Free Daily Horoscope - March 20 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Relax, read or take in some art to get a new and fruitful perspective on a workplace issue. Synergy's practically your middle name now, so do whatever you can to inspire your working mind in unexpected ways.
● Finances: You're not one of the sheep, so why should you invest your money as if you were? Take your independent way to thinking and apply it to everything in your day, including your money. You'll soon have followers of your own.
● Love: It may just be one of those days -- you're a little crabby or uncomfortable in your own skin, or your crush suddenly seems not-so-hot. Take it easy. Try a little exercise or meditation. Consider cocooning tonight.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Don't let whimsy override good solid judgment now. Pursuing a shiny new opportunity or grabbing the financial brass ring is tempting, the stars say it's unlikely to pay off in the current climate.
● Finances: Don't despair if you lose a good deal today. It goes without saying you'll encounter others. That old saw about opportunity only knocking once doesn't apply to your financial situation. There will be plenty of other chances.
● Love: Relationships are in the stars -- perhaps former ones and possibly new ones too. Meanwhile, look at the relationships around you. What do you want yours be like? What do you want to do all you can to avoid?
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Be clear about the objectives of all parties involved and get on the same page before you pursue alliances. Partnerships and collaborations will go very well if you take the right approach.
● Finances: You're tempted to get up on your soapbox and give the world a piece of your mind. You know it won't get you anywhere but it sure feels good to speak your piece. Don't indulge. You're too intelligent for that kind of behavior.
● Love: A romantic situation or prospect may appear great on the surface, but you'll need to bring all your insight and intelligence to bear now. Step back, look deep and listen to your inner voice -- and your higher mind.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Now's the time to do something just for you -- a day trip, a massage, even just a long walk or a solo matinee. All work and no play not only makes you dull, it leaves your batteries less than optimally charged.
● Finances: It's hard to get the energy flowing without the help of your coworkers. Get them excited about a shared project before attempting to get anything else accomplished. It will be well worth the effort to stoke their collective fire.
● Love: Cushion those sensitive feelings as best as you can -- you've got a bit of a tendency to take things personally and/or seriously now, particularly romantic things. A sympathetic friend is your best companion.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: If someone's bothering you about inconsequential details, they're going to hear about it. After all, nothing frustrates you more than petty concerns impinging on your innovative, creative, big-picture approach.
● Finances: You have a taste for adventure. That you have neither the time nor the money for it is a petty issue that you won't let get in your way. You can do plenty of exploring without even leaving your desk today, and no one will be the wiser for it.
● Love: You're a little bit stuck on yourself at this juncture, when taking a look at the whole picture -- including the different perspectives and desires involved -- can be extremely fruitful. Get unstuck.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: While your sense of occupational responsibility is admirable, it's very important to strike a balance. You could find yourself torn between work duties and family matters now -- or just between work and play.
● Finances: You're eager to get ahead but you're stuck where you are. Did you miss the countdown or are you still waiting to hear it? You're not quite sure. Either way, don't give up. Force yourself to hang in there until you hear the all-clear.
● Love: Reconsider the realistic when it comes to the realm of romance. If you're waiting to be swept off your feet by your dream lover, you just might be missing someone relatively dreamy with their feet on the ground.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Extract a little time from your schedule to explore where you are when it comes to the bigger picture. If the stars have anything to say about it, current projects are moving right along according to plan.
● Finances: Your ideas seem less and less idealistic the more people get on board with them. Do some hard selling today, because you are at a real tipping point. Be as expressive as possible when convincing others to join your parade.
● Love: Work and/or financial matters may be the focus of your attention now, but what about fun and/or matters of the heart? Don't forget to make an effort to achieve your (usually effortless) balance.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: You have an opportunity to show your individuality while recognizing and handling a risk everyone else is missing. It's not like you to go along with the herd, so why start now? Press forward and make a mark for yourself.
● Finances: If you're not a natural risk-taker, you are one today. You can hardly keep your cash in your wallet. Just because everything looks like the deal of the century doesn't mean it is. Give yourself a budget just as if you were playing the slots.
● Love: You're dynamic, you're magnetic, you're sexy and sensual and emotional and understanding and so much more! The stars are pouring some intense, amazing energy your way. Fill yourself up with it!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Get ready to work your magic. The amount of goodwill you've personally generated could fuel your entire workplace -- and when you team up with other key players, the enthusiasm is unstoppable.
● Finances: An unexpected windfall is nice but it doesn't really make you want to kick back and enjoy the good feelings for long. Forget the appeal of random luck. What really boosts your confidence is a job well done.
● Love: Sure, you could let your current mood have its way with you, but you could also diagnose it -- figure out where it's coming from and why. This kind of self-awareness can only help in the realm of romance.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Find a better way to restate and accomplish the same thing in a way that'll get the green light. It may appear that the powers that be are shooting down your plans, but perhaps they're just prompting you to reconfigure them.
● Finances: You're nothing if not idealistic, and that's a great way to be. It's the fuel for your rocket booster. Expect to make it to Jupiter or Saturn and you just might find yourself there. Be 'realistic' on the other hand, and you know exactly where you can expect to stay.
● Love: You're rather dispassionate now, which may not sound like a very romance-oriented state of mind. But wait: It actually makes it easy to strike up conversations and to see people for who they really are.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Expect hidden agendas and secret plans to pop up when you least expect them. Your X-ray vision will be hindered by the folks you have to deal with today, but you're flexible enough to handle their outbursts.
● Finances: You have the uncanny ability to organize even the most disparate of people. Groups from behind you almost without effort. Enjoy these leadership qualities while they last because you may be looking at a completely different view soon.
● Love: You may be asking some heartfelt questions right about now, but they're just as likely to be about progress in your career as progress in your love life. Take on one thing at a time for your sanity's sake.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You're keeping your own goals in mind, but you'll also be able to work toward bigger-picture milestones. The two aren't mutually exclusive, and your ability to bridge the gap makes you a valuable asset.
● Finances: Hoping for good luck is a ridiculous way to face the financial hurdles before you. Doing the right thing is hard work but it's an absolute necessity. You can't write it into your budget but you can keep it front and center in your business plan.
● Love: Not everyone is as pure of heart and golden of intentions as you are. There's no need to get paranoid, but do postpone the head-over-heels thing. Start with an open-ended question that gets at values.