Free Daily Horoscope - December 27 2016

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

Aries (3/21 to 4/19)
● General: Your world's an orderly, balanced and bright one, and you're doing your part to keep it that way -- putting selfishness aside and enjoying giving just as much as you're delighting in receiving. This generous mood of yours also gives you an extra-sparkly charm factor, which won't go unnoticed by those around you (and may be noticed by one person in particular). Keep the cycle of good energy going, and get the most out of this special day.
● Work: The next few days will offer great opportunities to enter negotiations on any level or begin new projects that involve multiple parties. Your social skills are finely honed and you will be able to work out arrangements that everyone can live with.
● Finances: Things have been going wrong for so long that they're bound to go right. Your odds are getting better every day. Unfortunately, you're getting tired of waiting. There is something you can do to improve them besides simply waiting, though, and it is hiding in plain sight.
● Love: You're a natural-born charmer, and the stars are highlighting this quality, making it insanely easy for you to get your heart's desire.

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)
● General: There's so much good stuff all around you, you'll just want to grab hold of as much as possible and revel in it. It's certainly an appropriate time for indulgence, but you'll be even happier in the end if you mix in a balance of activities -- and others will enjoy it with you as well. How about heading up a nice walk before (and maybe after) that big, celebratory meal? It could just become a special new tradition.
● Work: You will be tempted to grab for a little too much, so try to take only as much as you can handle. It could be new responsibilities, compensation or something more ephemeral, but too much of a good thing will hurt.
● Finances: It makes perfect sense for you to feel possessive of what you have, given the financial climate. But keeping a looser grip is a better use of your energy. You have what it takes to replenish any losses and to survive until you do. That nugget of knowledge should be your source of comfort instead of what you own.
● Love: Break out of your usual routine -- leave the laundry for later, take a fun day trip, plan a crazy date. A little shake-up is just what you need to get back in the romantic swing of things.

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)
● General: The energy the stars are sending you befits this special day perfectly. You're ready for fun and celebration surrounding family and friends, and everything has a little extra sparkle to it. If there's a romantic connection happening in your life, that'll be extra shiny, too. Get out the camera to document the memories, and don't forget to spend a few minutes on the phone with those who can't be there.
● Work: If you're involved in a partnership, you'll need to focus on strengthening that relationship -- and you should succeed with no trouble. If not, consider the people you work most closely with and how to work better with them.
● Finances: Your feelings about yourself in relation to money have a profound effect on your financial health. Don't let self-doubt ruin both you and your nest egg. You don't need to be taking any wild chances, but do have faith in your ability to choose wisely. Doing nothing, out of fear, would be a mistake.
● Love: You've got the heart-and-mind balancing act down perfectly -- for the moment at least. It'd be a pity to deprive the world of this amazing display of skill and grace, wouldn't it? One particular fan awaits.

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)
● General: Home and all things domestic -- maybe lavish meals, entertaining family and friends, enjoying coziness and comfort -- are in the stars, in a way that seems custom-made for you. You'll actually enjoy troubleshooting any little bumps that occur in your carefully laid plans, getting creative if relatives have a tiff or dessert gets burned. Who knows? What starts out as an accident could turn into a great tradition.
● Work: Make sure you are available to handle changing situations as they develop. Your active role in the day's events will make the difference between backward and forward motion on the big project.
● Finances: You're once burned and twice shy, that much is clear. But how much you let that affect how you handle your money is up to you. Those who lived through the Depression were forever changed by the experience, and that may not have been such a bad thing.
● Love: Potential partnerships are rife with challenges now, to put it nicely. You'd be wise to revel in the delights of singledom and put the rest of it on hold for the time being.

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

Leo (7/23 to 8/22)
● General: It feels as if other people were put here to grant your wishes, but it's also a reflection of your own generous spirit and accumulated good karma. A very special gift could come your way now, and you know how you love to get gifts. It could be something big in the material realm -- computer equipment, a digital doohickey you've been hankering for, a gorgeous piece of artwork -- or it could be something intangible but that's even more precious. Enjoy!
● Work: Speak up in that meeting or panel, even if you're not completely certain that you're right. Your voice needs to be heard, and the facts can be filled in later when you've got time for research.
● Finances: Your bank account has taken a hit but has your ego? Your important relationships are sound, and that should make more of a difference to your self-worth than fluctuations in your balance. Focus on the things that matter most to you and don't get too hung up on your losses.
● Love: Think of your favorite combinations -- maybe peanut butter and jelly, Laurel and Hardy, or coffee and cream? Contrasting qualities make for extra good sensations, especially in your love life now.

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)
● General: Your analytical side goes out the window now, and you're indulging in sweet sentimentality and the joy of the season. It doesn't hurt that you have the day all planned out (which will also come in handy since if you had to make a decision today, it'd be difficult). Enjoy the company of family and friends, and don't be surprised if you're moved to tell people how meaningful they are to you. In fact, just go ahead and do it.
● Work: Something attractive -- a service or recruit, maybe -- will seem much more inviting at first glance than it will turn out to be. Take care when your impulse is to jump on an opportunity.
● Finances: If you were warned about impending doom but shrugged it off, then you may be wondering who has a nugget of truth to impart to you now. You want to analyze every fact you can get your hands on and even the ones that remain unseen before making any decisions. In other words, you are close to being paralyzed. Shake yourself and snap out of it.
● Love: A conversation takes a deep and meaningful turn, and if it's with someone whose eyes you don't mind staring into soulfully, so much the better. Take it to the next level -- why wait around?

