Free Daily Horoscope - March 11 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: If you can keep everything humming along on a superficial level, you'll be doing your job perfectly, so avoid any heavy lifting or serious negotiations today. Leave the heady stuff for another day when your mind is ready to deal with deeper issues.
● Finances: Getting emotional always has you thinking of family. Even if the triggers are financial, you can't help but think about long-lost older relatives today. Use them as your inspiration, because they make excellent role models.
● Love: This new person in your life is intoxicating, but are they really all that? Examine the effect they have on your life and regularly scheduled programming. Remember the word 'intoxicating' does include the word 'toxic.'
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: The evidence is right in front of you, and it's your job to ferret it out, so work methodically. Like an old-time detective with a monocle pressed to one eye, you should pore over the small print in search of clues.
● Finances: Being tight-lipped is your MO, but you are spilling the beans today. Reign in too much of the emotional chatter because it will only lead to more serious lapses in judgment. A good business idea has to remain secret for now.
● Love: You end up becoming so absorbed in having a life that you forget all about love. Of course, this is just what the stars are waiting for. They're dying to surprise with a whammy of something deliciously romantic.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You don't want to lay down any roots just yet, so stay in motion all day long. Keep up the snappy patter and make sure to leave everyone wanting more. Even if you feel exhausted at the end of the day, you'll know you made some great impressions.
● Finances: You're feeling downright cheap today and not in an attractive, fashionable way, either. If you're not clear why, look around you. The dog-eat-dog attitudes of others are rubbing off on you. Are you sure you want to live that way just because they do?
● Love: Mind games get you and a suitor nowhere, especially if the rules are so complicated that neither of you knows what the point is. It's not on purpose, of course -- it's just that you're confused about what you want.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Before you close the door to your office, consider what's missing and check your motives. You still need to make some important connections, so make sure you're not just hiding out when you hunker down to get work done.
● Finances: You have enough opportunity for two but unfortunately, there is only one of you. Unless you can invent your double, you'll have to let some things go today. Don't be greedy. Just do what you can and leave the rest for others.
● Love: Are you two arguing or dating? It's easy to mistake one for the other at times like these. If you're having fun, let the games continue. If the situation's getting more uncomfortable, examine what's going on.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You have a lot on your mind. In fact, one important fact or presentation you recently digested might be having a huge impact on your thinking. Let it sort itself out while you go through the motions and tend to the superficial stuff.
● Finances: It's hard to be modest when others are stoking your ego, but it's ultimately your responsibility to keep your baser emotions controlled. Besides, their motives have more to do with your money than your so-called awesomeness -- so keep one hand on your wallet.
● Love: Straight answers may be hard to come by now, especially if the person you're addressing is as twisty as a maze. The astrological lesson here is that you need to learn how to make up your own mind and not wait for them.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Pay close attention to what you're producing these days. Prepare all your email in advance and take time to review it before sending it off -- you may even want to ask someone to look it over for you. Something will pop out that needs correction almost every time.
● Finances: It falls on you to organize others from a rag-tag, random group into a fun social gathering. You may resent it at first, but once you get things up and running, you'll be the one to get the most energy out of the event. Enjoy.
● Love: Whatever you do, don't hand out ultimatums to romantic prospects right now. They'll only lead to ultimately unproductive showdowns. Ride out this current cosmic unrest and let calmer circumstances prevail.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Trust your instincts. You'll feel the urge to expose yourself to some new system or way of thinking. There's a lot to be gained from a fresh perspective, so start laying the preliminary groundwork now. Everything will fall into place as you move forward.
● Finances: You're starting to feel like an indentured servant. Being a serf is not much fun but keeping your head down and your nose to the grindstone is the only way to gain your freedom. It's right around the corner; all you have to do to get there is put one foot in front of the other.
● Love: Communication is key when it comes to nipping romantic challenges in the bud. You're a responsible, intelligent adult, and it's time to stop old habits from becoming full-blown problems in the present.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Don't be tempted by a dangling carrot. A seemingly great opportunity pops up, but you shouldn't jump on it yet. Take your time to consider and discuss all the consequences, even if the clock is ticking. You'll soon see why you need to wait.
● Finances: You're not the type to make getting your way the only thing worth considering, but today you can't help but notice that everything you want drops effortlessly into your lap. Take advantage of it. It's your day to get many gifts from the universe.
● Love: Responsiveness is one of your biggest assets right now when it comes to romance. You're able to take your energies and channel them toward the biggest audience in order to find the person you need in your life.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Too much is going on right now to process information effectively, so don't jump at that seemingly great opportunity. Bide your time and listen to what everyone has to say before deciding to take action. If you can wait until tomorrow or even next week, so much the better.
● Finances: Nothing is easy today. You have the wrong attitude and the wrong tools for every task that comes your way. You can't expect to make your fortune with this type of mismatched energy; the most you can hope for is to end the day without losing one.
● Love: Your social calendar runneth over. People are booking you left and right. Let's face it: A social event isn't complete without your presence. Love connections happen when your special spark is present.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Customer relations may be a bit strained, and your boss may talk like he's from Mars. No wonder your workplace culture is starting to bother you a little. You can push through it if you focus your attention on the projects on your desk.
● Finances: You need a novel idea to shake things up. But the more you try to think of one, the less likely it becomes that it will come to you. Deal with the issues you have at hand instead. The right idea will come to you when you least expect it.
● Love: It's time to pay strict attention to the input that you're actually getting instead of hearing what you want to hear and going on your merry way. If you can detach from the situation, you'll find it surprisingly helpful.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Blow everyone away -- strangers, clients, management -- with your charm. You'll feel as if you're crackling with energy, especially when you're face to face with people you don't know well yet. You've got the hook; all you need is the bait.
● Finances: Fixing up your environment can work wonders when it comes to improving your outlook on life. Getting upset about money won't change your finances one bit, but living in a comforting space actually can. Focus on things around the house rather than your bank account.
● Love: Does it feel like you and a potential sweetie are in a struggle for control? Drop the battle for supremacy and figure out how to have a partnership. Throw out any excuses and look for ways to take positive action.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: When all else fails, they come running to you, so expect lots of bleary-eyed requests to talk today. Changes disrupt the workflow throughout the office, but you can deal with them better than most and help everyone else adjust while you're at it.
● Finances: Put your creativity to work. There are plenty of opportunities to tweak even run of the mill things into something unique. Making money should be like performing for an audience, where the audience is the universe.
● Love: If you're fed up, take steps so this circumstance doesn't keep cropping up. Pay attention to what you do, how you do it and the consequences of your actions. Loving concentration will show you the way out.