Free Daily Horoscope - January 7 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: The alliances you form now will be long lasting and very profitable. Seek out those who are on your side of an issue or who are on board with your plan. There's safety in numbers now -- and power.
● Finances: You need to do something to make things right, that much you know. You're tempted to spend the day grappling with money issues, but your real problems go back much further. They involve karma, so start planning your way out through good deeds that involve parting with your cash.
● Love: Locating a like-minded individual looks likely now -- how about that online cutie who shares your passion for rock-climbing or who loves your obscure favorite book? Sparks just might fly.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Now's a fantastic time to offer your expertise and get in on some of the glory, without being too overbearing. Someone's radical new idea may be hailed as outside-the-box genius, but you're seeing a few holes in their wisdom.
● Finances: You have some understanding of what your friends are going through, but the only way to let them know that is to share a secret. Is it only your ego that will be affected by spilling the beans? If so, consider it a risk worth taking. Even if it's your bank account that will suffer, it's probably worth the price of compassion.
● Love: What'll loosen you up? Maybe taking a swim gets you going with the flow, or yoga stretches you out, or meditation clears your head for some new thoughts and feelings. Whatever it is, just do it now.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Determine your most firmly held belief about your career or industry, and then consider its relevance. This may be the idea that needs to go. Don't hesitate to kick tired notions to the curb, thus making room for some inspired new thinking.
● Finances: When it comes to career and money, you can sit around feeling sorry for yourself and daydreaming about a better life, or you can pick yourself up and start making changes instead of waiting for them to happen. If it's any help, others don't see you as the failure you see yourself.
● Love: You've got excellent brainpower throughout the day, as well as the ability to look at things (including romance!) in an entirely different way. By tonight, it's time to let your dreamier side have its say.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Today, find ways to clarify expectations and keep your responses positive and flexible. Mixed signals or constantly shifting goals from a higher-up may be frustrating, but they're also a part of workplace life.
● Finances: When your mind wanders, where does it take you? If your thoughts and daydreams are all about people instead of money, then let yourself have that much-needed break from your financial concerns. Consider it a cheap vacation.
● Love: Some added sensitivity doesn't have to be a liability when it comes to your love life. In fact, if you focus, you can use your extra awareness to interpret a situation that's been mysterious up until now.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Holding on to your possessions and accomplishments is a natural instinct when it comes to work, but ceding some responsibilities or territory could open up new possibilities now. Look around at what else you could incorporate or eschew.
● Finances: You're not easily taken in by sales pitches today. In fact, you're feeling a bit jaded when it comes to the prospect of making a profit. So let someone go ahead and play through their entire routine. You're not at any risk of losing anything but time if you don't participate financially.
● Love: Playing the waiting game isn't your favorite pastime, but a certain romantic situation demands patience at the moment. However, who's to say you can't check out other possibilities in the meantime?
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Someone's trying their best, but it's just not good enough -- or at least not as good as you could be. Instead of coming down hard on them, show the way to greater efficiency with some diplomacy and charm.
● Finances: You are dealing with the mother of all relationship issues. Just like money is the root of all evil, you are finally facing the root of all of your emotional turmoil. If you always thought it was from a lack of funds, you're in for a surprise.
● Love: Go somewhere different for lunch. Work at a cafe for a while if you can. Find a cultural event happening this evening that's unlike anything you've ever done or seen before. Mix it up and see what happens!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Debates bring great ideas, while collaboration carries them out swiftly and profitably today. Finding someone who's your intellectual equal at work isn't just a pleasure, it's also a challenge and a huge opportunity right now.
● Finances: Your routine is a good thing. It helps you accomplish the tasks you need to do even when you don't feel like it. But not having one is not all bad, either, as you are finding out. You're working off the script today and not only enjoying it but making a pretty penny.
● Love: Fit in some time to check out some online prospects during the day, and take some action while you've got excellent love energy on your side! By tonight, you'll likely be in the mood for more mellow stuff.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: By giving other perspectives a chance, you may actually find something you can incorporate, even if you're very attached to your plan or opinion. Refusing to hear out the ideas of others just makes you look stubborn and ignorant.
● Finances: You're going from a nightmare to a dream come true and you're not sure exactly how it's happening. You need to find that out, so you don't have to leave it to chance the next time. What exactly are you doing right to attract the extra cash that had made itself so scarce just yesterday?
● Love: A conflict of interest doesn't have to be a crisis. Approach situations -- especially romantic ones -- with an open mind and a spirit of compromise now. By tonight, a beautiful new idea may come to you.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Ask for a tutorial or a primer from a mentor on a skill you've been meaning to add to your set. New concepts are a snap for you now, while new systems of information are absorbed like magic.
● Finances: Losing things is bad, no doubt about it, but it can be a good thing if you let it get you out of your funk. You can't afford to be lost in a daze too much longer at the rate you're going. It's time to wake up and be alert before even more of your assets slowly disappear.
● Love: Your generous spirit and broad mind allow you to see possibilities in situations and people that others tend to overlook. Not only that, you inspire generosity and big thinking too. Sweet!
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: What's your vision of the future -- both for your workplace and for you personally? If short-term plans are falling through, perhaps it's the universe asking you to take the longer view -- don't hesitate to write it down on paper.
● Finances: You're suddenly making huge advances on a project that has been stalled for quite some time. You're not sure if it's you or the economy, but something is finally working right. Don't spend precious time trying to figure it out just yet. Make the most of everything while you have the opportunity.
● Love: You may be all about the facts and figures during the day, but by tonight, expect more creative, imaginative energy to be coming your way. It's much better suited to romantic matters; what'll you do with it?
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Any presentation, whether it's to an audience or your boss, will go exceedingly well right now. Your ability to describe your visions and make your case is astonishing -- if you've been meaning to broach a subject, now's the time.
● Finances: Everyone makes mistakes. When one is made in your favor, you'll be tempted to take the money and run with it. Don't, because sooner or later you'll be forced to pay it back. Be compassionate to everyone involved as you point out the error.
● Love: Take full advantage of some spontaneous, exciting, red-hot love-stuff you've got going on through the majority of the day. Your unique style is shining extra bright, so don't be shy.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Be ready to give a rain check or delegate some work if your plate is already full. Your time and expertise are much in demand, but there are only so many hours in the workday -- even if you stay late.
● Finances: You want to do something for yourself and the first thing that comes to mind is spending money. That's actually not helping you in any way. Put yourself first in a real way today by guarding your money against such silly temptations.
● Love: Change may be a-comin', but it might just keep on a-going' if you don't go out of your way to recognize and welcome it. Open your heart to a plethora of possibilities. By tonight, you're on fire.