Free Daily Horoscope - February 24 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You're often the first kid on the block with whatever's hottest, but this time you need to be the first kid in the city. Jump on it when you see it -- you'll know exactly what it is when it comes your way.
● Finances: Keep your eyes open. You'll want to pounce on a good opportunity when it presents itself to you. The right moment comes irrespective of the day of the week or your availability. As they say, opportunity only knocks once.
● Love: Make absolutely sure you're treating everyone in your life with the respect they deserve. Using people for your own advantage, even a little bit, puts a serious dent in your overall love karma.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: It won't be easy to separate the truth from the manipulation, but it will be worthwhile. Trust is important, but for now, you need to cultivate an attitude of skepticism when dealing with colleagues, and especially rivals.
● Finances: It's a good day to put all thoughts of money aside and just focus on yourself. Make your home a day spa and pamper yourself from head to toe. Not only do you deserve the break, you need it. Consider it a prescription.
● Love: Someone else's point of view on your particular romantic vista can really help you get the lay of the land. Don't be stubborn; ask for their take on it -- and be sure you truly listen to and consider the response.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Use your massive brainpower to take your business to a deeper level of engagement with clients or the community. It's not just a public relations move -- it will help you entrench your interests.
● Finances: It's hard to get a grip on certain relationships. The maid acts like your boss, or the delivery driver expects you to clear the driveway. Don't let yourself slip into this kind of role reversal. Resist. They're just testing the waters.
● Love: You're great flying solo now, but when it comes to stuff involving others -- friends, romantic possibilities, whatever -- things could get a little sticky. Spend time alone or be ready to deal with an issue or two.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You might be surprised that taking care of yourself first can sometimes lead to smoother relations with others. Make a bold move toward selfishness -- or even greed -- and observe the consequences.
● Finances: The last thing you need to deal with today is something extreme. Everything is screaming for your attention, but as critical as it all seems, there's really nothing that can't wait. You can bet your bottom dollar the problems will still be there after you've given yourself a day to hide from them.
● Love: Life's crazy, and love's full of extremes -- the good, the bad, the beautiful, the not-so-pretty. The stars say a time out is in order -- one in which you can take stock and also just tune out.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Your fiery energy inspires others to find a new passion for their work and your business. You're as engaged as possible with the details and people surrounding you in the workplace.
● Finances: You know what you want and won't stop until you get it. That approach to life may work for you in the financial arena but it doesn't make a good impression in your personal life. It's the weekend. Give the attitude a rest.
● Love: Are you really, totally, one-hundred-percent sure you're getting what they're saying? Don't be embarrassed to ask a certain someone to repeat a comment or two, or to ask them what the heck they mean.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: The urge to leave early will be strong and practically irresistible, but you should buckle down and meet your goals for the day. In the long run, you and your clients will be glad you did.
● Finances: You're at a stage where going over a project with a critical eye is more important than coming up with creative ways to tweak it. Don't treat any part of it as if it's too precious to lose. If it's not bringing in money, it's got to go.
● Love: Updating your online personals or social networking profile may be a pain (and you're already busy), but making it more truly reflect who you are pays off big-time now. Don't forget your sense of humor!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Reach out to new people and explore your options in terms of new clientele or new means of promoting your business. Your communication style is dominant now, so it should be simple.
● Finances: A small bill that's past due can have a huge impact on your life. Spend the day going over all of your financial papers and receipts to make sure you're not forgetting something. Watch out for one that seems trivial but is not.
● Love: Argh -- if there's a right side of bed to get up on, you probably won't be able to find it right about now. Best to put your love life out of your mind while you deal with finding your keys.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Try to take a step back and see where things are headed. Groupthink is your biggest threat right now, and you could very easily get caught up in the rush toward a cliff sparked by a colleague's wild idea.
● Finances: The change in the financial climate works in your favor. A plan you've had in the back of your mind is starting to seem like something you can actually begin acting on. Bring it to the forefront, dust it off and begin finding ways to implement it.
● Love: You're working very well with others now -- if you want to take that in a business sense, have at it, but it's also true romantically speaking. Find a way to engage in a project with someone interesting!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You're in a good mood, and it's infectious. You'll leave your clients with feelings of goodwill and a desire to help you spread the good word, so try to get a little face time with them.
● Finances: When something you need pops into mind, your immediate response is to reach for the keys. You don't have to go shopping to meet all of your needs today. Most of it can be taken care of with what you have right at home. Your budget will thank you for the self-reliance.
● Love: You've definitely got a way about you -- one that some would describe as weird, while others would be more apt to go with unique, hilarious, sexy, charming and so forth. Watch for some admirers from the latter category.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: You are sitting on a lot of good ideas right now, and it's an excellent time to give them form and structure. Then you can begin implementing the best ones as soon as it's practical for your team.
● Finances: It goes without saying you enter into any type of plan with only the rosiest scenario in mind. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have a contingency plan. Count on good results while drafting your Plan B.
● Love: If you've been trying to catch a certain someone's eye, they might suddenly sit up and take notice -- finally. Then again, you're impressing plenty of other people too, so maybe you're on to bigger, better things.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: It's up to you to get your people organized, and it's a good time for you to see how best to group like-minded folks into teams to boost efficiency and improve morale at the same time.
● Finances: You're flogging a dead horse, and the dead horse is you. Face it, you're not going to get much out of your day by flailing around in an undisciplined manner, and that's all you can manage right now. When you're this tired, sleep is worth more than gold.
● Love: If it seems like your romantic possibilities are dwindling instead of expanding, don't panic. This energy's only temporary, and your own genuine interest in others will win out in the end.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Listen and learn. It's time for you to sit back and pay attention. Subtle signals are bouncing all around you that will help you pick a new course if you read them correctly.
● Finances: It's not easy being a leader. Some days you just want someone else to tell you what to do. It's one of those days. If no one steps up to the plate then at least there will be no money lost through your own inaction.
● Love: How about consulting a romantic mentor? Find someone whose relationship you really admire -- for its equality, communication, respect and fun -- and find out how they did (and continue to do) it.