Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - April 25 2017


● General: Transportation issues could slow you down now, so think up a smart backup plan.
● Love & Relationships: Looks like a lazy day awaits you, so minimize both work and social obligations and veg your heart out.
● Career: Your sense of business will be acute, capable of helping you carry out juicy transactions.
● Lucky number : 17
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: Good nervous resistance and remarkable vitality and recuperative power.
● Love & Relationships: Combine your powers of creativity (always fabulous) with your romantic nature (extra hot right now), mix well and see what kind of wonderful stuff you can make.
● Career: Your finances will begin to go uphill again.
● Lucky number : 28
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Blindly follow your intuition, which will be excellent and practically infallible.
● Love & Relationships: Take the plunge! Face that intimidating idea or task and embrace it wholeheartedly.
● Career: You must work to spare your forces if you want to bring all your projects to a successful conclusion.
● Lucky number : 58
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Keep on going -- you are on the right track and you know it.
● Love & Relationships: It''s an easygoing and carefree kind of day for you and your lover.
● Career: A business or financial decision may feel too harsh, but it''s the right thing to do.
● Lucky number : 72
● Best time of the day : 14h00


● General: Feel like you''re banging your head against a wall with someone? Give up, move on.
● Love & Relationships: Chitchat, brainstorming, heart-to-hearts -- you''re the master of communication now, and when it comes to witty repartee and flirting, forget about it.
● Career: Feeling frantic from all the catch-up work you''ve been doing lately? You''ll get through this just fine if you stay focused in the moment.
● Lucky number : 51
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Everyone around you seems to be freaking out on cue over something you think is no big deal.
● Love & Relationships: The mysteries of love can''t help but reveal themselves in the face of your curiosity and tenacity -- well, a few of the mysteries, anyway.
● Career: It''s a good thing that you do some of your best work in crisis mode.
● Lucky number : 70
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: It''ll replenish your spirit.
● Love & Relationships: Just in the nick of time, someone''s there to assist with a love quandary.
● Career: Communication plays a major role in your success today.
● Lucky number : 45
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: Old tastes and styles simply aren''t working for you anymore.
● Love & Relationships: Is it a match or a mismatch? Unlike with your socks, it''s not easy to tell what''s going on with a certain romantic possibility.
● Career: Your complete discretion is required in a work matter, so make sure you zip the lip and obey all the protocols when it comes to email and voicemail.
● Lucky number : 84
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: Digestive difficulties due particularly to your vices.
● Love & Relationships: Here comes a little luck in the love department, just in the knick of time for some flirtatious fun.
● Career: Stand your ground or someone could maneuver you into taking on work that isn''t yours.
● Lucky number : 78
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: Stimulating exchanges of ideas with your friends.
● Love & Relationships: Feel like you need some more information before you can fulfill your true mission in this life? Learn to listen to all the sources -- and that includes your heart, mind and soul -- to achieve personal success.
● Career: You want it, you need it, you just have to have it -- but if you''re willing to put in a little legwork and have some patience, you might be able to find it at a bargain price.
● Lucky number : 67
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: You''ll be blessed with much energy, and it''ll please you to spend it by frequenting circles that are very different from your own; this will be very beneficial to you as it will enlarge your horizons.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll feel in excellent physical shape, but you''ll be very sensitive and ready to misinterpret every remark that''s somewhat critical or even not flattering enough.
● Career: Cosmetic fixes won''t do the job.
● Lucky number : 34
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: You went out looking for romance and you ended up with a new passel of friends.
● Love & Relationships: Do you need to know what''s at the top of the stairs in order to take the first step? When it comes to this relationship, committing to any forward motion is what counts.
● Career: Keep work and play separate now.
● Lucky number : 43
● Best time of the day : 17h00