Free Daily Horoscope - April 27 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You'll have a hard time remembering your motivations for a recent decision, so move on as quickly as possible when asked to explain. Your reputation is on the line, so make it brief -- if you're asked questions, stick to one work answers.
● Finances: It's hard to keep up your enthusiasm but don't let yourself get depressed. Money issues tend to put you in a downward spiral. Start exploring ways to lift your mood if you can't find ways to improve your bottom line.
● Love: The it's-getting-too-serious-let's-slow-down talk is long over, but it's done little to reduce the amount of sex you're having with the person who initiated the conversation. It's clear: you're being used. If you're done feeling like a welcome mat, it's time to end it.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Find others who share your goals and don't stunt your imagination today. If you think your latest plan is a little wacky, you're probably right -- and that's a good thing. You'll be the star when your idea takes off.
● Finances: Find a good deal? Don't rush out and buy it. Do your research first. If you haven't been had yet, there's always a first, so be especially suspicious today. You can't afford to suffer any stupid losses.
● Love: If the time has come to say goodbye, say it and move on. The longer you let the discomfort and weirdness simmer, the more difficult it'll be to live with your conscience. Make a clean and honest cut and you won't have any regrets.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Focus on tasks and projects that make use of your conservative creativity right now. Keep that impulsive, spitfire side of yours carefully concealed today, if at all possible. Your reputation could be at stake.
● Finances: If you want to see any significant changes, you'll have to be the one to take the initiative. Nothing is going to change unless you do. You can sit around and hope and wish, or you can take the bull by the horns. Today is the day.
● Love: If you're seeing someone who has children, be especially careful. You may be in way over your head, especially if you're dealing with a crazy baby daddy or mama. You're not an attorney, marriage counselor or police officer, so if you're being forced into these roles, it's time to move on.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Your peers (and management) value your crazy ideas, even if they're half baked. The best thing you can do for your beleaguered brain is to let those conceptions take form. Colleagues with connections will work out the details for you.
● Finances: Your emotions are your weakness today. Whether it's happiness or despair, they are running you in circles. Do what you can to keep yourself on a short leash, because they are easily brought to the surface.
● Love: Who's the priority here? You? Or the friends? If it's the latter, things probably aren't going to change much. It's up to you whether you want to play second fiddle -- keep in mind, you don't deserve that.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You might be tempted to make a rash decision, but it's best to study all the details before going with your gut. Rely on the power of research today -- even if it's a quick online search, at least you'll have the big questions answered.
● Finances: You learn something new every day -- if you're open to it. If you're resigned to a life as you already know it, then you won't find many teachers. Let yourself be changed today, by experiences or someone else's opinions.
● Love: Chemistry, kisses -- whatever it was, you're totally obsessed with a certain someone. The connection is undeniable. You're smitten! Pick up the phone and see what's up! Chances are, this person is totally enamored with you too but has been hesitant to call. Synergy at its finest!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Keep informed about the latest developments so you can stay on top of your field. After all, you're in high demand lately -- that much is undeniable. Still, don't rest on your laurels. That'll give your competition an opportunity to catch up.
● Finances: Take your time sorting out your money issues. You didn't get into this mess overnight and you won't get out of it that quickly, either. Sitting down and come up with a good plan should be your task of the day.
● Love: The past may come back to haunt you in the worst possible way when an ex wants to get back together. Listen to all the rhetoric if you want, but nothing's changed. In fact, the only thing that has changed is you, and you're sick of the BS. Say bye bye!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Don't hesitate to point out how many extra hours you've been putting in lately -- you may feel overwhelmed by all these one work assignments the boss is throwing your way. After you're done reminding your boss, simply smile and get back to work.
● Finances: Not everything in life is about love. You do everything based on how you feel instead of what you think. Business doesn't work well that way. Start using your head to increase your profits.
● Love: Everyone's sort of out to get each other right now, so if you're looking for camaraderie, don't expect to find it, even among your BFFs. For now, rein it in a little and stick close to home. When the funk passes in a few days, everyone will be back to normal.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: It's a good time to forge ahead. Jump-start your new project today, even if you think you might be missing a few key details. If you need to ask for help, don't hesitate. You have more than enough support at your disposal.
● Finances: You find that certain someone or something who is from your home planet. You thought you were an ugly duckling but you've finally found your fellow swan. You can make beautiful music together as well as a tidy profit.
● Love: Life has a funny way of pushing you into submission and making you forget what a truly unique individual you are. It's time to exert your freedom and independence. Do at least one thing that defines your personality, no matter how out there it is.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: If there was a day to break out those special talents you've kept tucked away, it's today. Others will be impressed -- and you might find that their admiration goes beyond mere professional respect. They're downright in awe.
● Finances: You're feeling like Paul Bunyon today. There is nothing too tall for you to tackle. Make the most of this masculine feeling. You can accomplish ten times your usual amount today.
● Love: Leading someone on is bad karma, you know that. Plus it doesn't feel good for anyone involved. If you're into someone, let 'em know; otherwise, save the sweet talk for the sales meeting. It's all about maintaining a certain level of dignity and respect.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Now's a great time to work with others to make huge progress on big projects. Find new and creative ways to communicate with coworkers today, and you'll be pleased with their agreeable response.
● Finances: Your family members want your time and so does your job. Which you choose doesn't have to signify anything important. You have to put out fires where you must, and that is obvious.
● Love: Pay attention if the people who know and love you sense something is awry with this latest fling. It's easy to form an alliance against better judgment, but in this case, you should listen. They definitely know something you don't.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Don't get sidetracked by the fluff. Be careful with budgets, purchase orders and other financial matters today. You don't have quite as many resources as you'd like, and juggling priorities could require a balancing act.
● Finances: You think you're way ahead of everybody else but are you really all that advanced? Assuming you'll come up with a big discovery some day doesn't count. Until you do, learn to be humble.
● Love: You are definitely blessed with a sterling intuition, so use it -- don't deny it. When it comes to words, tune 'em right out -- those syllables just confuse the issue. Your gut will tell you what's really up, and it'll help you cut right to the chase.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Whether it's a new project, a revitalized partnership or an epic career shift, a transformation is in order. Expect major changes to shake things up at work today -- and be ready for just about anything. The world's wide open to you.
● Finances: You're dealing with one of life's riddles today, and it's thrown you off of your usual money-chasing pursuits. Enjoy being free of the illusions money usually uses to veil your eyes.
● Love: All of a sudden, anything is possible. You know what that's called? Hope! Plain, old hope. This type of momentum is rare, so tap into it and take it wherever it's headed. For the first time in a long time, you feel as if you can accomplish anything.