Free Daily Horoscope - February 5 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Find a way to stall while you follow your (likely very valid) intuition on this one. Even with all the facts and figures before you, there's something about this project or deal that just doesn't quite compute.
● Finances: You won't be the first one to face the day without much enthusiasm and you don't be the last, either, but you could be the first to discover a unique motivational tool to get you up and going. It's not a glance at your bills over your morning coffee, either. Go out into a new mental territory and be the trailblazer you are in all other areas.
● Love: You're terrific at helping others achieve their dreams, and right now a friend could use an infusion of your enthusiasm. Give them a compliment and some encouragement in the romance department.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: It's a great day to brainstorm with your mentor or a trusted colleague. The stars are sending creative energy your way, and it's a force that can give you new insight and ideas about your personal career path as well as your industry.
● Finances: Walk, don't run, to the nearest sales event near you. You could be in for a great bargain, but only if you don't let yourself feel rushed. The moment you think you might miss out if you don't act fast is the moment both you and your wallet are doomed. Be true to your slow nature.
● Love: Get together with another single friend and peruse the online personals. Seeing who you'd select for each other (and joking about it) is not only fun, it'll open your mind to some different possibilities.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Be true to your vision -- foster trust and strengthen your network while you're at it. While your reputation's not exactly at stake, the stance or steps you take at this juncture do reflect on your core values.
● Finances: Someone is whispering in your ear but it is a stage whisper. Everyone in the room is meant to hear exactly what advice they are dishing out for your benefit. Smile politely. You and your bank account know exactly what you'll do with it.
● Love: You may get all wound up about something -- and be ready to give someone heck about it. But things aren't as crystal clear as they might seem. Let the situation unfold a bit more before you pass judgment.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Use your sixth sense for general good as well as your own advancement. Others' research and analyses don't have anything on your intuitive powers -- not to mention your ability to read their moods and motivations too.
● Finances: If you let your emotions get the better of you, you'll simply be getting yourself worked up over nothing all day long. Don't let anyone or anything get your hackles up. Even bad news or a large bill can leave you feeling neutral if you let it.
● Love: You're so in step with others, you can adopt (or at least try on) a new belief or perspective in a snap. Take it to the next level when it comes to romance; climb into a certain someone's shoes and see how they feel.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Keep your cool, even if someone's taking out their emotional reaction on you. An uncertain situation could have those around you losing their heads, but there's no reason for you to join them.
● Finances: Some lessons are less fun to learn than others. You've learned a few the hard way. The good news is that you don't take important things too lightly anymore. Money is no longer something frivolous to throw about. Enjoy walking across the stage of the school of life as you accept your hard-fought diploma.
● Love: What's your gut feeling? Sure, listening to your head or following your heart are fine ways to go, but at the moment your instinct is a surer guide than your intellect or your emotions.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Wait a bit for kickoff today, if possible. Getting a fresh project off the ground now may seem appealing, but if getting other people to accomplish tasks in a timely manner is part of it, don't count on a quick start.
● Finances: You know exactly what you should be doing and you will go about it with all the purpose and determination you can bring to your day. If every day were this focused and driven, you'd be rich by now. As it is, enjoy the profits your actions bring you today.
● Love: If you've got a romantic prospect (or two), it's possible that some issues will crop up now. You may want to just back-burner it and get back to it once the situation clarifies a bit.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Cultivate some good work karma by lending a hand to someone else's objectives while yours are up in the air. After all, it's two steps forward and one step back now -- with a few sidesteps and some stalling in between.
● Finances: You can get so wrapped up in your relationships that you forget everything else. Living life with those kinds of blinders on can be dizzying and fun, but you're letting too many things pile up on the back burner. Certain financial obligations can't be put off another day; remind yourself that life is about more than just romance.
● Love: The romantic progress you've been hoping for and working toward is now within reach. The paradoxical thing is, you may have to give up on a specific goal in order to find what you truly want.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: It's all about mixing it up and showing other people your unique, enterprising perspective. Bring an extra creative element into your work, and you'll meet with some unprecedented positive response.
● Finances: As much as you'd love to, you can't give away the shirt on your back, at least not literally. You won't be of any use to any of the people you dream of helping if you have nothing left yourself. Spend the day concentrating on your own financial fitness.
● Love: If you turn your creative powers toward matters of the heart right now, there's very little you can't accomplish. And if you get creative and methodical, your results will be even more stellar.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Look for the cause and effect, and apply a recent lesson learned to your own career. Someone else's career background holds a key for you now, so don't tune out when the stories are hauled out.
● Finances: There is more than one way to get something important done today. You can be grim and serious about it or you can lighten up; the end result will be the same. You might as well try to enjoy yourself while you're at it.
● Love: That funny feeling you've got -- could it be a fever? Or have you been bitten by the love bug? In any event, don't plan on getting a lot done; you'll be busy daydreaming and meandering. It is fun and nothing serious.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Proactively encourage feedback and start a very productive cycle today. A creative approach to an email, memo or presentation throws your audience for the kind of loop that gets them thinking in brand-new ways.
● Finances: If you feel torn between your family and your job, then you should know that that is an illusion of your own making. There is really no reason to treat the two as anything but one and the same. After all, you are in this for the big bucks, and for one reason: Your loved ones.
● Love: Think you've got your love life all compartmentalized and analyzed? There's something here that refuses to fit into a category or a tidy explanation. Handle it with your heart instead of your intellect.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Find alternatives that allow for progress without ruining your workplace karma. Putting your own interests first in a ruthless manner isn't your usual style, and even if it seems to be the only option now, it's not.
● Finances: A light bulb goes off above your head today. You finally get a bolt of enlightenment that makes everything seem obvious in the bright light of day. Your bills won't magically disappear, but how to get rid of them illuminates everything.
● Love: What is wishful thinking for some is a vision of the future for you. You know that the line between what you desire and reality is a permeable one, and now's an ideal time to push something across that border.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Your ability to re-envision the traditional way-we-do-things-around-here could lead to a very positive transformation in the workplace -- and your position. Test the waters with a new approach to an old task.
● Finances: You have the same ambition you always had, but what to do with it is bewildering at best. You have no idea what path to take to move forward with your finances, and you don't want to play 'wait and see' either. There's not much you can do but resign yourself to being stuck in a maze for the moment.
● Love: The stars are adding a few extra tricks to your already magical romantic repertoire, and even you could be surprised by what you've got up your sleeve. Go ahead -- impress and amaze!