Free Daily Horoscope - January 30 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Use your restlessness to good advantage. Move quickly into some new kind of territory -- you can seize a huge advantage over everyone if you get busy while they're still dawdling.
● Finances: Your mind is locked into goal mode. Nothing matters to you but achieving your objectives. That kind of tunnel vision is admirable on many levels, but make sure you don't block out other, equally important things for the sake of your finances.
● Love: You secretly envy someone's so-called perfect relationship, but what you fail to realize is this: Nothing is as it seems. Problems abound, always -- don't forget that. You're better off focusing on your own life and love. Don't worry about what's happening with the Joneses.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: More information or better conditions should be on the way in the near future, and the risk will be considerably safer then. Until then, financial risks will not pay off, so defer them for later.
● Finances: You're tempted to try something drastic, but a big part of you wants to stay in safe, conservative territory. That means you're basically sitting still, and so is your money. There's really nothing wrong with that for now, as long as you don't tread water for long.
● Love: You're all sweet and cuddly today, so finding someone to snuggle with tonight shouldn't be a problem. Your patience will be rewarded on the dating scene when you are genuine -- don't let your stubbornness take over. Resist the urge to dominate.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Gather your partners or teammates and inspire them to take immediate action over the next few days. If you're on your own, it'll be that much easier, but make sure somebody somewhere has got your back.
● Finances: You're going to stick with the tried and true. No, you're going to go for something completely foreign and new. It all depends on who you're talking to at the moment, because you are easily swayed by the financial styles of anyone you come into contact with today. Surround yourself with wealthy types.
● Love: You totally rock today -- your optimism and enthusiasm will light up any room you walk into. Your greatest problem is too many options. Who will go home with you tonight? Don't try too hard. Allow the cuties to come to you.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Your nurturing ways are vital to making it all come together over the next week or so. Find a way to meet your own needs (both personal and professional) while satisfying clients and colleagues.
● Finances: Don't even think about talking money today. The subject makes you want to weep, either for joy or in agony. Either way, no one wants to witness it. Try to stick to intellectual subjects if you have to discuss finances at all.
● Love: You're a natural-born leader -- some would say a pied pipe. But remember, if you take too much control, things could backfire. So rule with an iron fist in a velvet glove -- just make sure it's red and cashmere lined. You might as well look good while you're doing it.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: This day brings you a new perspective. Tasks will be more fun than usual, and the hours will fly by as you move forward at a much faster pace. Your love affair with your job intensifies (or begins, if you've been iffy up until now).
● Finances: You're hanging onto your money for dear life. That's nothing new, but perhaps you're holding on too tightly. You should loosen your grip a bit and see what happens. The extra energy you liberate can be put to use in more productive ways.
● Love: Accentuate your regal nature, but don't let your pride keep you in a relationship that tames your natural charisma and drive. Now is no time to compromise -- don't look for bargains in the relationship department. Go for couture, not the knockoff. After all, you're worth it!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Your reputation for reliability is more important than a temporary boost to profit. Even so, you've seen an opportunity and are almost desperate to go for it -- but obligations keep you from taking full advantage of the situation.
● Finances: Nothing about your financial routine feels normal. Your checkbook is right where it belongs but the balance is not what it should be; your wallet is where it always is but you can't find the right credit card hiding in it. Be sure to check on things that sneak up on you quietly, like changing due dates or minimum payments.
● Love: Use your knack for discovery -- usually saved for finding lost keys -- to find the perfect date. Stop playing matchmaker for your friends and become your own yenta. After all who knows you better than yourself? Besides, how can anyone resist you?
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: The next week or so presents a good opportunity to get the word out or influence important customers. Your expressive nature is at the forefront now, and you can work it to your advantage with ease.
● Finances: Your way of communicating your financial wishes is more sophisticated than running signals out the window on the laundry line, but not by much. It's a classic illustration of the old phrase, the more things change the more they stay the same. There's really no point in trying to modernize, though, because it's working for you.
● Love: It's time to write a new musical score to celebrate your new romantic co-star. Clean out those tired, old Def Leppard ballads from your iPod and make room for a fresh start. After all, it is a new day.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: An impulsive decision may lead to an increased risk for you professionally -- but also the chance for a bigger opportunity. It's a challenge, but you can mitigate things by playing it conservatively for now.
● Finances: You'll want to shout for joy at some good news today, before weeping with relief. That's the kind of roller coaster you'd gladly ride, especially if you have to choose between it and the one leading up to it. Don't be surprised, though, by the shocked reactions you get from others.
● Love: When you play, you play for keeps. So for the rest of this month, don't take yourself so seriously -- just try to have fun. Avoid the temptation to hook yourself to one person. Instead, retract your stinger and play the field.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You're the center of attention among people above and below you, and it's uniformly positive. If you're getting your evaluation sometime during the next week, it should go off without a hitch.
● Finances: Strangers are coming out of the woodwork and talking to them is as easy as talking to your best friends. Be sure lending them your money isn't as easy, though. There's a reason they are so open to you. As long as you are clear about that, you're fine.
● Love: You couldn't be less affected right now. As far as you're concerned, the world is one big poker game and you're the dealer. Don't allow your fondness for fun to sabotage a potential love connection. Practical jokes are fine with your friends, but a new romance might not understand your sense of humor.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Try to stand back and let your instincts lead the way. You are feeling unusually idealistic and ready to change course, but first you need to make sure your doubts aren't getting in the way.
● Finances: Don't let any anxiety worm its way into your integrity. Thoughts of the future tend to have you thinking schemes not plans, so just pretend you can't see beyond today. As long as you continue spending and saving on course, you'll eventually get where you need to be, so keep the blinders on.
● Love: Wild horses couldn't drag a secret out of you, which could cause a potential love interest to view you as withholding, never sensing how vulnerable you really are. Your sterling self-control may cause a spate of lonely nights and empty beds, so let a new flame melt that icy exterior.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Your closest friends and associates will help you find new ways to expand your business or your network of contacts. It might feel almost explosive, but it will work to your advantage in the long run.
● Finances: If ever there was a right time to get your message out there, this is it. People can't help but be moved by the images you describe and that translates directly into reaching for their wallets. Make your pitch while you have a rapt audience.
● Love: What's odd to everyone else, is completely normal to you. No wonder you're known for not being in step with your peers, who flock to your enigmatic energy. The difficulty, however, is your inability to pick just one weirdo. You're not conventional -- why not try 'em all?
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Anyone and everyone are fair game for you. You know you're right this time, and you're in a position to make your views known and widely accepted -- just don't say anything you'll regret later on.
● Finances: When you daydream about riches, you get an infusion of excitement about all of life's possibilities. So don't bother being realistic when you indulge in this kind of rapture. When it comes to financial success, the sky's the limit.
● Love: You're more than happy to get lost in the crowd right now. After all, it's much easier to go along with the masses than to blaze your own trail. But, you can't hide that easily -- someone is watching your every move. Try as you may, you'll never escape their inquiring gaze.