Free Daily Horoscope - March 23 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Coworkers and supervisors are receptive to anything that gets the job done more efficiently. So there's never been a better time to unveil a new method or strategy you've been dying to try. All eyes and ears are on you.
● Finances: It's hard to shift over from the pursuit of money to the pursuit of happiness. Don't look at your friends with a money sign glinting in your eye. If you're poised to jump on financial opportunities, then stay away from your social circle.
● Love: Something you say could say to a friend could be considered insensitive. While you didn't intend to be hurtful, your words can easily be misconstrued. Sincerely apologize and tread carefully next time.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Suggest a safer and saner solution: a risky proposal won't pay off right now. Coworkers may be disappointed, but they'll thank you when the results come in. And nobody has to lose their job or take a pay cut over it.
● Finances: People around you are becoming enlightened one by one. Where is your epiphany? You feel like a kid again, waiting to become a grown up. It will hit you when the time is right. Until then, just stick with your current plans.
● Love: Sometimes it's best to know when to cut your losses and move on. Being patient with someone who doesn't treat you right won't pay off in the long run. If others can't respect you, it's time to find someone who will.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Put your differences aside and work toward a collaborative solution. When it comes to this battle between you and a coworker, drop it for the sake of the team. If you can't let it go, take it to management or settle it behind closed doors.
● Finances: The last thing you need on a day off is for someone you think of as a friend to act like your boss. They're not getting the message, though. You can be blunt but your best course of action is to steer clear altogether. Save the weirdness for when money is involved.
● Love: When it comes to romance, it's not always in the hands of fate. When you know what you want out of love, it's easier to call the shots. Stay focused, because the outcome is up to you.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You can't just go, go, go and not expect to burn out sooner or later. You'll do your best work today if you carve out a little time for yourself. Whether that means taking off early or getting a massage on your lunch break is up to you.
● Finances: You don't feel like exposing a personal part of yourself, and you're convinced no one can pry it out of you for love or money. The fact is, though, that it's your little secret so you don't have to bother hiding in your little shell. Come on out and play.
● Love: You're in dire need of some TLC. Instead of relying on others to make you feel better, why not try a little self-nurturing on your own? Pamper and treat yourself like royalty. You deserve the very best.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Nip the current office strife in the bud before it starts to become a problem. Petty gripes between coworkers hardly merit your attention -- but when they start to cut into office morale, it's time to get involved.
● Finances: Don't get sucked into someone's conflict. Listen to all sides before acting. Choosing the wrong person to back could cost you much more than money, so don't take anyone's word for it, either. Investigate.
● Love: When you decide to tell someone special how you really feel about them, don't mince words. Be crystal clear about your intentions and give it time to sink in. You might be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: The quagmire is approaching, what are you going to do about it? When a project hits a wall, daring solutions are in order. It may take a little convincing, but pretty soon everyone will be using your innovative new approach.
● Finances: Having a day of good fun is as important as eating right and staying fit. It's downright critical. Today is your day, so treat it as if it were as important as making money. Work hard at it if you must, but be sure to enjoy yourself.
● Love: Today force yourself to do something social. Even if you want to just go home and veg out, ask some pals to join you for a movie marathon or a video game challenge. Now is not the time to be alone.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Your willingness to do what it takes to get the job done makes you an example for others. You'll surprise yourself and others with your resourcefulness, especially in the face of technical problems.
● Finances: Things from your past are haunting you. If the haunt is too strong a word, then they're at least weirding you out. It's a good day to throw small amounts of money over your shoulder. Seeing a midday movie or buying yourself a small gift is your way of appeasing your ghosts.
● Love: Today your feelings about someone new seem to be running the spectrum of hot and cold. Just because you can't pinpoint your exact attitude towards this person doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue it further.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Don't let others persuade you to change your opinions today. This time, go with what your gut is telling you and trust your instincts, whether you're signing legal documents or providing input on a potential hire.
● Finances: If it were a business day, you would never sign on the dotted line. That's because you're just not clicking with those around you. Wait until you are getting along better with others before making any decisions, financial or otherwise.
● Love: When the fact about someone new doesn't make sense, trust your instincts instead. Sometimes a gut reaction is more accurate than what the evidence leads you to believe.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: If you're wondering why things seem off, it's because the direction is unclear. It's time your company or team revisited its core values. You're in a good position to lead the discussion, though you might be surprised when nothing truly radical shakes out.
● Finances: There's enough goodwill to go around. Too bad there's so little money to go with it. You and your friends are on a low budget and you'd better keep it that way. Find ways to have fun on the cheap.
● Love: A friendship could be in jeopardy today if you continue to blow off invitations. Stop being flaky and let your pals know what's going on. You can be busy and still keep your pals happy as long as you leave the doors to communication open.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Daunting tasks really aren't that big of a deal if you take baby steps. That pile of papers on your desk may seem endless now, but if you just start plowing through it, you'll be surprised at how quickly it diminishes.
● Finances: Most of your days are good ones, with the occasional great day thrown in for good measure. Today you are head over heels in love with life. Others are impressed with your strong emotions and wonder how you keep it up. That's your little secret.
● Love: It's natural to be idealistic when thinking of how past relationships could have been. But what's done is done. Think about the present and how you can shape your future with the decisions you make today. You are in control of your destiny.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Opportunity is everywhere, and there's no lack of jobs for which you're qualified. You're in a good position to negotiate for a raise or promotion, so remind your boss of your value to the organization.
● Finances: You have very little self-discipline today, but it's the rare day when that is totally okay. Indulge your whims, as long as they're within budget. You really can't do much harm so you might as well enjoy yourself.
● Love: Friends come in handy today when you need a fresh perspective on a problem that's been vexing you for quite some time. Listen to their ideas with interest and be open to newfangled solutions without shooting them down.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Temper your statements with tact and know when to shut your mouth. Before you open your mouth today, make sure you know your audience. It's not so much what you say but how you say it.
● Finances: Your friends are not your stepping stones, but that doesn't mean they can't help you get ahead. Pick and choose carefully when it comes time to ask for favors. Some people are more giving than others.
● Love: Today pay attention to little clues that a close friend may want to pursue a romantic relationship with you. Not all hints will be as obvious as flowers and candy. Watch their body language for unspoken declarations of love.