Free Daily Horoscope - April 8 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It's all about reining it in and getting close to the action. So if you don't live near your company's headquarters, consider relocating. You'll encounter more in-house opportunities than you can imagine.
● Finances: It's not a great day for anything but money. Channel all of your excitement and energy into making a profit and don't let any of it be siphoned off for other pursuits. Even love and romance can wait.
● Love: Not feeling really great? Take it easy. No one said you had to be in tip-top shape 100 percent of the time. Do something low-key this evening, then get plenty of rest and start fresh tomorrow.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Make the first move and schedule a meeting with someone you'd like to work with more often. Your ambition and candor will let this person know you're the right one for the job, resulting in greater productivity and better recognition for both of you.
● Finances: Don't turn everything into a power struggle. With the energy you waste on those kinds of conflicts, you could have worked your way to the top of the ladder by now. Be tolerant of others and you'll find it much easier to succeed.
● Love: As much as you'd rather go out and have some fun, it might be a good day to start thinking seriously about your future. Make a list of your overall life goals -- career, family, and marriage.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Stay away from the water cooler and beware of office scuffles. Sure, you know the issues are ridiculous and counterproductive, but you may be forced to take sides. If there's any way you can pronounce yourself Switzerland, do it!
● Finances: It's a good day for thinking things through. That means letting go of preconceived ideas. Being opinionated is getting in the way of coming up with good financial solutions, so be open-minded instead.
● Love: You can achieve a lot today when you clear your mind of the usual worries. Meditate to gain some clarity. Write everything down that's bugging you so it's out of your brain and on paper. Tackle one issue at a time.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: The buzz surrounding your company or project is being generated even now, and all eyes are on you. The good thing is, if you succeed, you'll be talked about for years. If not, well, you may want to look elsewhere for employment.
● Finances: You want to make an extravagant gesture, and you know the target deserves it. The only hitch is, you can't afford it. Make sure you have pure motives. If you're just interested in showing off, then shelve the impulse until you have money to waste.
● Love: If you're uncomfortable in the spotlight, why not share the glory with a friend who has accomplished a great deal lately? Let people know of all the great things your pals have done as well. Spread the appreciation.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Don't be surprised if your ego is bruised today when someone you feel is less deserving than you gets some recognition. Be happy for this person and try to let he or she enjoy their special moment. And don't sweat it -- kudos are just around the corner for you.
● Finances: Don't despair. You may feel like you're not getting anywhere, but you could accomplish your biggest achievement today -- if you're open to it. Feeling defeated is a sure-fire way to stay that way, so look for signs that you can and will win big.
● Love: Persistence pays off, but be careful of going overboard with admiration. Your sentiments of love only work if the other party is receptive. If they're not interested, move on. Know the difference between being devout and obsessed.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Find new ways of helping people stay on top of their business. Remember, it's not all about you, you, you. Colleagues and customers will energize you in a new way, and you will find that time spent communicating is time well spent.
● Finances: Being the underdog has its advantages. Not only is there no place to go but up, but you have a certain amount of flexibility that someone defending their turf wouldn't have. Use your position to your advantage.
● Love: A new person may show up today to sweep you off your feet, but will you notice? You've been so busy at work and caught up in the usual day to day dramas so much so that your acute sense of observation has been clouded. Pay attention to those around you.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Progress is in the eye of the beholder and productivity can be fickle. Even if a project seems at a standstill, don't despair. The situation is shifting and if you check in again soon, you'll see a big difference.
● Finances: Others are hoping you have the answers they need, but you can only do so much. Be as creative as you can be with what you have, and leave it at that. The other principles involved are adults, after all, and you don't have to be their leader.
● Love: Today is a good day to remind someone close that they need to appreciate the smaller things in life. Give your friends examples of why they should be jumping for joy about the things they love, and how to ignore the stuff that just holds them back.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You'll feel a powerful boost to your energy levels today -- see, things are shaping up for the better! Meeting your deadlines and completing your projects on time and under budget will be a snap. And you may pick up a cool idea or two along the way.
● Finances: Challenge yourself to take on your biggest problems today and tackle them once and for all. If your boss is the biggest thorn in your side, then win them over. If it's billing, figure out a payment plan. And if it's lack of funds, start finding ways to build sweat equity.
● Love: It's a good day to get what you want so why not ask someone special out on a date? Suggest something casual you can do together and be flexible with their schedule. You might be pleasantly surprised by the reaction.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Is it time to shake things up or stay on an even keel? Consider how the largest issues guide you and keep you on track. Perhaps a small career change is in order, or maybe something bigger. A little schooling never hurt either!
● Finances: All work and no play has made you dull. But luck is on your side because you get something for nothing today. Whether it's an upgrade in travel accommodations or a free meal, it's just the emotional boost you need to keep your nose to the grindstone.
● Love: Follow your mood today to see where it leads. If you feel antisocial and melancholy, perhaps you should spend a quiet night at home. Hyper and ready for action? Grab some pals and head to the dance club.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Things are a bit dour around the office lately; it's a good time to spread around some good energy. Do little favors for coworkers, add nice touches to clients' favorite projects or just smile at people who look like they could use a lift.
● Finances: You have no real business worries today, but that doesn't make it an easy day. You still have demanding and greedy people to deal with. Giving them what they want won't help, especially if what they want is money. They'll only be back for more, so cut them off now.
● Love: Others may be overreacting to a comment that you may have made in jest. Even though you don't give much credence to things you say off the top of your head, people close to you may hang on every word. Choose your remarks carefully.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Let sleeping dogs lie: leave the past in the past and forget about the future -- you can't do anything about it anyway. Instead, focus on the issues at hand; do whatever it takes to clear your mind and tend to immediate work.
● Finances: Compromise is the surest and quickest approach to success, as well as the most rewarding. A winner-take-all attitude just isn't the right approach. Start giving a little bit of ground at a time and watch the extraordinary results.
● Love: Stop thinking so much about what could have been something amazing with someone who's no longer interested in a romantic encounter. Even though the outcome is disappointing, you shouldn't dwell on a future that will never be. Move on.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Make sure there's time for an encore after you solve a big workplace mystery today. This new awareness will bring you a reassuring round of kudos from your peers and supervisors, just try not to get a big head over it.
● Finances: Fantasy is more appealing than reality today, but that's nothing new. You need to focus on work or risk losing out on a big chunk of change. Don't let yourself drift off into pleasant reveries regarding money when the real thing could be yours.
● Love: When was the last time you told your buddies you loved them? Take time out today to tell your friends and family how much they mean to you. It's not every day you have the opportunity to express your true feelings. Seize the moment!