that. Gloating is bad form.
● Love: Hey, homebody! Lazing around, reading and tidying up the nest may very well sound a lot more satisfying than running around town. Do what you feel -- it's one of the luxuries of singledom.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: People will be responsive to your charisma in new ways today -- that's why you can make almost anything happen. Changing someone's mind will be a snap; don't be surprised if you find yourself among new admirers.
● Finances: You're not the type to shut up and be told what to do, especially where your money is concerned. You're open to whatever others have to say, as long as they don't mind your doing a bit of debating. You have an able sparring partner today.
● Love: It's not the most romantic day in history, but you'll get lots of satisfaction out of crossing lots of stuff off your to-do list. Throw in some laundry -- you'll want your favorite shirt clean in the next few days!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: If you deal with one thing at a time right now, you'll be able to clean up pretty quickly. Project details will start to add up to more work than you think you can handle, so don't despair if you have to go into the office on your day off.
● Finances: Your heart is in the right place, but extravagant gestures really aren't necessary. Save your money for some time in the not-too-distant future, when you can actually afford to do something outrageous.
● Love: Take the romantic initiative and the stars say you're likely to reap some seriously sweet rewards. Let your instinct guide you about who to approach and how -- it's right on target now.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Don't let yourself get pushed into anything right now. You will be so impressed with a new possibility that it might drive away all other thoughts from your mind. Before you make any crazy moves, know that your instincts are worth a lot too.
● Finances: You can hardly be bothered with day-to-day tasks. If it's not something glorious or magnificent, you want nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, you have plenty of down-to-earth chores to deal with today. They may not be glamorous but they pay the bills. Sigh.
● Love: Your pride can put you at a disadvantage when it comes to matters of the heart, but right now, it's notably downplayed. Modesty (not to mention willingness to put yourself out there) sure looks cute on you.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Try to take a step back and refocus if you are having problems with your daily activities. Some of the issues are beyond your power to correct, but the ones in your domain are easy to fix. Get to work ASAP!
● Finances: Can you be any more rigid in your stance? You just may get a chance to find out. You are digging your heels in and no one can make you budge. The results won't be much to brag about but at least you won't blow your budget.
● Love: Let organizing your closet wait -- now is a prime time for friendships and even possible more-than-friendships. If you absolutely must run errands, get someone fun to go along with you -- look, you're multitasking!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: If you push yourself to stay optimistic, you'll only find success. So don't let negative thoughts eat away at your progress. It might feel as if you're censoring yourself at first, but you're not. The power of positive thinking has never been more helpful.
● Finances: Don't pin all of your hopes on one investment -- or one friend. Step back and take a look at the bigger picture. There are enough opportunities to spread your risk around. Putting all of your eggs in one basket will only get you a nice omelet.
● Love: Sometimes it's just easier to give into an overly emotional state and let it have its way with you. Consider renting a sappy movie for cathartic purposes -- or, alternately, going to a kickboxing class.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Pore over the fine print and don't stop until you've found at least one deal-breaker. After all, the devil is definitely in the details, and it won't be hard to edit him out once you know he's there.
● Finances: Just facing your to-do list is a challenge, not to mention actually tackling what's on it. But don't let yourself off the hook. Not only will you feel good once you've accomplished them, but you'll have some money to show for it.
● Love: It might seem like what you want is just falling into your lap, but your excellent instincts about what to do and say -- not to mention some good timing -- certainly aren't hurting matters.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: It's time to decide once and for all how you see yourself and how you want others to see you. Tolerance and heartlessness are diametrically opposed sentiments, but you have a tendency to drift from one extreme to the other. Find some balance.
● Finances: If you feel like you're sitting on a roulette wheel, you're doing it all wrong. You can't wait for luck to smile on you. Take control of your finances -- and your fortune. You should feel like you're in the driver's seat.
● Love: Clear the decks and clear your schedule -- your mood's all over the place now and you'll want to be free to do as you please when you please. Be sure to get a little exercise to get a little more even-keeled.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: When it comes to dealing with sensitive information next week, do the background work and prepare your data first. Distorted thinking is going on around you, and if you're the one to bring the crucial facts to the table, you'll prove your worth tenfold.
● Finances: Business problems won't break you; it's the little aggravations that will. Sharing small items can drive you absolutely mad while signing on the dotted line doesn't make you produce a single bead of sweat. Don't waste time trying to make sense of it.
● Love: If you've got your sights set on one romantic candidate, take a step back and reconsider the field. Why not keep your options open and cultivate a few more prospects at the same time?
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Don't forget the formidable power of one person talking to another person. Your communication skills are still strong, but your choice of venue is off. Look for new means to get the word out -- think word of mouth.
● Finances: Life is filled with contradictions, so don't try to read anything into any one event. The minute you think you've discovered an unwritten rule, the universe will edit it, then rewrite it altogether. There is no formula for success unless you count hard work.
● Love: Your gut reaction may well be valid, but it's likely to be a bit over-the-top at the moment. Consider whether you just might be taking a certain situation too personally. Getting a friend's perspective can help.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: The next few days do not present the best opportunity to switch things around, so try to stay put as much as possible. After all, work could get a little overwhelming if you have to think about adapting to new procedures too.
● Finances: Don't let other people's financial soap operas sidetrack you today. You have enough drama on your hands without anyone else's help, thank you very much. Treat blocking it all out with the same iron willpower you would use if you were on a diet.
● Love: You're getting some extra appreciation at the moment and it's for very good reason -- you're extra charming, extra entertaining and all around extra great. Get out and about and enjoy your sweet self!