Free Daily Horoscope - December 24 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: Urgent business is coming your way that will turn into a crisis if you don't handle it forcefully and directly. When you're through with it, expect some well-earned praise from above.
● Finances: Even you have to admit you're not as charming as you once were. But while you can no longer smile your way into the situations you want to be in, you have learned to earn your entry instead. It's ultimately much more satisfying and feels somehow more apropos. Enjoy your newly minted status.
● Love: Accidents are a distinct possibility, and not necessarily the slip-and-fall variety. Before you send that flirty (or gossipy) email, you'd be wise to triple-check the address -- you don't want it going to your boss, do you?
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: Be open to suggestions and new options from all parties, and you can forge lasting relationships. Your alliances and agreements will need some serious tweaking if they're to last long.
● Finances: There are many ways to make the day more exciting than usual, but why would you want to do that? You'd just be ruining a good thing. Enjoying the occasional lazy, unproductive day is one of the necessities of life. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
● Love: Companionship is in the stars, whether that means a casual coffee date or scoping out a new scene with your wing-person. The only rule at the moment: Two's better than one.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: If you work solo, then you'll find an unusual connection with a client or colleague whom you don't ordinarily get along with. And for once, you and your teammates are all on the same page.
● Finances: You're intensely interested in a subject and then you forget all about it. You're like a serial lover when it comes to your business plans and projects. This is a habit you have got to break if you want any hope of succeeding. Don't start on another thing before you finish what you are already working on.
● Love: Bills or other calculations are a driving force, and love's in the backseat. Deal with the day-to-day stuff so you can clear your schedule (and your mind) for more interesting agenda items tomorrow.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: When you're figuring out the budget or trying to make all the numbers add up, see if you can make room for a seeming extravagance that's been haunting you recently. It will pay off in the long run.
● Finances: The issues going on around the home are nothing a bit of money can't smooth over. Unfortunately, you don't have it. You'll have to ride out this rocky patch. Resist all impulses to reach for your wallet. It will only be a costly and temporary fix.
● Love: Put 'make plans' at the top of your to-do list. It doesn't even matter what kind of plans you make -- vacation, Friday night, dentist appointment -- just make a bunch and put some things in motion.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: Get out the tux or gown -- it's award time. Even if there's no trophy or giant-sized check involved, you're up for something big in the minds of some very important people.
● Finances: You're suddenly feeling optimistic. Don't just hope the feeling will grow. Keeping it to yourself is a waste, but share your feelings with others and it will multiply almost effortlessly. That's because it roots them in a reality outside of yourself, where they cannot be denied.
● Love: Even the most active signs need a catnap sometimes. Relax and let the thoughts flow through that big fuzzy head, while the emotions flow through that big fuzzy heart. Something splendid will come of it.
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: If there's a rush, call for assistance; impatience could be a serious issue if it's not dealt with immediately. Clients will be extra demanding, but you can handle them as long as there's a steady flow.
● Finances: It's not a good day to spend money on anything at all. Blue laws would be useful for someone like you because resisting shopping is a test all the time. A day of rest from the effort would be beneficial. You won't get it, though, so keep working up a good sweat staying disciplined.
● Love: Red (hot) alert! Sure, it's a random day for romance, but the stars are aligned especially for you. Wear your favorite shirt, vary your routine, talk to new people, and go out tonight -- no matter what (or where).
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You can see how your work fits into the big picture, and you might be able to nab a few choice ideas before the competition gets to them. So forget the minutiae for now and let your mind wander all over the map.
● Finances: You have too much energy to simply flirt with success. You want to romance it right into your bank account. Even on a day off, you are infatuated with the thought of making money. Go ahead and let yourself swoon over the idea.
● Love: Why do anything in particular? You're in an amazing groove, and it's only getting better. Listen to everything around you, be aware, and let some socializing come to you -- there's no need to make an effort.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: Sure, there's plenty of stress to go around -- but you can thrive on it if just you set your mind to it. The relief of deadline pressure feels great after you bring the job in on time.
● Finances: You want to do the easiest thing today. Reading the paper is about as much effort as you are willing to make. So when someone wants to argue with you, your first instinct is to just let them have their way. Don't. It will cost you enough to be worth making an effort.
● Love: It's time for a little proactive work on the give-and-take scene. What can you do to improve your love karma? Put some amazing energy out there -- and do it selflessly.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Things are looking good, and you can expect to see a big upswing in revenue or attendance shortly. Even though you'll be pretty busy, you'll also have a great time serving your customers.
● Finances: The judgment you have to make cannot be a snap decision. You need time to prepare yourself. Get all the facts and figures together and let yourself mull them over. Luckily for you, you have all the time you need on this quiet day.
● Love: Love may be the last thing on your mind as the world conspires to irritate you thoroughly. Take it in stride and retain your trademark sense of humor -- it's either laughs or screams.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Try to lie low and just take care of the paperwork, if at all possible. Your vision isn't quite as clear as usual when it comes to dealing with other people, especially your rivals.
● Finances: You'll have a lot of new challenges and projects in the coming week, so spend the day preparing yourself. That could mean mental or physical preparation, depending on what state you are in. And it could mean just laying low so you can focus on more productive things tomorrow.
● Love: Don't turn your ringer off, and keep an eye on your email and instant messaging. A connection's coming your way, and it may be via long distance (perhaps a cute friend of a distant friend!).
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: Your working relationships will be strengthened if you can release some of that pent-up creative energy and direct it toward finding new ways to interact with and serve your clients.
● Finances: The wide world won't come to visit your living room anytime soon. You need to get up and out if you want to experience something new. Using your low budget as an excuse to hole up is getting a bit worn. You can have fun doing something novel and stay within budget at the same time.
● Love: Are your eyes itchy? Maybe that's because someone's trying to pull the wool over them. Listen to that instinct and trust what your heart's telling you. Keep looking until you see the truth.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Let your colleagues deal with their own crises. Getting involved at this point would only complicate matters, and you can use some time on your own to focus on your own projects exclusively.
● Finances: You're having so many financial problems that any kind of change seems like it would be a change for the better. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you pick through the wreckage of your finances you should be able to find quite a lot that's worth holding on to.
● Love: Fishing around for information about that certain someone can only go on so long. Perhaps you don't need every little tidbit before moving forward? How about dangling that lure right in front of them?