Free Daily Horoscope - March 12 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Don't hesitate to do whatever it takes to seize the advantage, even if it seems temporary. It's time for the kind of decisive action you're so well known for -- people are watching to see what you do next.
● Finances: It's a great day for romance, but unfortunately, what you really need is a great day for making money. You're up against the ropes financially, and even some cheeky fun doesn't appeal to you right now. Focus on your bank account.
● Love: Your commitment to loved ones makes your life beautiful -- and provides you with opportunities for romance in more ways than one! All that affection that you pour upon your dear ones comes back to you hundredfold.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Business partners and allies test your patience, but if you can tolerate their foibles, you'll find your way to solid ground. From there, you can move quickly toward success.
● Finances: You're in a tug of war over money. You're either not in a position to pay a debt or you're trying to get some money out of a creditor. Whatever the exact situation, prepare to sweat to get what you need.
● Love: Hanging with your family is the ultimate escape. You feel cosseted, cared for and able to let the recent tension of the past just slide away. Your relaxed state means you're at your best when you meet someone new.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: While you might not be taking everything too seriously, the odds are that everyone else is, so treat them accordingly. Your best bet? Be wary in business communications and watch what you say and how you say it.
● Finances: What good is being intellectual if you can't put it to good use? Your brain is just begging to be used as a money making tool. If you take it seriously, other people will, too. Start by generating some of the good ideas you are famous for.
● Love: You've still got it, but then again, did you ever lose it? Actually, you were worried that you might have done just that. Thankfully, you can dump that concern right where it belongs and get back to business as usual.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Don't try anything sneaky right now; everything is transparent. You'll be tempted to break the budget. And just this once, it could be the right thing to do. Even so, double check with a supervisor before you spend the money.
● Finances: You're not always frugal. In fact, you can be downright extravagant in your spending. It's that time of year, so if you hope to stay within budget, be prepared to spend plenty of extra energy reigning in your own impulses.
● Love: Loved ones lift you up. Sharing the fun times with family and friends is easier than ever, since the stars make sure everyone gets along beautifully. All this socializing gives you a chance to meet someone too.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Take a break now -- you've certainly earned one. You've finally reached a pinnacle. Whether it's a landing or a plateau is totally up to you. Make sure you enjoy the view from your vantage point because things are about to get bumpy.
● Finances: It's taken a lot of willpower to get where you are. It may not be the pinnacle of your career but it's nothing to laugh at, either. You deserve a pat on the back for all that you've managed to pull off thus far, even if no one else thinks so but you. Buy yourself a round.
● Love: You've got a great opportunity to put your money where your mouth is and make good on an old intention. A few sacrifices (including some personal time or space) are necessary, but the emotional rewards will be worth it.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Just go with the flow for now -- you won't feel nearly organized enough to deal with the latest round of unexpected business. But if you do some quick prioritizing you'll be just fine and you'll get it all done somehow.
● Finances: You know exactly how to bend with the changing times. The economy has taught you to be flexible when it comes to juggling your money. You may drop a plate or two every now and then, but for the most part you know how to keep things in the air. Ignore the crashing sounds today.
● Love: Please, no beating yourself up over an honest misunderstanding. Nobody's perfect, and what's more, nobody should be -- otherwise, how would you ever get to have any fun in life? Everything will be fine.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Ask around and make sure everyone is on track today. You're the best point person for this latest and greatest project. It'll be up to you to make sure your team has everything it needs -- even if its members don't know they need it.
● Finances: You'd love to be active with your friends without having to assume the role of boss or pack leader, but it just ain't happening any time soon. You're stuck leading the way yet again. It may not get you any pay for the work but it's valuable experience.
● Love: Old family dynamics might be showing up in relationships, often when you least expect it. Take a look at emotional holdovers from your childhood and how they might be adversely affecting matters of the heart.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Something big regarding your career takes you by surprise, but you'll need to deal with this one on your own. It might not be a make-it-or-break-it situation, but it will feel like a crisis that must be handled sooner rather than later.
● Finances: You may not be getting a raise today but that hardly qualifies as a career crisis. Don't let yourself get worked into a state of hysteria over your imagined financial future. Take a deep breath and talk your ego down from the ledge.
● Love: Have you ever thought about the questions that you ask your dates? Confusing queries just produce equally confusing answers. Be honest (and kind) about what it is you want to know. Clarity begets clarity.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Good luck comes in streaks, and you're entering a rally right now. Just take the waves of good energy in stride and brace yourself for the doldrums, which by the way, won't last long. Overall, you'll feel great no matter what you're up to all day long.
● Finances: It's the kind of day when every misfortune somehow turns into a windfall. If you get bumped from a flight, expect your next seat assignment to be upgraded. Bad service nets you a meal on the house with drinks and dessert. You get the picture. It's a bumpy but enjoyable ride.
● Love: A new romance heats up or an old one rekindles when you least expect it. The only issue is that a key component of your perfect mate might not be exactly what you expected. Believe it or not, this is a good thing.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Play detective. Even if you don't have solid evidence, you know some malfeasance is going on. That new client or coworker is hiding something, and it might blow up at an inopportune moment if you don't ferret it out soon.
● Finances: It's not easy for you to share what little you have left, and that makes this a rather rough day for you. But even though it's hard, resist the impulse to keep all of your resources to yourself. Sharing is still the best way to get ahead.
● Love: You have great insight, especially about the relationships in your life. Rather than lay blame, look at the choices you've made. Resolve to be more responsible for your actions and accountable for the results.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Prepare yourself for some lateral thinking and limber up so you're flexible enough to adapt to coming changes. Something big is about to be announced, and you'll have to deal with it on the fly.
● Finances: You already know that compromise is the key to success and happiness, but you need a reminder every now and then. Today is your day. Not backing down can create some serious problems for you. You might want to reconsider while you still can.
● Love: A partnership that's founded on a deep sense of trust is truly a prize. When you're with someone because you want to be, not because you feel weak or needy, that's a relationship you want to have forever.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: If you stick fiercely to your own domain, you'll be able to manage it all in due time. Too many projects are making you frantic, but don't panic just yet. Just handle what's in front of you and don't worry about the periphery.
● Finances: Mind your own business, even if it seems like others could benefit from your sage advice. No one wants to hear your words of wisdom unless they specifically ask first. Butting in is simply bad for business.
● Love: Doing the same old same old when it comes to love keeps you in a rut. Admiring someone's ability to get the task done opens your eyes to romantic possibilities with him or her too. Competence is surprisingly sexy.