Free Daily Horoscope - February 4 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: It's a good time to put the finishing touches on old work and move on. If you don't, things could get stale and boring. So take another look at your progress chart -- you're farther along than you think.
● Finances: When it comes to helping someone in need, you're usually the first one to speak up. Today, though, you're keeping your mouth -- and your wallet -- shut. Something about this particular plea seems foreign to you. You don't have to support what you can't embrace.
● Love: Some days are made for romance, but this ain't one of 'em. If you've got a date, make it friendly, low-expectations and low-key; if you don't, make one with your slippers and a DVD.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Keep your friends close and your work enemies closers. Pay attention to rivals in the workplace -- right now there's a good chance of power struggles and backbiting bubbling up and out of control.
● Finances: You never buy when you're in a hurry. That's like going grocery shopping on an empty stomach. So when someone tries to rush you on a big ticket item, you already know enough to wonder what they're trying to hide. It goes without saying you won't be hurried, no matter what the answer is.
● Love: Sure, your coupled-up friends are great, but save them for another day -- right now, you'll have a blast with those who share your mindset and relationship status. Get out and meet some new prospects together.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You might have to drink a little extra coffee to stay focused since you'll want to drift off into your own world when things start to get slow. But there are some good thoughts brewing down there.
● Finances: It's hard to reap the benefits of sage advice when no one is offering up any. Could it be they're waiting for you to ask? It's up to you to speak up if you could use the help of someone wiser or more experienced than you are. Take the initiative.
● Love: Worrying about what someone thinks of you is really pretty silly -- and if you try to adjust to expectations, they won't be getting the real deal. Be yourself -- it's the only way to find out if you're actually compatible.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Nothing comes easy today, especially when it has to do with money. Arguments might erupt over how to spend windfall cash or just on regular spending and budget issues -- either way, you'll have to fight hard for your side.
● Finances: Use your good memory to help you get ahead. Instead of kicking yourself over your errors, conjure up all the good things you actually learned from past mistakes. This could be another case of wishing you realized how good you had it.
● Love: So your mind's wandering -- your heart's in the right place, and the daydreaming you're doing might include some visionary stuff vis-a-vis your romantic future. Just be careful operating heavy machinery!
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Personality clashes in the workplace are a distinct possibility right now. If there's more than the usual head-butting going on today, check yourself and make sure it's not just an ego thing.
● Finances: You have a profound effect on someone without really knowing it. You help them see the good in their own situation, and that is a priceless lesson. It's not that you're on a soapbox, either. You're just being yourself, enjoying whatever life puts before you.
● Love: You ought not judge a book by its cover, whether it's glossy and great-looking or dog-eared and plain. See what's inside -- after all, this is about finding something for your heart, not your coffee table.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You'll start the day with renewed momentum to improve efficiency, so spread the word about a new idea or project you're working on -- maybe it's just for you, but maybe it's for the company as a whole.
● Finances: You don't need to do things that are gravely important to make yourself feel enriched. You are following your true calling simply by showing up for life today. Block out all problems, from money to work relationships, if that's what it takes to let yourself be truly present.
● Love: Everything's open to experience a dramatic if not tumultuous change. It may be a confusing time for your heart, but keep calm and you'll see that it's also a time of myriad possibilities.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Look your absolute best today. You'll have a great day and share the love with most people you come into contact with, possibly sparking a little workplace flirtation (if that's what you're looking for).
● Finances: Not spending money may come across as being selfish in the scenario you find yourself in today, but that doesn't mean you have to go telling everyone your financial circumstances just to set the record straight. Your past record of selfless giving should speak for itself.
● Love: You know not to lose it if romantic matters aren't quite going your way -- it's only temporary, and getting upset won't help matters. Enjoy friends and have fun; this phase will be over before you know it.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You won't be able to stall or stifle personality clashes, but you can ignore it safely for the time being. So watch out. Subterranean tensions might burst out and create serious in-fighting among your teammates.
● Finances: You are acting like your marching orders are coming from another planet. But don't let seeming different keep you from doing what you know is right. There is someone else in your circle ready to quit with you. Your money, oddly, will only increase upon departure.
● Love: Talk about hot -- it's ridiculously warm wherever you are at the moment, what with your turned-up sexiness making temperatures rise. Fan the crowd and offer 'em a cool beverage while you make things even hotter.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Put that smooth-talking charm to good use and dazzle the next few customers into total submission -- sales and networking are your strong suits right now.
● Finances: You're hacking through red tape just like Paul Bunyon with his ax. There's just about nothing that can keep you from making giant strides today if you put your mind to it. Focus on whacking away your debt instead of whittling away at it, as usual.
● Love: Anyone trying to catch your eye may experience difficulty; you're probably staring off into space, lost in your own little (or, knowing you, big philosophical) world. Try to tune in for a moment here and there.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You should definitely shy away from an impulsive use of cash or credit -- think everything through completely first. If you can curtail spending for even one day, do so.
● Finances: You finally get to put all thoughts of work, money or career out of your mind to focus exclusively on your family. It feels good to not be pulled in opposite directions for a change. Even better is realizing you have the ability to do just that each and every day.
● Love: How about expressing your admiration for a certain someone? You needn't make a big deal out of it; a sincere, straightforward compliment and a big smile are always welcome. Hold their gaze for just a moment too.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Avoid the temptation to take care of the easy stuff first and step up to tackle the biggest obstacles pronto. You can handle anything right now.
● Finances: You may be struggling to keep up with the Joneses on the outside, but on the inside, you are way ahead of the pack. Your advanced ideas will catch up with your day to day reality soon enough. For now, enjoy knowing what you think.
● Love: Being single means never having to say you're sorry -- at least not for doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want. Revel in it now, and be sure to leave some time for relaxing solo-style.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: It might seem that you're more focused on clients' needs than the bottom line, but ultimately you'll see that keeping them happy is the best thing you can do.
● Finances: Sometimes dressing up just feels false. No matter how much money you spend on clothes today, you'll just end up feeling that much more like a charlatan. Save the big spending for a day when you don't feel the need to hide behind camouflage.
● Love: Is it hot in here -- or could it be a case of spring fever? Don't be surprised if you're feeling a bit frisky and falling in love (or at least developing a fresh crush) every other minute!