Free Daily Chinese Horoscope - January 31 2017


● General: Live up to your highest ideals.
● Love & Relationships: Remind yourself that nagging your sweetie about something isn''t exactly taking action regarding a long-standing relationship matter.
● Career: If you seek to change your job, be very careful before staking your future; get all necessary information beforehand.
● Lucky number : 88
● Best time of the day : 18h00


● General: An old fashioned influence is coming.
● Love & Relationships: Your fortitude in a challenging situation wins friends and influences people -- and your old friends learn to love you even more than they already do.
● Career: Finding balance between work and romance will suddenly become much easier today.
● Lucky number : 72
● Best time of the day : 16h00


● General: A change in your diet will give you the energy you need.
● Love & Relationships: You''ll glow, charm and make new acquaintances.
● Career: You''re particularly adept with sweet little means of communication, so reach on out!
● Lucky number : 48
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: Be doubly cautious against risks of infection and microbic or viral attacks.
● Love & Relationships: Give your sweetie pie the loving support for their hopes and dreams that you would want for yourself.
● Career: It might be time to make strict savings in order to prevent a financial storm.
● Lucky number : 19
● Best time of the day : 19h00


● General: A little more understanding and flexibility, please! Try to be all square with different administrative services, particularly the tax service, otherwise numerous pieces of bad luck could befall you.
● Love & Relationships: Heartwise, some black clouds are to be feared.
● Career: What''s really important in life? If you said your car, job or money -- well, you''re way off base.
● Lucky number : 13
● Best time of the day : 13h00


● General: Avoid big misunderstandings by knowing -- and saying -- where you stand.
● Love & Relationships: Your love affairs will be very much disturbed because of your increased combativeness.
● Career: You''ll work for your future with enthusiasm and effectiveness and you''ll draw satisfactions of self-pride.
● Lucky number : 7
● Best time of the day : 8h00


● General: It''s hard to think about these changes with any kind of calm, but try to think about the long term.
● Love & Relationships: Getting stressed out about what''s going on (or not going on) in your love life doesn''t help matters.
● Career: Take your original, inspired ways of thought and perception, add in some extra-souped-up communication skills, mix with new people and perhaps some interesting art or performance -- could it add up to potential romance?
● Lucky number : 85
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: If you''ve been neglecting one for the other, now''s the time to fix matters.
● Love & Relationships: Follow your heart.
● Career: Romance and work will conflict, and you must keep your eye on the ball to get a hit.
● Lucky number : 21
● Best time of the day : 15h00


● General: Learn to be a little more easygoing right now.
● Love & Relationships: Shifts in relationships are natural, even though they may not feel that way at first.
● Career: Communication and planning are favored this morning, so how about making the most of it vis-a-vis the chance for romance? Make some phone calls and get your social calendar in order for the next week.
● Lucky number : 88
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: Increase your store of good karma and step in where you''re needed.
● Love & Relationships: Something''s not working in a work relationship.
● Career: Sometimes the only way to know if something''s going to work out is to dive right in.
● Lucky number : 75
● Best time of the day : 20h00


● General: If you''ve been feeling like something''s holding you back, today offers a solution.
● Love & Relationships: Profound complicity with the love of your life.
● Career: In your work you''ll have to make difficult choices, and you cannot afford to commit an error this time.
● Lucky number : 58
● Best time of the day : 9h00


● General: An intellectually curious wave washes over you today, and everything is fascinating.
● Love & Relationships: You''re all heart today, ready to lend a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on.
● Career: Don''t embark on hazy financial operations.
● Lucky number : 4
● Best time of the day : 17h00