Free Daily Horoscope - March 2 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Your vision is clear and if you can inspire the troops, you'll lead the way to big successes. You'll meet all your milestones early if you can play nice with teammates and colleagues.
● Finances: Delay, delay, delay. Someone is pressuring you to sign on the dotted line but you should resist for all you're worth. Don't let them see your effort, though. Make it look easy, like you're simply patting your pockets for a pen.
● Love: Being single doesn't mean you're all alone feeding 20 cats from your armchair while watching cop show reruns. Find people with similar interests by joining a local club or hobby organization. You might find datable members!
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: If you can stall for the time being you have a decent chance to force a stalemate -- and if you can stonewall effectively, you might come out on top. After all, things aren't looking good for you in the latest round of power struggles.
● Finances: Your friends are compassionate -- to a point. Even they are getting tired of all the complaining. Aren't you? You'll reach that beautiful, pivotal moment when you realize that even your biggest problems can be tackled with effort, not tears.
● Love: Your wackiness gets the attention of a secret admirer. So let your silly side shine and have some fun. A great sense of humor is what sets you apart from the competition.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: An idea you've been kicking around will suddenly transform into something radically different -- implement it immediately. You're about to shake things up for the better.
● Finances: It's hard to see your feet enough to put one foot in front of the other in the foggy state you're in, much less choose the right path. Your career can be seriously affected by even the simplest of misunderstandings today, so don't make any moves until things are clear.
● Love: Stuck in a rut? It's time to seek dating advice from unusual sources. Ask a grandparent, neighbor or even your favorite coffee barista for a few tips when it comes to dealing with the ways of the heart.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: When the tensions rage at work, you feel like tearing your hair out and screaming at everyone. Differences of opinion might spin out of control, especially if you let your emotions run wild. Keep a lid on those feelings and work them out after quitting time.
● Finances: Your mind is wandering in creative directions. Even philosophical musings benefit from your artistic take on things. You could end the day with a totally different financial philosophy than you begin it with if you give yourself free rein.
● Love: Seeing the light in others makes you a person people want to be around. Channel that positive energy into a project that could use an energy boost. And don't forget to appreciate your own inner beauty.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: You're in deep with the power struggles going on around you, but if you dismiss one key issue, the rest will disappear like yesterday's clouds. So just let it all go for now -- if your involvement is necessary, you'll be alerted accordingly.
● Finances: What is glaringly obvious to you may not be clear to others. Unfortunately, all you can do is watch them pounce on the glittery lures. Trying to sway them is useless. If you can't take the financial carnage, look away.
● Love: A project in need of a team might be a perfect opportunity for you to work alongside your crush. Keep the relationship professional but don't let the chance to get to know this person better pass you by.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Uh oh. Someone moved your cheese and you're anything but happy about it. Don't freak out just yet -- reconfigure your setup and see if you can find a better way of doing your job. This could be a blessing in disguise.
● Finances: Don't be too smug. You may think you've ridden things out by being clever, but even your circumstances could change on a dime. Everything is mutable in this economy, so thinking you're in the clear is a big mistake. Continue being cautious and playing it safe.
● Love: When offering your point of view, make an effort to be more constructive in your criticism than critical. After all, if the tables were turned you wouldn't want to hear about your own incompetence either.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Your smarts are leading the way, and you might be able to convince the powers that be to try your way of doing things for a while. You'll at least be able to charm them into listening.
● Finances: There's only so much you can be expected to juggle. You have just the right number of plates in the air now -- no more, no less. If you take on any extra work, more than your daily routine will be affected.
● Love: You're ability to get along well with others is being tested today. Even though you can't predict how people may react to your usual antics, you already know that you're generable likable nature helps you get through to even the toughest critics.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Do your best to keep your emotions out of the picture, but don't be surprised if you want to get medieval on a coworker. Workplace tensions flare up again, but this time you're right in the middle of the mess.
● Finances: Act the part. You feel like you're in a play, and that's not far from the truth. You don't want to be center stage, though. Hamming it up will only cause the wrong kind of attention. Be content to be an anonymous member of the chorus.
● Love: No one likes a stick in the mud. If you want people to care what you have to say, you need to be just as open with their ideas. Don't let stubbornness hold you back. Success depends on your flexibility.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Your ability to meet and impress total strangers is better than anyone's right now, so take advantage of the situation. If you're in sales or customer service, this is your day to shine brightly.
● Finances: Your finances have affected your entire life. It seems as if the world itself has gotten smaller, and not in a good way. Things haven't really been closing down around you, though. That's just your attitude making you feel hemmed in. It's a good day to look beyond your monetary horizon.
● Love: Mingle with people who have passions other than your own. Meet interesting coworkers for dinner. Or talk to strangers at a cafe. The more you open yourself up to folks from all walks of life, the more you'll learn about the human condition and yourself.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: When all else fail, cover your tracks. That hot new plan might not be all it's cracked up to be. Give it a thorough once-over before signing off on it, and make sure you enumerate its flaws clearly to the folks in charge.
● Finances: Others are impressed with you, so why are you giving yourself such a hard time? Part of being financially successful should be feeling good about it. For now it's a good idea to take a breath and rest on your laurels.
● Love: Instead of pretending that all your finances are just peachy keen, take a stab at assessing your debts. Calculate any outstanding balances, overdue bills and loans. If you need help figuring out a budget, ask around. Chances are one of your friends can give you some pointers on how to save money.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Stay on point today and you'll go far. Your enthusiasm rushes through the workplace like wildfire, and everyone can feel the heat. That big change you've been pushing for is all but certain now.
● Finances: The pied piper is back. You have to resist credit with all you're worth today. It goes without saying that the tune is misleading, so don't fall victim to its trance. The real numbers are right there on the bottom line, even if they are in tiny print.
● Love: Sharing is an admirable quality in any friendship. So why not reveal some personal events in your life? Permitting others a glimpse into your private world helps friends see the whole you as opposed to person you want them to see.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: You'll get a lot more done with someone watching your back, so don't be afraid to enlist extra help. Get down with the rest of the team -- or if you usually work solo, try to buddy up with an ally.
● Finances: It's easier to transform your financial state than you think. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by the idea. One simple step today could leave you on the road to financial recovery. Find a way to begin the journey.
● Love: What do you want to be when you grow up? Lately, you've been wondering about what career you'd really like to pursue. Instead of wishing for that dream job, make it happen. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it, but it's up to you to take that first step.