Free Daily Horoscope - January 28 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Criticize if you must, but for best results, put it in the gentlest possible terms. Honesty is always the best policy, but a little tact comes in handy, too -- especially when dealing with a hypersensitive people.
● Finances: You're used to staying busy and being as productive as possible. It's hard to turn down your drive but you need a day to slow down. Linger over coffee, have a leisurely conversation or simply sit and stare at the sunlight on the wall. It's worth more than the fortune you'd pay for the same results at a spa.
● Love: Grab a fun friend or a hot date and try something new -- when's the last time you went skating? You'll find you're open to pretty much anything now, a great state of mind and heart for love.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: That raise may not come through as soon as you think, so before you take a big financial risk, make sure you're thinking about the long-term payback. Better to put this one off until you have a little more certainty.
● Finances: If you had travel plans, you might be finding yourself scrambling for a replacement agenda. No matter how firm they were in your own mind, outside forces had their way with them. You're still determined to enjoy your day, though, even if you're stuck at home. And you will.
● Love: It's a great day to put yourself out there real-time or check out prospects online, but when it comes to making a move, keep it low-key. A funny question goes better than an over-the-top invitation.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Be ready to compromise. Give a little and you'll get a lot in return. You know exactly how you want things to work, but unfortunately you're not the only one at the negotiating table.
● Finances: Those confusing undercurrents you've been wondering about lately are back in full force, and you're finally figuring out what they are all about. Someone is trying to dominate you, pure and simple. They're not the boss of you no matter how much money they have, as long as you don't give them that kind of authority.
● Love: If someone close to you is asking you to weigh in on their romantic situation, consider that your information is necessarily incomplete. Try to first look at it from their point of view -- ask them to show you.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: You'll do better work on the clock if you relax when you're off the clock. Keep a little perspective and don't take your work home with you. You aren't what you do, but sometimes it's easy to forget that.
● Finances: There is nothing you must deal with today. You can spend the entire day curled up inside the house like a snail if that's what floats your boat. Everything melts away -- problems at work, concerns about family or friends and, most especially, money worries simply disappear when you turn a blind eye their way. Ah, enjoy.
● Love: Whew! Major hustle is just the beginning. If you're smart, you'll follow your heart and find some quiet time to think things over. Even an hour or two alone to relax makes a huge difference.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Interoffice gossip has lost its charm; it's actually feeling downright petty. You have every right to ask to be out of the loop, and you'll be considered the most trustworthy one around.
● Finances: Your enthusiasm is admirable but a bit misplaced. You're going about a thing the same way you would hack down a tree. You need to approach it as if it were a business deal: With a firm understanding of the issues and some finesse. That's the only way to impress people.
● Love: Get out of your rut and get on the road to romance! The stars say promising things (and people!) are coming your way, but you've got to put yourself out there to get 'em. Think -- and do -- different!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Whatever you do, don't let this one fester. The tension between you and a rival is palpable. Find a way to cut through it. Your best solution is to get this little issue out in the open -- talk about it honestly and fairly.
● Finances: You never know when you'll meet the person of your dreams. And if you're not single, then you just may meet your new best friend in the most unlikely of places. It pays to be aware of how you seem to others, so be on your toes. Don't slouch, even though it's your day off.
● Love: Obligations to family or friends may take precedence now, and hey, that's okay. Keeping these relationships healthy and mutually supportive is a high priority! Give of yourself and feel the love.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: Everyone wants to know your secret. You lead through subtle example rather than direct instruction, and your colleagues appreciate your humble nature.
● Finances: You just can't reconcile your budget with your household needs. It's time once again to reevaluate your definition of a need versus a want. It may make you feel depressed at the moment but you'll ultimately feel relieved when you manage to get things in balance.
● Love: If you've been weighing (oh-so-carefully!) the pros and cons of sending someone a message or asking them out, the stars say (for gosh sake!) just do it. You're prompting great responses now.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Some decisions are harder than others, but the hardest ones are those made in your sleep. Anxiety dreams have you too exhausted to do much of anything today -- you're better off enjoying some downtime instead.
● Finances: Just because you're getting along well with someone doesn't mean you should try pushing things to another level. Enjoy them just as they are. It takes some self control, but the pay off will be worth the wait.
● Love: Sure, go ahead and send a message to that hottie -- why not? But heed your instincts when sussing out their response. If you sense it's not a great match, there's no need to go further.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Butt in to correct mistakes if you have to, but don't provide input just for the sake of providing input. You can't be the leader every time, so let someone else enjoy the spotlight.
● Finances: There's no one like you, that's for sure. Your unique take on things has other people smiling. That makes you feel good but you want more than that. They need to put their money where their mouths are if they really think you have such an original idea. It's worth pursuing.
● Love: Joy to the world! Spread your personal goodwill -- the stars are saying it's bountiful now -- and feel the love start to come right back to you. Everything's connected in your life, so make it wondrous.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: The end game will become apparent as you take care of the details. A project may seem daunting, but there's no reason to quit so soon. Take one small step at a time and pretty soon, you'll know exactly where you're going.
● Finances: There's nothing wrong with wanting to impress people. You're like a stand up comedian or the class clown today: You just can't get enough laughter and applause. The more you hear, the more energy you put into it. If you could bottle the stamina you'd be rich.
● Love: It's not like you to take an unrealistic view, but you might just be wearing rose-colored glasses right about now. They look cute on you, but be aware that your perception isn't quite what it should be.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Make the best of an imperfect situation. This isn't a dream team exactly, but it's all you have. Use people according to their abilities, and be prepared to fill in the gaps.
● Finances: It's hard to admit you're tired, because you have so much more to do. No, you're not behind on your work, you're behind on your fun. But you can't really enjoy it in the state you're in anyway so you might as well admit defeat and take it easy. There will be no money lost because of it.
● Love: Are you ready for a romantic revelation? Well, right about now, it's not about sitting there and meditating on the state of your heart -- it's about getting out and about, talking about it all to anyone and everyone.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Sometimes opportunity arises in the most unlikely places, so keep your eyes peeled. If you're looking for a new job or challenge, luck will be on your side today.
● Finances: You finally have some free time but you're at loose ends when it comes to making good use of it. Join up with your friends. Not only will they be more fun than spending time alone, but the group is likely to have an unofficial director of activities. Join the herd and let someone else be the shepherd.
● Love: Your words -- whether spoken, typed, texted -- have quite an impact now. It's not all about volume, either -- quieter can be better, and less (if it's funny, smart, flirtatious) can definitely be more.