Free Daily Horoscope - February 16 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Coworkers hang on every word and heed every suggestion. There's never been a more opportune time to implement that reform you've been wanting to put in place around the office.
● Finances: Some think money is money, but that's not true. There are bits of its origins in there somewhere, like the taste of a particular region in a wine grape. Make sure you get your cash in a way that doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth. It's worth the extra effort.
● Love: Be bold today when making decisions. Your daring behavior excites the one person you want to attract. Let your prowess set you apart from the rest of the gang. It takes true grit to make a move.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: No matter how much turmoil there is in the office, you're surprisingly well insulated from the heat. Keep it that way by staying out of office politics -- especially now.
● Finances: You value attachments you feel comfortable with and a routine that is familiar to you. Being new on the job is the last thing you want to experience. But taking on new challenges -- and the profits that could blossom with them -- means letting go of the tried and true. You're too old for a security blanket anyway.
● Love: Don't be pompous when you offer to help someone with a relationship problem. No one likes to feel incompetent when it comes to love. You may be experienced but you're not the Love Doctor. Be a pal, not pretentious chump.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Everyone has a bad day sometimes -- even you. Remember this when a comment from a coworker sounds like a slight. It probably wasn't. Bite your tongue and bide your time.
● Finances: Money talks, and it's not idle chatter. You can't get any doors to open without it. It's the only form of communication that can't be misread today, so don't waste time talking, or attempting any mind reading, either.
● Love: It can be fun debating current events with someone new. Use this opportunity to flirt instead of to alienate your new conquest. There are more important things than being right -- like being kissed!
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Your organizational system needs a serious overhaul. Those piles of junk that are threatening to swallow your co-workers' space? Throw 'em out. You probably don't need them, anyway.
● Finances: It's been hard to see anything but the minutia you've been focusing on. You finally have enough time to catch your breath and take a look at your handy work. The small details are starting to add up to something recognizable. That alone makes it a good day.
● Love: Getting someone's attention sometimes calls for outrageous tactics. Dress in a sexier outfit, or make a grand gesture that won't be easily forgotten. When you take drastic measures to ask someone on a date, they appreciate the effort.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: A rivalry could take an unusual turn when you and an interoffice competitor join forces to work toward a common goal. This may not be quite what you had in mind, but you're willing to make the best of it.
● Finances: Being impulsive doesn't hold the same thrill it once did. You're more excited by the prospect of staying within your budget than you are by the idea of spending recklessly. It's paying off to be conservative.
● Love: A friend could use your compassion and warmth today. Take them out to dinner to cheer them up, or at a minimum, offer to listen to their problems. Sometimes all it takes to turn a gloomy situation around is a nonjudgmental audience of one.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Make your ambitions known today. You're getting tired of the old duties and feeling ready for new challenges. Even if you don't know the final destination, you're confident about the route.
● Finances: What do you like to do after you achieve a major goal? Smile, and sit back on your laurels? Start sweeping up the debris? No, you like getting started on the next project to come down the pike. Dig right in.
● Love: Instead of going with a sure thing, why not take a risk on someone who isn't totally safe? Try dating the underdog. It's exciting to give a diamond in the rough a chance to shine!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: The person who takes the risks enjoys the rewards. Things are never going to change around the office unless someone takes the initiative, and right now you're perfectly positioned to do just that.
● Finances: This isn't a good time for hanging out with friends, no matter how much someone tries to entice you. You have financial obligations that simply can't wait. Whatever you put off today will make you feel that much more overwhelmed tomorrow. Stick to your guns.
● Love: Think of the bigger picture today when it comes to your quest for true love. Just because things don't work out with one person, that doesn't mean you're doomed to a life of dating disasters. Everybody is different in how they love and live. Go on to the next person until you find the one for you.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: The groundwork you laid over the last month is starting to pay off. Don't throw it out the window now by refusing to compromise. Sure, you started this project, but it's going to take the whole team to see it to a successful conclusion.
● Finances: You would gladly keep a secret if it was for a friend. But for money? That's another matter altogether. Think long and hard before you commit to keeping mum. Sometimes it pays to spill the beans.
● Love: Lately, you've been stressed about everything from work to the current state of affairs. Now is the best time to take a look at the things worthy of your worrying. Work on only the things that you can change, and leave the rest up to fate.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Don't forget your long-term financial goals in pursuit of a little short-term enjoyment. Are you overextending your paycheck? It's one thing to splurge every now and then, and it's another to spend it all up front.
● Finances: The projects that drive you crazy are the ones you drag your feet on. It should be the other way around. Try rushing ahead to get it over with. Just make sure you don't skimp on the important details that could cost you in the long run.
● Love: Spread some goodwill today amongst those who could use it. Offer to help a friend in need with a complicated problem. Or simply pay it forward to a stranger who isn't expecting a random act of kindness.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: You'll work more efficiently -- and make fewer mistakes -- if you slow down and do just one thing (or two) at a time. After all, multitasking is one thing, but this is getting a little ridiculous.
● Finances: Finding a piece of information you've been searching far and wide for is like stumbling upon a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Now that you've found the missing puzzle piece, it should be easy to see the results you have been working so hard for.
● Love: Someone may feel more deserving of your attention today. Be compassionate towards friends who have been left out of your busy schedule. Take time out to reconnect with your buddies before it's too late.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Is there something you're missing here? Breaking into the upper echelon has rarely seemed so difficult. Maybe it's time you learned to speak management's language -- get some more education.
● Finances: You're not Little Bo Peep, and you would be naive to expect your lost sheep to find their way home at this point in the game. It's more likely they've been pilfered, and by someone you know. Don't expect help in getting them back; the guilty party has their own agenda.
● Love: Give into your impulses today. Flirt with abandon and let your heart call the shots. Sometimes it feels freeing to give your responsible side a short vacation. Being in control all the time is overrated.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: If you're prepared, you'll know how to strike back when you're under attack, whether it's from outside competition or rivals within your own office. The best defense is a good offense. You know that better than anybody.
● Finances: You've been projecting a bit of yourself onto someone who doesn't really deserve it. They're not as honest or hard working as you are, and their reasons are actually just excuses. You finally see who you're really dealing with. It's time to cut your losses.
● Love: When your pals ask for relationship advice, be careful not to choose sides. Give unbiased solutions, or even better just offer a shoulder to cry on. Don't get carried away in their dramas or you could be part of the problem.