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

Libra (9/23 to 10/23)
● General: With your usual impeccable timing, you have the good energy going full-blast and it's just going to continue to flow. The universe is definitely on your side, and any and all celebrations that you're a part of will be a smashing success. Meanwhile, there's also the possibility of some amped-up romance, so don't hesitate to steal some special moments with a special someone -- it could be the best part of a great day.
● Work: Your flair for social interactions is fully manifested now, so try to network or engage with customers as much as possible. You might find that you reel in new business or get recruited by another employer.
● Finances: Changes in how you do business go even deeper than you realize. You are operating in such a fundamentally new way that it affects everything you do. It can be liberating when you stop to catch your breath. Enjoy knowing you are operating in a whole new frontier.
● Love: Socializing's in the stars, so find a venue and work the room. Your high energy's addictive, so don't be surprised if a few people follow you along like love struck puppy dogs.

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)
● General: If life were a reality TV show, you'd be the one who was most excited about the final revealing scene, the one with the surprise twist and the unveiling of the cause of all the buildup. Today is just like that, except without the creepy cosmetic surgery and weird hosts. The sweet little secrets you've cooked up recently are finally revealed, and everyone loves them. Plus, someone's got a special thing or two to surprise you, too.
● Work: Brainstorming would be perfect for your temperament right now -- you've got great ideas, but you need other minds to bounce them off of before you can really evaluate their worth. Try to gather the troops.
● Finances: Keep your confidence up even as your energy is ebbing. You have to go through a down time before you can go through a period of rebirth. The same is true for your money. Don't panic if your earnings seem to go from lackluster to dormant.
● Love: You generally think of romantic matters in black and white; love or hate, on or off, etc. Cultivate an awareness of the shades of gray now -- there's something (or someone) you're overlooking.

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)
● General: Friends treasure you, family loves you, and you feel totally tapped into it all. Life's a gift, and you're gleefully tearing off the paper and tying the ribbon around the top of your head (yes, you're a gift, too!). Some deeper moments during the day will especially please you -- talking about what it all means, maybe even being asked for advice by someone you really respect.
● Work: If you're planning to speak with a supervisor or a potential employer, don't be shy about making your ambitions clear. You might be surprised by the positive response, and could get a little boost right away.
● Finances: It's another dream-like day, and not in a good way. It's exhausting not being able to get your bearings. Focus on the things that are going right. They are all around you, even in your financial life. They take a bit more effort to find than they used to.
● Love: When's the last time you made a list of exactly what you're looking for? A delicious equal, someone who understands your independence, a smarty-pants, someone exotic -- clarify your hopes and watch it happen.

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)
● General: Letting your industrious side take the day off could prove challenging, but it'll mean a great deal to the family and friends who'd like your complete presence. Whatever's going on at work will definitely be there tomorrow, while this day happens only once. Get yourself busy and engaged in the moment -- appoint yourself official photographer, or sous chef for a celebratory meal, or make a point of having a good conversation with each and every person in the room. Or do all three!
● Work: You will feel a buzzing energy that will help you move forward on multiple projects, but it will be hard for you to relate to customers or clients -- so focus on the paperwork.
● Finances: Your investments feel like old friends. So it's not just the money you've lost that hurts, it's the feeling that you've been let down. That is a case of displaced affection if ever there was one. Coming to your senses means detaching yourself from that kind of security blanket mentality.
● Love: A missed connection can be frustrating, especially to someone as determined as you. Well, take that determination and move right along to the next (and likely better) thing.

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)
● General: Your mind may be wandering to far-off places -- perhaps someone's given you the gift of a plane ticket, even -- but friends and family would still like to feel that you're in the present moment. Make a special effort to keep your five senses up and running; if you take the time to appreciate all that's around you, you won't be able to help being involved.
● Work: You've got a great shot at getting your ideas floating around throughout your organization without the usual hassle of meetings and memos. Start spreading the word come Monday and see how far it goes.
● Finances: It feels like you have no ambition left in you. You do, though. In fact, you care deeply. You're just not raring to go these days, and that makes perfect sense since you have no known destination yet. Once you re-plot your course you will rediscover your sense of purpose and with it, your drive.
● Love: Get your brain in motion and your heart will follow. Feed your head with a poetry reading, a lecture on astrophysics, some avant-garde music, whatever -- then just start talking.

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)
● General: Things are just getting better right about now, and today is no exception to the general trend. In fact, gatherings and groups are wonderful today, and you have many an opportunity to strengthen bonds and deepen connections. The fact that you're sincerely ready to help also makes you a precious part of the scene and an integral part of the fun. Keep it all in balance with a little bit of alone time -- maybe a brisk, thoughtful walk.
● Work: It's time to call in that favor. You need something that only one person can provide, and it's a good thing he or she owes you one. Some call it karma, while others call it networking.
● Finances: You feel like you lived through a financial incident, and the memory of it is all a bit fuzzy. Welcome to the club. You will have to adjust to your circumstances before you can have any hope of thriving, now or in the future. Work on acceptance.
● Love: Stay in balance -- just because you're single doesn't mean you're less wholesome. Lavish some of your caring and compassion on yourself, and treat yourself with the sensitivity you show toward others.