Free Daily Horoscope - February 28 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Your leadership skills will be vital to pulling off a big coup. It won't be necessary to launch a massive assault -- just one well-placed idea should be all it takes to succeed.
● Finances: You're feeling lost without any challenges to tackle today. You don't have to waste your day totally adrift, though. If you can't rustle up any problems to solve of your own, put your efforts into helping others.
● Love: Somehow you feel as if you're missing out on something. Stirring the drama pot won't make it any better. Don't cause problems just for your entertainment. Better to tie up loose ends and pay attention to your own issues for the time being.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Internal power struggles threaten to tear your workplace into several separate warring factions. If you're in a position of leadership, do what you can to call a truce and negotiate peace.
● Finances: Your friends aren't the only ones who understand you. Others would be compassionate about your situation if they knew about it, and they would actually be in a position to help. Opening up is your first step toward financial repair.
● Love: You haven't felt this light and whimsical in months. Put on a skimpy, sexy outfit and head out for a long night on the town. Be as flirtatious as possible and don't leave any stone unturned. Everyone's focused on you.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: You can convince almost anyone of almost anything -- but, by the same token, you will also be more easily persuaded to adopt a different course of action. If you keep up the charm offensive, you'll end up ahead.
● Finances: What needs to be done is getting a bit blurry. There are too many things going on to leave anything to chance. Be crystal clear when giving instructions or you risk things going in unwanted directions.
● Love: You have no patience or time for superficial, shallow people right now. Unfortunately, the dating world is filled with this type of communicator -- the unluckiest in love. Don't tolerate it even for a second. The minute you sense duplicity, get outta there.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Financial issues, especially those related to cash flow, are on the table and aren't going anywhere. You will most likely be the only one willing to face them directly, but you may be able to recruit some assistance.
● Finances: It's a good day for daydreaming. When your mind wanders, it takes your ambition with it. That's a good thing because small seeds are planted in those daydreams of glory. Your ambition can't help but lead you there.
● Love: Your close relationships could suffer when jealousy, anger, and other ugly emotions surface. This is just simply your past coming to roost. If you haven't yet addressed all those shameful moments, do so soon. A clean conscience is sexy and freeing.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You will be the go-to person for creative solutions. It might be hard to deal with the constant stream of new requests and challenges, but if you stay organized, you'll find that you're a hero.
● Finances: Being excited about an idea is not enough of a reason to invest in it. When you do your research, you may find you've cooled to the idea altogether. Until then, it's best to do nothing involving your money.
● Love: Dating is so much fun when you look at the bright side -- but, when you're forced to choose between expressing your true self and pleasing the other person, suddenly the situation seems decidedly pathetic. Always stick to your guns: Be original. Don't cave into pressure.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: It might not be time for a global reorg, but it's way past time to reorganize your workspace and workflow. Your eye for detail means you already know what the problems are, so get to work.
● Finances: Things can change on a moment's notice, so don't fall back on any assumptions about how finances should be handled today. Assuming they should be set in stone will only make the day that much more confusing. Keep yourself open, and your responses light and fluid.
● Love: Don't be afraid to roll over and expose your soft underbelly right now -- be a little vulnerable. Someone who's been watching from afar sidles up when a burst of emotion overcomes you. Let the tears flow -- your authenticity is a major turn on.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You'll start the day with a bang. It's easy to get along with just about anyone, from your surliest complaining customer to your most air-headed supervisor. It's all charm for those around you.
● Finances: Don't get upset if you don't see any improvement in your bottom line today. This is a long-term project, not one to make quick or easy money from. Keep your head down and keep working diligently.
● Love: When all else fails, break out a pen and paper and start writing it down. Before you know it, you'll see an interesting story begin to unfold -- and it's all about you! If you haven't considered writing a memoir before, try it. You have lots of great experience to share.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Your urge to reorganize will be nearly irresistible -- but your peers might disapprove or even rebel. Try to keep it low-key and put off any really substantial changes until another time.
● Finances: Turning your fantasies into reality is not as far-fetched as it sounds. It doesn't take magic or incantations. What it takes is hard work and a commitment to a successful outcome. You are in charge of your destiny.
● Love: Focusing on the differences is oh, so easy, especially for you. Terminally unique? You'd like to think so. But remember, you're just like everyone else. Start reaching out and searching for the similarities. When you relate to people on a purely human level, all sorts of great things will happen.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You and your peers and customers will get along splendidly -- so much so that you shouldn't have any trouble getting assistance or concessions in negotiations. It's a good time for recruiting.
● Finances: It's not the best day to expect to expand your horizons, simply because you're not all that excited about life. But being ho-hum about your prospects is the perfect reason to try to change them. Get excited.
● Love: Your life's not exactly interesting lately -- in fact, it's downright colorless. What happened to the spark? It's still there; you've merely lost it in your effort to please others. If you don't find the stock market, sports or global finance interesting, stop force feeding it to yourself and peddling the lies to others.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: A subtle change that only you can make will have a profound impact on your work relationships. It's a good time to experiment with different styles of work and service.
● Finances: You have a host of special qualities that are not being put to good use. Your creativity could be used for down-to-earth purposes like making a good living if you could figure out exactly how to harness it. Put your mind to it.
● Love: You're the best friend anyone could have, but somehow, you feel like a chump lately. It's not you -- you just let bad people mistreat you. If you're tired of that flakey friend who always bails out at the last minute, tell them -- you have nothing to lose. You're wasting precious time.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: The more you say, the more you'll sway. People will be especially attentive to you and your ideas, so don't let up in that meeting or conference. It won't be your way with words so much as what you're saying.
● Finances: You need to reevaluate how you spend money, just like the rest of the world. There's no longer any excuse for you to be pushing your credit cards to the limit. Living within your means is more satisfying than you realize, anyway.
● Love: While you're hanging out at the water cooler, you'll hear a rumor about the opportunity you've been waiting for. Drop everything and insist on seeing your boss. But be realistic. If this so-called wonderful project seems like a waste of time, bail out gracefully.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: You might find it harder to focus on details than usual, so see if you can spend more time with customers or on large-scale projects. New ideas are generated more easily, so meetings will go better than usual.
● Finances: You're sick of assisting others. You want to do something for yourself today. It doesn't have to involve making money, but it might as well. Everything is in place for you to line your own bank account for a change.
● Love: If you're more about justification and rationalization lately, something is definitely not right. You're afraid of something -- perhaps judgment or failure. That's totally normal. The next time you're forced to admit culpability, consider your motives.