Free Daily Horoscope - March 19 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You'll experience higher productivity if you're working altruistically than if you stay focused on your own needs. Put off working on your own projects for now -- you're needed to aid the greater good.
● Finances: It doesn't matter how many things go wrong, nothing and nobody can get you upset today. Even money worries can't reach you for a change. It's not that things are all rosy as much as it is that you are simply immune to the bad news.
● Love: If at first you don't succeed, well, you know how the saying goes. One flirtation that doesn't go anywhere isn't the end of the world -- it just wasn't meant to be. There are many fish in the sea!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Try to start new habits or routines today that will help you manage work when it gets crazy over coming months. It's not an especially difficult time for you, so it's a perfect day to think about how you handle stress.
● Finances: You have an 'if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for them' attitude that won't have you winning any popularity contests. In fact, it's negatively impacting all of your relationships. Try sparing loved ones the financial hardships you yourself have endured.
● Love: You could get cranky if you're not the center of attention, but try to rise above. Let a friend sparkle while you shine steady and bright -- the right person will realize you're their kind of star.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You will have an extra-long time to self-edit and improve on your messaging today, and it will definitely be time well spent -- think very carefully about your words before releasing them.
● Finances: You may have thought your feelings are as unpredictable as the stock market, but you are wrong. You'll get a good lesson in just how to probe into them today, and you'll come out wiser and better able to understand what makes you tick. Put that knowledge to good use.
● Love: Your current romantic mission, should you choose to accept it: extra close observation. You don't have to do any spying, just some fine-tuned looking and listening (including to your own heart).
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Unexpected (but minor) problems are bound to arise throughout the day, so get ready for a bumpy ride. Your flexibility will be one part of the key to success, but you will have to rely on others as well.
● Finances: There is no reason to sign something you don't understand. It's not just the fine print you should be concerned about, either. Go over the documents again and again, until you are as fluent in their meanings as you are in your native tongue.
● Love: One minute you're a bit blue, the next minute your hopes are soaring and the world's your oyster. Your emotional state(s) might not make a lot of sense at the moment, but it's exciting to be you -- and be around you.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Don't let the naysayers drag you down to their level -- elevate the conversation and get them thinking the same way you do! Your positive attitude is positively infectious wherever you go today.
● Finances: Keep your eyes open for a diamond in the rough. Something valuable is just below the dust and dirt. It's an antique of sorts, and you're the lucky garage sale buyer. Don't clean it up too soon, though. That ratty patina is your best defense against those who plot against you.
● Love: Knowing what you want is one thing, but it's also important to know what it is you want to give. Cultivate your romantic karma by going out of your way to be extra caring. Love is everywhere!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Stick to what you know and what's comfortable today. Your life is full of excitement and frenetic energy. Sink into some relaxation and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Nobody can appreciate it as much as you.
● Finances: You don't care how unrealistic your goals are. You want to achieve them, and that passion is all you need to move relentlessly forward. Don't waste time listening to others, either. They're just trying to talk you into sharing their mediocrity.
● Love: It's rather thrilling to be around you right now, not just because you're fiery and sexy (which you are), but because you're not afraid to say exactly how you're feeling. Suddenly, all sorts of things are happening.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Your spark is so bright that you might attract romantic attention from all sorts of interesting places, even an off-hours call from a client. If that's something you're open to, it will move quickly. If not, you'll be able to spare everyone's feelings.
● Finances: Your emotions are like clouds blowing across the sky. One minute you're selfish and the next you're giving away your life's savings. Those kinds of fast, extreme changes are not healthy, for you or your bank account. Keep you and your wallet sequestered for the day.
● Love: Acquiring admirers in bulk might be gratifying to the ego, but the heart likely wants something more singular, with more depth. Let other build their romantic rolodexes while you seek out something special.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Practice reverse psychology. Someone near you is trying to overpower you, but you can turn the situation to your advantage by appearing to give in. If you time things just right, you can win through a superficial defeat.
● Finances: You wish you were the pied piper of money, but you'll have to settle for being magnetic among humans, at least for now. That quality is your secret gold mine if you learn to use it properly. Start enjoying your special talent.
● Love: Gosh -- everything's suddenly all sparkly-new and gorgeous, not least of all you. It's your remarkable power of renewal and regeneration, and it feels -- and looks -- absolutely fantastic.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Opportunities that you haven't heard about yet abound. So pull your boss aside and speak frankly about your ambitions. Getting them out in the open is your best bet right now, and you'll be fresh in their mind for advancement.
● Finances: Your dreams leave you slow and exhausted early in the day, but you can shake the feeling with but a bit of effort. Be sure you do, because there is a lot of money to be made today once you snap out of it. Don't waste time sulking alone.
● Love: Everyone else may be ready to socially go, go, go, but you might feel more like go-go-going home to relax alone. Why force it? The stars say that tomorrow's much more of a party day.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: It's time to cull the good choices from the rest of the mental detritus. If you're looking hard enough and you're honest about your motives, you'll soon see one obvious choice -- the golden opportunity of a lifetime.
● Finances: Friends can help you bolster your poor self-image today. There is no reason to mope about your losses with them around. It's not the same as real power and prestige, but it's a nice, warm feeling just the same. Enjoy it.
● Love: You're cool as a cucumber at the moment, and, as is often the case, your laissez-faire attitude is at least as attractive as anyone else's eagerness. Don't be surprised if you're collecting some attention.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You might be able to draw synergy from conflict. After all, balance is the day's keyword. Even if personal issues are invading your work life, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding your way or discovering the solutions.
● Finances: Extra money shouldn't be considered money to burn. You should put it to good use instead of spending it frivolously. That includes helping others. Being socially useful can be as valuable to you as spending on your own health and wellbeing.
● Love: Blurting out what's on your mind or in your heart could leave you feeling emotionally exposed, hanging on for a certain response. If you're feeling sensitive, consider keeping quiet for now.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: If you're working today, take time off to reconsider your goals and strategies for meeting them. It might take more time than you'd like, but you need to get clear about where you're going and what you're doing with your life.
● Finances: You're not sure how to move forward. Would you go on a trip through a jungle if you couldn't see properly, or fly a plane in the fog? Embark on your financial journey with the same care. In other words, stay put until things are clear.
● Love: You can expect some major emotional waves right about now -- luckily, you're good at riding them out. It's all part of the wonder of having a heart that's fully engaged with the world around you.