Free Daily Horoscope - April 16 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If you play your cards right over the coming weeks, a promotion or coveted reassignment could be your fate. You provide the spark that is absent from a new project -- and your creativity and unique perspective will definitely not go unnoticed.
● Finances: You're thinking for yourself. You may not be the pioneering type normally, but circumstances warrant it today. Being one of the sheep may feel safe and cozy but that's not high on your list of priorities right now.
● Love: Let a certain someone in a little deeper today. Be honest about your dreams and ambitions, and don't hold back. Let the conversation get more intimate than usual. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, pull back.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Whether it's a new lawn mower or a new car, read the fine print carefully before you agree to buy it. You may feel extra haughty because of your workplace finesse, but don't get overconfident. Even you can get screwed over.
● Finances: You're more tempted than usual to take some big risks. Playing it safe just seems so boring. But can you really afford to lose? Don't just imagine all of your winnings. Be realistic.
● Love: Too many late nights can wreak havoc with your health (and your looks). Instead of another crazy evening out on the town, stay in and relax with someone special. Hit the hay early for a little bedtime delight!
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: It's Saturday but you're already dreading Monday. You've taken on so many projects, you simply don't know where to begin. Here's a hint: Consider delegating some assignments so you can focus on those that will keep your career moving forward.
● Finances: No one wants to hear you preach. It's a shame, because you could really teach them a thing or two. You know better than to even try, though. Just sigh and continue keeping your secrets of success to yourself.
● Love: Your heart may want to move quickly, but your head knows better. Don't rush in where fools fear to tread -- avoid getting involved with matters (and people) you're unsure of. Play it safe for now.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Knowing what you want is one thing. Jumping the gun to get it is a whole other story -- that's grounds for disqualification. Patience over the next few days will serve you well. Bide your time, and as the dust is settling, pounce.
● Finances: Love yourself and others love you, too. You need to take care of yourself today. Money isn't the point. Whether it's checking into a spa or simply treating yourself to a healthy smoothie, it's a good time to do some self-nurturing.
● Love: The ability to laugh at yourself is an irresistible trait to cultivate. Your all-too-serious ego keeps getting in the way of a close connection with someone new. Instead of being overly sensitive about everything, shrug it off and keep giggling.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Any day is a great day to network, and you'll find that out soon enough when business and pleasure will mix unexpectedly. Don't turn down an opportunity to socialize if it comes along. You never know what's in store for you.
● Finances: You're bothered by people who don't know how to think big. But surrounding yourself by others who do is a risky proposition. It's good to have someone keeping you down to earth, even if it feels totally negative.
● Love: Time to reassess reality. Your ambitions, as they pertain to love and romance, are unrealistic -- to say the least. No, it's not about dating a Playboy Bunny or a racecar driver. It's a shallow existence, but you'll find that out the hard way if you keep it up.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You know that success requires trial and error, but that may not be evident to everyone else. Now's a good time to keep a low profile while you're still getting on your feet. You don't want others to judge your minor setbacks.
● Finances: It's your way or the highway. If you can't rush right to the fun part, then forget it. That's hardly a mature way to approach making a living. Don't indulge such childish impulses for long.
● Love: Your smile and laughter put others at ease. People are naturally drawn to you more because of your sweet nature. Keep the conversation light and relaxed -- it'll give someone new an excuse to talk to you.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Make your presence known in industry circles. Mingle with clients and competitors and show them you're a force to be reckoned with. Once your name is out there, they won't easily forget it.
● Finances: Your current project is less than ideal. But you can change things for the better a lot easier than you can stew over the way things are. Start sending out some feelers. Responses will be more positive than you imagine.
● Love: True love is often complex and challenging before you see the real rewards -- that's why patience is so important. So don't fall for the intensity routine. Be wary of romantics who love you and then leave when it gets too serious.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Stay close to home if you're feeling low on energy. This isn't a day for big moves or major decisions. The answers to your spouse's questions may elude you, so steer clear of the mix if you want to avoid the fire.
● Finances: You're too old to be blaming others for your mistakes. Getting swept up in the frenzy of the moment is no excuse. Others may have led you into a financial mess but you're the only one who can get yourself out of it.
● Love: Pay attention to patterns and trends right now. Your active subconscious will clue you in on a few ideas about what you want in a mate. It won't hurt to write down any profound observations along the way.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: When the hot ideas start percolating, there's no holding back. By mid-afternoon, you will feel great about getting to work on them. You might find yourself working late into the evening, but you won't care. This stuff is priceless.
● Finances: Being part of a mutual admiration society has its advantages. It's just the soothing balm you need to keep on going. So surround yourself with people who like you back just as much as you like them. It's worth more than gold.
● Love: When it comes to dating, make it a group effort! Find friends who can help you accomplish your dating goals today. Whether it's setting you up with an acquaintance or editing your online profile, you'll get more done as a team.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Take care of the routine stuff early next week and the creative work will be a piece of cake later on. After all, there's nothing wrong with spinning your wheels now and then. Even your boss understands that everyone needs a little downtime.
● Finances: Someone would have you believe your plans are impossible, but that's only their view. Keep on persevering, with them or without them. If they give up, then that only means more for you when success finally arrives.
● Love: Getting to know someone better isn't about laying it all on the line on the first date. Instead, be sparing about your background. Your privacy means a great deal, so don't jeopardize it by revealing too much about yourself too soon.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Doing the job right is more important than doing it quickly, and sometimes that means doing it the hard way. This quick fix you've devised may have hidden pitfalls -- make sure it's airtight before putting it into production, so to speak.
● Finances: You feel trapped but the reality is that the sky's the limit. All you need to hear is your first 'yes' to realize this. Start organizing small groups to give you some feedback, then branch out from there.
● Love: Stand up for yourself! You hate being treated like a doormat, so why do you let people walk all over you? You want to be liked, that's only human, but you don't have to give in to every suggestion.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Make sure you don't overextend your resources, including your emotional reserves. To be honest, you're starting to wonder how you continue on like you do. Watch your own back -- only you can give yourself the break you need.
● Finances: Luck is with you when you spill the beans today, but you can't always count on that. Learn to keep your lips zippered while you still can. The next time you speak without thinking will cost you a pretty penny.
● Love: Don't exaggerate your own problems to gain the sympathy of others. What seems like an earth-shattering event for you, may mean nothing to someone else. Keep everything in proper perspective.