Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - April 2 2017


● General: Are you ready to move on?
● Love & Relationships: Lookin'' for love, but not exactly sure where the right places are? Try shaking up your routine just the teensiest bit.
● Career: A recent spate of relaxation may make it hard for you to slip back into work mode right away.
● Lucky number : 83
● Best time of the day : 22h00


● General: You don''t have to share your resources if you don''t want to.
● Love & Relationships: You''re a whiz at party planning, but your loved ones are getting too dependent on you to do it all.
● Career: Shift things around at work and at home so you find yourself with a little playtime.
● Lucky number : 38
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Be patient.
● Love & Relationships: Witty banter flies between the two of you.
● Career: You can move mountains with teamwork today, so gather all the troops together.
● Lucky number : 39
● Best time of the day : 12h00


● General: Try to conserve your gains now.
● Love & Relationships: A last-minute dinner party will challenge your resources, but reward your heart.
● Career: Business and commerce will have the benediction of the stars.
● Lucky number : 3
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: If it feels like you''re walking around in the fog, that''s because today''s energy is almost exactly out of sync with yours.
● Love & Relationships: The sentimental field will be very much favored: Existing ties will deepen, and you won''t be bored with your mate as they will reveal to you their treasures of sensuality.
● Career: Financial problems will arise, and it will not be a propitious time to embark on a shaky affair.
● Lucky number : 19
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: You, on the other hand, have some very high-minded plans you want to put into action.
● Love & Relationships: Very affectionate relationships with your close friends; they''ll understand you well and will give you a helping hand if necessary.
● Career: A propitious day for financial or real estate deals.
● Lucky number : 14
● Best time of the day : 21h00


● General: It''s time for you to recognize your natural gifts.
● Love & Relationships: Why not be willing to roll with the punches? Your romance will flourish if the two of you can relax a little.
● Career: It looks like work could be your primary challenge at the moment, and just getting through the day takes plenty of energy.
● Lucky number : 73
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: You hold the last piece of a puzzle.
● Love & Relationships: In your professional or social life, things may not turn out as well as you had hoped, but don''t lose heart: the situation will improve quite soon.
● Career: Don''t overwork yourself, and be sure to avoid heated discussions and conflictual situations.
● Lucky number : 32
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: All is settling down nicely right now.
● Love & Relationships: It''ll refresh you romantically and spiritually.
● Career: The rewards start pouring in, especially when you keep the focus on clear lines of communication.
● Lucky number : 96
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: If their sudden interest is making you feel weird, make your boundaries clear now.
● Love & Relationships: Inflexible attitudes -- your own or your sweetheart''s -- will just get in the way of this relationship.
● Career: Later on, when you''re more focused, you can work on the details.
● Lucky number : 54
● Best time of the day : 10h00


● General: A new person introduces an unexpected element.
● Love & Relationships: Your professional life will be positive and active, and your work relationships will be encouraging.
● Career: Today you''ll enjoy learning a trick or two that will give you a financial edge.
● Lucky number : 28
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: The walls you''ve built need to come down, so show the world the real (amazing) you.
● Love & Relationships: Going into your overall romantic scenario with a good heart is what counts most now.
● Career: Plug up some of your financial leaks.
● Lucky number : 95
● Best time of the day : 15h00