Free Daily Horoscope - February 7 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Enjoy the rush of adrenalin. You can expect to see quite a bit of activity during the next week, and thanks to your almost overwhelming positive energy flow, you'll be able to handle it with ease.
● Finances: Patience is not a virtue today. In fact, someone has been taking you for a long ride. You might wake up to that fact, and the result will be nothing short of a Ferdinand the Bull performance. Pity the person who thought they could get something for nothing from you.
● Love: Be spontaneous today and ask someone you've been eyeing out on a date. Don't think it through, or over-rehearse what you plan to say. Just walk up and start a conversation. Keep it light and casual.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You have to look at every option fairly before reaching a decision -- and that could take a few days. It won't be easy, but you can figure out which is best for your business as long as you take all the time you need.
● Finances: Keep your thoughts of money as positive as possible. The universe loves a good attitude, and you'll never make the kind of profits you want or need without it. Prepare yourself for success the same way you would prepare yourself for romance.
● Love: Sometimes being impatient does more harm than good. No one likes to hang out with someone who looks like they're ready to snap. Try to relax when out in a social setting. Be more Zen and less testy.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Once you figure out where you want your week to go, it'll be easy for you to chart a new course. Listen carefully to what your peers are saying -- some great advice is buried in the gossip and chitchat.
● Finances: You're staring down an obstacle as if you have laser-beam eyes as your personal super power. Too bad you don't. You have to go around it the same way all the other earthlings do. Save your powers of concentration for efforts that are more profitable.
● Love: Today is the perfect time to be more talkative with someone you want to get to know better. Strike up a conversation with a funny story or better yet, a question. When people are asked about themselves, they usually reveal quite a bit. Listen and learn.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You will feel like blowing up at some point today, but it's vital that you hold it in -- for now. Release your feelings at the gym or somewhere else where nobody has to suffer the consequences.
● Finances: You feel like you're being backed into a corner, but that's a good thing. The kind of desperation you'll feel will motivate you like nothing else can. Some of the ideas you'll come up with will seem downright wild, but they are the keepers.
● Love: Don't react emotionally when someone offers constructive criticism. Learn from the suggestion instead of being overly sensitive. If you continue to take advice personally, no one will want to offer it in the future.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You are going to feel a thirst for information that might take all day to slake -- so start early. Take a little extra time to consider the next step and keep poking until you've explored all of your options.
● Finances: A bit of spending here and there is fine, but don't overindulge. You're not hosting royalty, after all, but even if you were, lavish spending would be a faux pas. Keep it simple, and, most importantly, within budget.
● Love: Today meet different people by learning something new. Sign up for swing dance classes or acting workshops. Just get together with strangers -- they could end up being a lot more than that once you master this new skill.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You'll make a good impression because you are feeling especially vigorous and energetic right now. You might be able to pull off an extra shift or some other, equally impressive stunt if the situation calls for it.
● Finances: It's hard to think on an empty stomach, much less do the kind of soul-searching you have to do. Treat yourself to a good meal before you dig in and make those difficult decisions. It won't make them any more palatable but at least you'll be able to concentrate.
● Love: Remain high-spirited, even in the face of adversity. When you give into the darkness it's harder to find the light. You are the master of your own destiny, so start acting like it.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You can read people especially well in one-on-one situations and you should be able to say the right thing. It's a great time to settle in for intimate meetings with important customers or clients-to-be, especially over the next few days.
● Finances: Other people's income is one of life's mysteries that you can't help but wonder about. One person is a particularly hard nut to crack. Finding out how you compare is your challenge of the day, but try to keep your motivations under wraps.
● Love: While you are in search of love, it's not just all about the romance for you. You also need someone who can put up with your various personality quirks and issues. Look for compatibility, not just passion.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Morale, finances and networking are all prime possibilities for the upcoming week. You are in a very good position to get started on a new system that will improve the basic health of your organization.
● Finances: You're not the type to find discord invigorating, but some consider it just another form of sport. They are to be avoided at all costs today. Your time, money and energy can be better spent engaging in more profitable types of competition.
● Love: It's a good day to start anything that could further your chances of finding true love. Get a makeover, complete with a new haircut and some choice wardrobe pieces. Update your personal profile on an online dating site. Get a dental checkup so your smile stays dazzling.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You're bursting with good energy and will likely see even the most serious meeting as a kind of game. This attitude will carry you far, and others will wonder how you manage to get off stress-free.
● Finances: Small details mean a lot, in both relationships and finance. Treat your bank account like a lover you know inside and out. You know just how to tweak an extra penny out of a stone today, at least if you play your cards right.
● Love: Today it's a pleasure to talk to you. Others find you irresistible. Charm your crush into an unexpected rendezvous. Flirt with abandon. Let your magnetic personality do all the work instead of forcing things to happen.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Some of your worries are groundless, but some are quite important. You might be tense right now, but things will ease up in a little while. You should be able to make the call in a day or two.
● Finances: Creativity is a good thing, but today you need to stick to the basics. It may be dull, but slow and steady wins the race. Be thorough and conscientious rather than daring and one-of-a-kind.
● Love: Stability should be just as important to you as passion when it comes to finding the perfect mate. While romance may initially make someone look enticing, their trustworthy demeanor will make them a keeper.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Don't be shy about self-promotion right now -- everyone has to do it. You will have at least a few hot ideas over the next few days that will kick things up a notch regarding your future with the organization.
● Finances: You're bored with the status quo, but change is hard to come by. Imagine how a successful forebear would have handled things had they been in your shoes, in this day and age. They hold the key to your current cage.
● Love: Now is the perfect time to ask someone special out on an informal outing. Don't think of it as a traditional date, but more of a get-to-know-you workshop for two.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Use that intuition of yours to find the battlefield -- the fight's raging. You have to deal with the fog of war in a big way over the next few days: there's no way you can sit things out until more information comes in.
● Finances: Illusions are as beautiful as poetry or love letters but unfortunately, they don't pay the bills. For that, you need cold, hard cash. Put your poetic side in check and deal with your more practical side, the one that knows how to make a good dinner on a shoestring.
● Love: Relationships are complex enigmas that demand patience, hard work, faith and a little luck. But they are worth pursuing. Don't let a recent setback stop you from your search for true love.