Free Daily Horoscope - December 28 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You could feel emotionally riled up throughout the day, but it won't be for the reasons you think. Try not to take it out on others, even the most deserving and obnoxious coworkers.
● Finances: You have only the highest standards with anything to do with money, but these days you can't be as choosy as you'd like to be. Your boss is the sentry between you and anything you spend and they are blocking your way. You'll have to settle for something that looks inferior, if only in your eyes.
● Love: What happens if you take an intro and add 'duction'? You get an introduction! Or if you add 'vert'? Yep, introvert. What if you introduce two (very cute) introverts? You might find out, today.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Even if you think your work relationships are humming along smoothly, there are still some small gestures you can make that will improve communication and productivity even further: fine-tune where it matters.
● Finances: In your subconscious world, milk and honey flow. But in the real world, you have to remind yourself that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The sparkle of something particularly attractive to you today is only meant to blind you to its lack of value.
● Love: Aren't you the emotional equivalent of the town well, today? That is: You're deep! And you're going to attract at least one thirsty passerby. Quench them, baby!
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: The deeper you get into it, the more you will understand. Whatever it may be, that big mystery is becoming clearer to you. Keep probing, even if you're not exactly sure what step to take next.
● Finances: It's hard to accept that some things are out of your hands. You have less control in general than you wish you had, but your finances, in particular, are bothering you. You just can't get a grip on where your money is going. Find a way. Don't let it continue to slip away like sand between your fingers.
● Love: You're like an emotional space probe on a distant planet's moon today. You're taking temperatures and pictures and beaming them all back to earth. You're gathering info that will help you figure out a very mysterious somebody.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Though you are experiencing a surge of positive energy, take care when entering any long-term agreements. There will certainly be more to them than you expect, so be prepared for the consequences.
● Finances: When you can't jump start your energy, you're tempted to turn to your tried and true prescription: Spending money on yourself. But that won't work now, simply because of your new financial awareness. The last thing you really want to do is waste your own money. Find another solution.
● Love: Involvement is such a deliciously tricky term. What does it really mean? Get out your dictionary and all your more obscure emotional lexicons and get to the bottom of it.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You'll need to turn your attention away from customers and coworkers just for a little while to take care of the business piled up in your workspace. It won't take long.
● Finances: You have a yen for travel but you just can't swing it right now. Pour all of your energy into planning and daydreaming. Be sure you include cost-cutting into your mental activities. By the time you actually take this particular trip, you should be able to write the book on how to do it within budget.
● Love: You were thinking maybe the two of you could grab coffee. They're planning on taking things a lot deeper. Oh! Order a double mocha for this date! With extra whipped cream!
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Though you will know that you need to focus on the work already on your plate, you'll also want to reach out and network with coworkers and colleagues from all over the world. Strike a balance.
● Finances: You are putting the kibosh on your own enthusiasm. Don't bring yourself down like that. It's like trying to put a saddle on a bull, but try getting a grip on your negativity. It is having a profound effect on your bank account.
● Love: You're mighty in touch with the invisible elements that drive folks today. Things like love, shyness, and more love (that most people miss) are crystal clear to you. Will you use your powers for good? Of course!
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You are in the mood to acquire new assets, and it's a great time to get good deals. Spend time doing your homework -- you will still need to be diligent about needs and cost-benefit.
● Finances: The responses you're getting from the universe may be subtle but they are there, and they are unmistakably positive. Things having to do with your finances should have you especially optimistic. They're not bright and sunny yet, but they are definitely out of the dark clouds.
● Love: Well, if you aren't just a tad selfish, today! Don't go overboard and it could be good for you. Sometimes you have to be a little bit selfish to get what (or who!) you want.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Your strengths will be out in the open, and you should easily draw people into your sphere of influence. It's the perfect time for sales of all kinds, or recruitment, or even promotion.
● Finances: When it comes to scams, you are as vulnerable as the next person. You may have considered yourself an expert at smelling a con but you can no longer be that confident in your abilities. Trusting your instincts is out of the question. Do some serious research instead.
● Love: Well! You're standing at the bottom of the coconut tree of love and shake, shake, shaking it today! You're going to be showered in love coconuts full of coconut love milk. No going thirsty, for you!
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Your imagination will be especially active, so if it seems that you're not making any progress on your current projects, sit back and see if you can dream up some creative new solutions.
● Finances: The day starts out bleak but an unexpected dividend helps improve your mood. The good feelings branch out into every aspect of your life. Your newfound positive energy will give you the right push and the right momentum to get you out of a financial funk.
● Love: Record last night's dream first thing. If you can't remember what it was, wait until you have a dream you do remember. Write it down and you'll figure a romantic problem out.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: It might be hard for your workgroup to make spectacular progress right now, but you can put your talents to use by getting everyone organized to meet upcoming challenges and milestones.
● Finances: It's incredible how quickly debt can pile up. It seems like it could take forever to make up for one lazy year. Although it doesn't seem possible you'll ever see the light of day again, you will, with hard work and perseverance. Keep on pushing forward.
● Love: If somebody wants to set you up on a blind date today, don't say no! Remember, blind dates are Cupid's automatic 'out of the office' replies. And they're 90 percent as effective as old-fashioned arrows!
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You might feel as though you have said too much during a meeting with a supervisor, but later (maybe much later) you will see that your candidness was exactly what he situation called for.
● Finances: What started out as a penny has become a dime. One thing leads to another. You will soon be hearing the coins jingling together, and after that, the refreshing silence of bills. Value tends to like to pool together, just like you and your like-minded friends. Enjoy.
● Love: Sometimes deep feelings are like the emotional version of a surgeon's knife. They go right through you and leave your insides open to the air! But (as with surgery) most of the time it's good for you.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Though you are stronger than you know right now, it will be hard to exert much force, given the extreme fluidity of the situation. Try to flow with it and you will easily make progress.
● Finances: Luck is there for you but only if you actively participate. Doing the right thing is still a must. Be aware of signs you're being led astray. When someone tells you you're too lucky to get caught, you know enough to see it for the ruse that it is.
● Love: It looks like you could be doing a little emotional mountaineering, today. It's up, up, up and down. Up, down, up, up, down. Be sure to bring Band-Aids and plenty of water. And some snacks.