Free Daily Horoscope - January 20 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Focus on quality rather than quantity and let the other party lead. Your success today will improve in proportion to the level of service you provide, regardless of your target. Don't waiver in the face of adversity.
● Finances: Your dull routine is crushing, at least psychologically if not physically. You need to do something to shake things up and have some fun again. Your life shouldn't be all drudgery and worry, no matter what your financial circumstances are. Put some playfulness into your day. Your health depends on it.
● Love: Tune into your body with a yoga class, meditation or workout session. It's been trying to tell you something, and ignoring it won't go well. You've gotta be healthy to be hot.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Creation can be a big deal for you, so go with it and enjoy what you've done. Your emotions might overcome you as the fruits of your labors start to roll in. You can return to business as usual when you're ready.
● Finances: The more fun you have, the more good things in your life bloom. From your savings to your love life, you are enjoying a lift of sorts. When it comes to having a good time, it's important to keep up the good work.
● Love: Go on, approach that hottie, online or real-time (or, best case scenario, increase your odds by doing both!). Have a funny observation ready, and you'll be surprised by how easily you can make it happen.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: Try to focus on solo projects and paperwork -- your talents lie there for now. Otherwise, the idle chatter will start to get on your nerves, even though you can usually turn it into a potent tool to advance your agendas.
● Finances: The longer you put off a small financial complaint, the bigger it grows inside you. You'll finally get your message across in an ugly way if you let things go that far. Why wait? Communicate now, while it's only slightly hard to do.
● Love: Amidst all the fun and chatter, what's the real message? Your romantic challenge now is to discern where the heart of the matter lies. Don't be afraid to ask a serious question.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Try to get folks organized, but do what you can if they act as if they're too busy. It's time for a workplace cleanup, even if nobody else realizes it. Once the transformation occurs, you'll see a boost in productivity.
● Finances: If you stop to analyze it, you'll realize that you have all the ingredients of a good day, with or without the money. Once you recognize the equation, you can't help but feel it, too. Enjoy.
● Love: Take the lead and be the one with the plan! It doesn't have to be anything major -- a new gallery to check out, something fun to bring to the party, whatever. Your friends and/or date will be impressed.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Whenever possible, communication is key. After all, there's no turning away from the financial issues you're facing. It's best to meet them squarely and enlist as much assistance as you can from peers and institutions you are allied with.
● Finances: Your spending has gone from thrifty to non-existent. You suddenly don't want to spend any money at all. Even a penny gumball is too expensive for your taste. The need for austerity will pass, though, so let yourself pull the purse strings shut as tightly as possible today.
● Love: Before you start looking forward, take the time to look back. What have you learned from your recent romantic past? What would you like to take with you, and what would you like to leave behind?
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: You make anything that deals with interpersonal relationships look easy. But before you take on the world, you will need to help your co-workers with problems they can't seem to wrap their minds around.
● Finances: You feel a bit like a paleontologist today, because what you dig up is so old and fossilized as to be almost unrecognizable. It's not of much use, even once you put the bones together. That makes it a good day to start on new plans instead of continuing with the old relics.
● Love: Dream it, live it, love it! Why wait to get something started? The stars are smiling on you now. Get online, get out and about, meet different people and embrace familiar ones. Happy new you!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: It could be time to ask for an assistant or an intern, or just for a decreased workload. Though your mind is as sharp as ever, you will still find it hard to deal with all of the details hiding in your current projects.
● Finances: That nagging feeling that you're forgetting something is spot on. Spend the day figuring out what it is, and don't rest until you know. A slip up of the kind that is possible today could cause lasting harm and the last thing you need is more baggage and penalties to carry around.
● Love: It's a fabulous day for fun, flirtation, and building all sorts of beautiful bonds. Keep your plans loose so you can make the most out of whatever situations the stars send your way.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: When a work buddy asks you for a favor, you're not so sure about it at first. You'll give in eventually, so you might as well get the agonizing out of the way and just get busy on it right away.
● Finances: Why won't a particular friend give you a lift up? You'd gladly give them a boost if the tables were turned, but that's just not going to happen. Don't spend too much time grumbling about it; you don't really know what their financial circumstances are.
● Love: Information, please! You're looking for it, somebody's got it and you've got a very good chance of getting them to whisper it in your ear. And remember, when all else fails, just ask.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: You need to focus on the small-scale rather than the big picture, and today's work needs to be of the highest quality. As tempting as it will be, don't rush through any of your current projects.
● Finances: You find it difficult to be in a position of authority, but someone definitely needs you to reign them in. Their spending has gone wild and you are the only one who can stop it. Their bad habits may drive you crazy, so putting an end to them will ensure both your sanity and theirs.
● Love: Someone who wants to get specific or seems stuck on the little things is liable to make you slightly crazy -- why can't they loosen up and think big? But consider this: They've got an angle you're missing.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: It's the perfect time to plan out your next several moves -- either on your current project or in terms of your career. You're in the zone and can grasp legions of data that would ordinarily stymie a platoon of analysts.
● Finances: You can achieve a lot if you don't consider huge success to be your only goal. Your small steps are just as important as your big leaps. So keep your feet on the ground, do your research and know you'll be moving way ahead another day.
● Love: Now's the time to put together a perfect plan for that upcoming big night. Get your favorite people on board -- plus their favorite people -- and find the place (or places!) to mix well and enjoy.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Though you're not necessarily at risk, you need to be sure of all legally binding contracts. Any agreement between your organization and another should be looked over very carefully, and preferably by a trusted third party.
● Finances: You can tell right away who is on the same page as you and who wants to have things their own way. Your sonar automatically goes beneath the surface to what really matters. Sales pitches are no match for your depth perception.
● Love: Looking to the future is great, but don't get too far out there now -- there's something (or someone!) right here in the present that deserves some serious (or is it flirtatious?) attention.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: You will have all the time you need to figure it out later -- after the dust has settled and you've won the day. Just keep moving through the day's events, no matter how confusing things get.
● Finances: Someone you're working on a project with looks completely different under different circumstances. You'll ask yourself which version of them is the real one. The truth is that they both are, and their investment is the same, no matter which role they happen to be playing at the moment.
● Love: Relationships feature prominently now but be warned: You've got a bit of a tendency to overthink such things at the moment. Know when to let go of the past and when to let the present find its own course.