Free Daily Horoscope - January 18 2017
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● Work: If anything, you might make some seriously positive changes now. It's a great time to bring up contentious issues -- you will be able to air grievances or discuss difficult matters without creating long-term resentment.
● Finances: As long as you perform your feats of cooking daring in the veritable kitchen, you're fine. You're in hot water, though, the minute you extend your efforts to the books. Keeping your talents in the right realm is harder than it sounds today, but it is as vital as ever.
● Love: Don't reveal much about yourself today. Instead, let everyone else do the talking. For you, it's all about discretion, so zip your lip and open up your ears. The conversation will curl your toenails.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● Work: Don't be so flippant about paperwork right now. There's more weight in that legalese than you realize and a superficial overview won't cut it for you now. Make sure you inspect every detail of the new deal or latest proposal before signing off on it.
● Finances: Some people whom you work with you would gladly be friends with if circumstances were different, and others you merely tolerate. But the ones you have to forge alliances with are the ones who help you make money, no matter what camp they fall into. Remind yourself of that today.
● Love: It's time to spruce up that tired, old singles profile. Your creativity is in full swing right now, so tap into it and show the possibilities your pizzazz. Don't skimp on the self-flattery either -- it'll get you everywhere.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● Work: People will be responsive to your charisma in new ways, and you might be bumped a few notches up the ladder. You can make almost anything happen today -- as long as it involves changing someone's mind.
● Finances: You tend to want to keep conversations light and airy, but the subjects you have to deal with today are like cement shoes. Make sure everyone takes things as seriously as you do or you will all go under together.
● Love: A tense situation is careening out of control, and nobody can stop it except you. You're always full of creative solutions to mend the deepest of wounds. Use your famous emotional salve to soothe this one.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● Work: Don't despair if you have to work late -- the extra effort is totally worth it. Project details will start to add up to more work than you think you can handle, but if you deal with one thing at a time, you will be able to clean up pretty quickly.
● Finances: Yes, your holdings should be getting bigger and better by the year, but they're not. Don't let that keep you from thinking things will change. You deserve a financially secure future and your positive outlook is vital to getting it.
● Love: Today, generosity will strike. Don't turn down an offer to help a friend move; be a shoulder to cry on. Just think. Your magnanimity might place you in the right place at the right time. All it takes is one steamy glance.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● Work: Don't let yourself get pushed into anything today. You will be so impressed with a new possibility that it might drive away all other thoughts from your mind. Keep tuned into your gut and know that your instincts are worth a lot.
● Finances: Some days you bound out of bed ready to face the day, and other days it's a matter of willpower. There are enough signs of life in your financial garden that you have all the energy and excitement you need, from the time you wake up until late at night. Enjoy the productivity.
● Love: Your head's in the clouds today. You're totally exuberant -- and that's great. But don't let yourself drift too high. Someone close needs your attention. When they ask for your help, tone it down a little, and really listen.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● Work: Some of the issues of the day are beyond your power to correct, but the ones in your domain are easy to fix. If you continue to have problems with your daily activities, try to take a step back and refocus.
● Finances: A looming deadline is like an overbearing relative breathing down your neck. There's no escaping either, so you might as well accept the inevitable. There is no flexibility involved so don't even bother trying.
● Love: This situation in front of you could be the greatest opportunity ever or a half-baked scheme. The outcome depends on your approach and attention to detail. If something resonates your instinct negatively, back out immediately.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● Work: The power of positive thinking has never been more evident to you. It might feel like you're censoring yourself at first, but if you push yourself to stay optimistic, you'll only find success.
● Finances: If you feel like you've been hiding in a cave, it's because you have been spending so much time ruminating over your failures. It's time to get out and start socializing again. Your friends can help you see yourself the way they see you, which is a much nicer portrait than the one you've been painting.
● Love: When a friend asks you for help, you don't hesitate. You're more than happy to cancel your other plans. If you do, avoid the temptation to step in and solve all their problems. Ultimately, they must make the appropriate changes.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● Work: Look over the fine print and don't stop until you've found at least one deal-breaker. It won't be hard to edit it out once you know it's there. The devil is in the details, and it's your job to weed him out.
● Finances: You need to find challenges on your own because your boss isn't going to come up with any for you. But if you want to get any extra credit for them, you'll have to win your boss over first. Otherwise, you're just another source of stress and competition.
● Love: This funk of yours is really a blessing in disguise. You'll come to some long-needed realizations and insights into your personality. What to do with this information is up to you. Don't miss an opportunity for change.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● Work: Don't expect deep profundities today -- just a mild sense of willingness. It's a great day to open up to new ideas and ways of thinking. Revisit your core values and philosophy of work. The exercise will be worthwhile.
● Finances: If you thought life would just naturally lead you to success like a leaf traveling downstream, then you took a big, stupid gamble. But oddly enough, luck is on your side. Not in the form of unearned profit and accolades but in the form of a second chance to help yourself. Put your all into it this time.
● Love: Carve out a little time today to reassess your short-term objectives. On a piece of paper, outline your emotional, spiritual, financial and physical goals for the next six months. Once it's down on paper, you'll have no trouble moving forward.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● Work: Help people cut to the chase as much as possible in your dealings with them. Customer service won't be easy thanks to glitches in communication combined with people's general lack of self-awareness.
● Finances: Your illusions are walking in plain sight today, and you're not the only one seeing them for a change. This particular chimera is a real beast, and it's taking in the rich and the poor alike. Being aware of it is your only defense.
● Love: Take advantage of open lines of communication early in the day. As the afternoon revs up, the busy schedules of others and your own commitments will hamper the free flow of information.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● Work: Look for new means to get the word out -- and don't forget the awesome power of simple word of mouth. After all, your messaging is still strong, but your choice of media might not be quite right.
● Finances: You have a major war raging inside yourself. Your inability to find the right course and stick to it is truly extraordinary. Try a little experiment. Make up your mind early on and stick with it all day. You'll end the day wealthier for it, if only by a tiny amount.
● Love: Now's a great time to put it out there -- everything out there. Smile at everyone, say hello. Don't be afraid to put on your true face. Someone very interesting's watching you closely, so shine.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● Work: Work orders could get a little overwhelming if you have to think about adapting to new procedures. Try to stay put as much as possible -- it's not the best time for you to switch positions.
● Finances: You have too much swirling around you to keep track of it all, much less give a running commentary. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. You need to focus all of your attention and energy on your own finances.
● Love: Someone's watching you from afar, so be on your best behavior and in tip-top shape. When the opportunity presents itself, you'll want to present the whole picture. Now's not the time to showcase your quirks.