Free Daily Horoscope - January 4 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: Look beyond the day-to-day banality and engage your creative passion and long-term vision. Where, in an ideal world of work, do you see yourself in five years? Ten? You've got the momentum, now to make a plan to get there.
● Finances: You'll never achieve your real goals by denying a part of who you are. It would be like losing an arm or a leg to carry less weight. You may cross the finish line sooner but not as a whole person. Don't give up an important part of yourself simply for money.
● Love: Using someone to get what (or who) you want in the realm of romance might work short-term, but it ain't gonna do your overall love karma any favors. Keep your heart in the right place and do the right thing.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Don't be so hardheaded right now. Find an initial compromise you're willing to offer, and see what the other party comes back with. If you refuse to take a flexible approach now, you may find that you've met your match in that department.
● Finances: You are contemplating your options. One of them seems like the best financial answer but something about it just rubs you the wrong way. You're almost willing to put those feelings aside for the sake of the numbers. Almost, but not quite.
● Love: Show the universe that you're not so bullheaded after all and certain people might be pretty surprised too. Trying on a new perspective or going about something a different way is also great for your heart.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: Watch for your new guru -- someone whose thinking can influence your career path in crucial ways. They could be a mentor, an author, a colleague or even someone from a completely different area of life.
● Finances: You need to see things from a different perspective, and that's not hard to do. You don't need to waste your time on deep thought or bother asking for someone else's point of view. All you basically need to do is open your eyes, and your view will be radically changed.
● Love: A direct question (or two) doesn't always get a direct answer, but at least it gets the issue out there. Speak plainly about what's on your mind -- no matter how they respond, it's telling.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: React diplomatically rather than let your emotions get the best of you, and bring in some other brains to help find the best solution. After all, a difference of opinion on a financial matter needn't lead to a workplace feud.
● Finances: It doesn't take much to get you flustered, or make your confidence surge for that matter. Not everyone is as emotional as you are when it comes to money. You could stand to learn how to be a bit more intellectual.
● Love: There's not likely to be much middle ground right now, which means matters of the heart may go gorgeously or could be something of a disaster. Still, even in the latter case, at least you can move on.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Take the high road -- and be humble. Strive to be objective when it comes to a workplace issue now. Even if it's interpersonal, letting your emotions or your pride dictate your actions just isn't professional.
● Finances: You'd love nothing more than someone to hold your hand and walk you through a difficult financial process, but your pride won't let you ask for help, much less a hand to hold. There are solutions to both your emotional and financial dilemmas. Let yourself be open to them.
● Love: Caution: Ballooning ego ahead! Be willing to recognize it, laugh at yourself a bit and maybe let some of that hot air out with a friend (preferably one who'll join in the laughing-at-yourself part).
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Take time out of your usual routine to put that Eureka! idea in motion. Just when you thought you'd made a system or procedure as good as it could possibly be, this fresh perspective changed everything for the better. Fantastic!
● Finances: Your old way of doing things may be out the window but you still haven't come in for your soft landing yet. You may think you've rearranged your finances just about as much as you can, but there are still more ways to reorganize your expenses. Take another look with a more critical eye.
● Love: Hmm -- who's that new person a couple cubes down? They might not be exactly your type, but love works in roundabout ways -- and right now, work could be a surprising source of possibilities.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: Perhaps you're the one to facilitate a compromise that'll get you back on track -- and get you noticed. Your natural diplomacy means everyone thinks you're on their side, giving you unique insight into the situation.
● Finances: You've let money take all the fun out of life. Relax, with or without the money you need. Let your creativity creep back into your heart and soul. You'll soon find that coming up with ways to make your finances work flows naturally.
● Love: That sense that your romantic possibilities are limited now just ain't accurate. When one door slams shut, many more fly open -- plus there's always something to be said for time spent gazing out a window.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Sometimes your group of coworkers feels like a family, and right now it seems as if you're a bunch of squabbling siblings. Take on the role of the adult -- the responsible person others come to for good advice.
● Finances: Your main focus now is on maintaining harmony at home, but the best way to a harmonious home life is through hard work in other areas. Once you have your finances back in order, peace around the house will be restored. Pry yourself away from the drama.
● Love: Stuff you get started at the moment is smiled on by the stars. Set some social plans into action. Send some exploratory emails to interesting online prospects. Say hi to that person you're making eyes at.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Put yourself out there and gain new clients, befriend new coworkers and generally make an even bigger and better name for yourself. First impressions are lasting, and the ones you can make now are terrific.
● Finances: The only thought that pops into your mind when you meet someone new is whether or not they are impressed with you. You may think this kind of neediness is hidden but it is as plain as day. You'll never find the money you need by chasing it that blatantly.
● Love: Telling it like it is isn't out of character for you and right now you're even more forthright with your opinions. The right person not only can take it, they can match you and challenge you, too.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Risk-taking in the monetary sphere should be minimized for the time being. A different approach may seem warranted now, but when it comes to financial matters, make sure it's still a conservative one.
● Finances: No matter what your vision of the future is, it goes without saying your life will be nothing like it. The universe just doesn't work that predictably so loosen up a bit. Your finances will actually benefit from letting out your emotional and psychological belt a notch or two.
● Love: As in other areas of your life, you're results-oriented when it comes to the realm of romance. Great news: If you've been putting in extra effort (exploring online dating options, for example), results are on the way.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Experiment to find fresh approaches and give your mind free range. Ways to refine, reform and revolutionize your work, your workplace and even your industry are definitely within your grasp.
● Finances: You don't need to make a fortune in order to have a great day. In fact, all you have to do is not get any further behind. You are making a profit in minuscule increments but at least you're making progress. Let that lift your emotions.
● Love: Life looks to be a little bit taxing at the moment and letting yourself get stressed out and run down won't help matters. Back-burner the love stuff and take good care of your own sweet self.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: It's okay to be distracted at work. In fact, some pretty serious daydreaming is unavoidable now, so consider taking breaks to let your mind wander freely. That way, at least you have a chance of appearing engaged in a meeting.
● Finances: Too many problems make it hard for you to think much less tackle them. Break things down into simple, doable steps. You should see that none of the issues you are dealing with can overwhelm you, so don't let the sum of them overwhelm you, either.
● Love: Your natural grace with romantic gestures may have a friend or a coworker turning to you for some helpful love hints. Give 'em your best stuff -- Cupid loves those who're willing to share.