Free Daily Horoscope - February 26 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Open yourself up to the opportunity afforded by a new perspective; revel in this opportunity to reawaken your imaginative faculties. Today you will find your horizons broadened by an unanticipated creative task.
● Finances: You're not going to get anywhere by fighting with the very group with which you're tasked with moving forward. If you're not of one mind about smaller issues then focus on your larger, common goals.
● Love: Take the lead when it comes to love right now. If you can envision your romantic future (and you definitely have a good idea of what you want!), you can share that vision with someone else -- and see how they like it.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Pay no heed to a coworker's negativity -- you know what you're doing. You are in the enviable position of being realistic and idealistic. Marry the two perspectives and use the resulting wisdom to make future plans.
● Finances: The struggle you're involved with is almost a generational one, with or without the age difference. You're trying to convince those with money that the old, conservative ways are no longer effective. What you're saying is not as radically new as they seem to think.
● Love: A friend may have an idea about your romantic situation that seems so off-the-wall as to be annoying, but don't dismiss it outright. Ask them more questions and see if there isn't something here that you can use.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: The best way to succeed is to present your case calmly and let your dignified manner persuade your audience. The fervor of your convictions may incline you toward pushiness. Resist and proceed gently today.
● Finances: You feel like a brand new person. All the changes you've been going through have finally produced their result: You. It hasn't been easy but it's definitely been for the best. There will be time to reflect on it all later.
● Love: If you've been hoping for something -- or someone -- completely different, the time may be nigh. Do your part by seeking out new experiences and being open to all kinds of people, and the universe will do its part.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Relax and recharge: the workplace issue that is troubling you can wait. Spare yourself an ulcer. Spend an hour listening to your favorite music or reading a beloved author.
● Finances: Don't let your emotions lead you around by the nose. You're not at their mercy, although sometimes it feels that way. Keep your cool and make decisions based purely on what is financially sound. The only exceptions should be responses to gut feelings.
● Love: You've got a certain thing in mind when it comes to a certain person, but they may be operating under a completely different set of assumptions. What can you do to make your heart's desire known?
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: With your boundless energy, your to-do list will shrink considerably. You won't mince words when asked for your opinions, and the satisfaction you feel may convince you to swear off of self-doubt forever!
● Finances: You can come up with good solutions to your financial problems. It's a new financial world and that requires a new approach to problems. Think laterally for a change.
● Love: You know it's true: Your pride can sometimes get in your way, and this may be one of those times. See if you can't put it aside and humbly go about the business of being true to your heart instead.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Success is not as important as the effort, so please stop being so safe and predictable. It is time to take a risk -- a big one. Force yourself if need be. If you don't at least try, you may someday deeply regret it.
● Finances: Your old ways of handling money are out the window and your new routines have yet to be set in stone. This financial limbo is not bad, once you learn to live with it. You are in a constant state of possibility and that's a thrilling state to be in.
● Love: You've got the contents of your heart all organized, but a certain feeling may rise up out of its tidy spot now. Don't just smash it back down; experience it, consider it and give it an appropriate place.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Your powers are at a peak and you have the energy to improve not only your own situation but also that of your peers. Use this strength to boost morale and to make tangible improvements to systems currently in place.
● Finances: It's time to realize how valuable all of your relationships are. Even institutional relationships are worth maintaining. It's a good day to forge a bridge to someone you've had trouble getting along with. They're waiting at the other end.
● Love: Others may be drooling over the latest hottie, but you've got your nose in a book or your mind on a big concept. It's not rocket science: Find someone who shares your intellectual interests, and you might find sparks.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Analyze risks and rewards like the careful, trustworthy soul you are before jumping into a new role. Do not be persuaded to make a decision before you are ready. Take your time, and you will make a wise choice.
● Finances: Nothing can upset you today. Not family, not friends, not even finances. Emotional bombs thrown your way only elicit responses like, 'hmm, how do I want to redecorate my living room?' Make the most of this calm state.
● Love: A sudden desire to change virtually everything -- from your wardrobe to your furniture arrangement to your job -- could seize you now. Take this cosmic energy and channel it into a total refresh of your love life.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: A new friendship casts a beam of glorious warmth onto your day, letting you bask in an unexpectedly congenial small talk. Tear through your remaining chores and wriggle right into some fun after work.
● Finances: Everyone you meet is impressed with you in at least some small way, so be sure you remember to press the flesh today. Even strangers have the capacity to help you in some important way. The entire day's focus should be networking.
● Love: What's hotter than a smoldering glance across a crowded room? For you -- particularly right now -- it's the free, open and challenging exchange of ideas. Seek out sparks of the intellectual variety.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Great explorers and inventors often experience moments of doubt. If you feel anxious or unsure today, assume that the feeling is simply a sign of your genius -- and forge on.
● Finances: You need to think outside of the box -- just not too far outside. Outrageous plans may not go well, but those that deviate slightly from the norm just may work. Think big but invest small.
● Love: You wouldn't put your money in an uncertain investment -- or at least not more than you can afford to lose. Use the same philosophy with your heart now, taking risks only if you're not too hung up on the returns.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Like a choir leader gently teaching a group to sing in beautiful harmony, you unify and give meaning to all groups you participate in. This day rings with the chorus of excited, amiable people who want to help you out.
● Finances: You've been inspired and it would be a waste not to act on the energy. Your excitement is infectious, so spread it around. You can make more changes with others on board than you can by sheer determination.
● Love: Your unique outlook means that you attract people who don't necessarily want to follow the herd, and that's especially true right now. Don't hold back when it comes to sharing your latest, greatest, wildest ideas.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Being careful to find out other people's opinions before voicing yours is the single best thing you can do in conversation today. So listen and ask questions -- and then frame your thoughts in useful ways.
● Finances: When you let yourself be open to changes in areas you love to complain about, you'll find them suddenly occurring. It's more like watching a blossom bloom than like getting a delivery of flowers, but although it's subtle, the change is impossible to ignore.
● Love: Sometimes love's just confusing, and the more you try to figure it out, the more incomprehensible it seems. Give your heart a break, and give your mind some downtime. Clarity will come in time.