Free Daily Horoscope - December 23 2016
Aries (3/21 to 4/19)

● Work: You will be seized by an impulse that will lead you in the right direction if you act on it quickly enough. Your leadership is being tested, and you should pass through it with flair.
● Finances: You finally have some time to go over your affairs. You don't get down to the 'fine-toothed comb' phase but you do get to get a handle on what's been going on. Don't let anyone rush you, either. It's your one day to put your foot down.
● Love: If you've been feeling less than great about your love life, welcome optimism back now. Do something physical to get your heart pumping and your pulse racing -- and get your proverbial glass half full (or more!) once again.
Taurus (4/20 to 5/20)

● Work: You might appear to be something you aren't right now, so take care to project the right image to potential customers. A quick investment in public relations wouldn't hurt you at all.
● Finances: The last thing you should be doing today is going over the numbers. You're too emotional for a thing like that anyway. That's not to say it's a dull activity, it's that you'd just get too excited or too depressed by the endeavor to make it worth your while. It's nothing that can't be put off for a calmer kind of day.
● Love: If you've got a power struggle going in your love life, consider the advantages of making this person an ally. If they're strong enough to stand up to you, just think of what you could accomplish together.
Gemini (5/21 to 6/21)

● Work: While you're in an especially light-hearted mood, those around you will be prone to take things a little too seriously. Help them overcome this problem, but be careful not to take things too far.
● Finances: On any other day, dealing with your bills would be an odious chore. But today even that is a welcome escape from the confusion and miscommunication of your personal life. Go ahead and dive right in. A better diversion was never created.
● Love: Your thoughts suddenly, beautifully crystallize and what was confusing now shines with gemlike clarity. Share your revelations with someone close, or bounce them off a perfect stranger.
Cancer (6/22 to 7/22)

● Work: Get ready to reel it in: you'll have to buckle down and get serious in the near future. It's okay -- even desirable -- to show off a little right now, so strut your stuff.
● Finances: It's a good day to clean up a big financial mess because the lines of communication are finally open. It's up to you to connect with all the other parties, though. Don't jump right into the nitty-gritty. Save the small details for later in the dialogue.
● Love: Treat yourself right -- and (being the caring person you are) show a friend or two how to indulge themselves along with you. A trip to a day spa or a fancy dinner will have you feeling fabulous.
Leo (7/23 to 8/22)

● Work: You're like a successful pirate raider or rock star -- totally reveling in the glory of doing a job well. Your heart is really in it, and you should be able to sway customers with a glance.
● Finances: Your thoughts are all focused inward. It's a good day to reflect on what you want for yourself in the near future. You need to come up with a good financial plan unless your plan is to continue floating along aimlessly. Is it?
● Love: A couple days of you at your finest start now, so make the most of it. Plan fun and social outings -- try an afternoon of bowling, a tour of galleries or going to see a band (or all three -- why not?).
Virgo (8/23 to 9/22)

● Work: Your passion for helping others comes out strongly, so customer service is a no-brainer. If it's not in the cards, lean over coworkers' shoulders and offer assistance when they need it.
● Finances: Small accomplishments like tidying up and going over the bills add up to a great day. You can find some hidden cash and a loophole or two with the right level of attention to small details. All in all, the day is as profitable as it is enjoyable.
● Love: So you're the underdog -- to the right people, that just makes you more interesting and worthy of championing. Seek out those that understand winning all the time makes for dullness.
Libra (9/23 to 10/23)

● Work: You'll need to keep your notes handy for much of the day, as you'll be asked for information and advice by all of those around you. You'll be helping to build confidence across the board.
● Finances: It seems at first glance like just the right time to socialize, but that nagging voice in your head is reminding you of something. If only it were more direct! The guilt or urgency is not localized enough for you to know more than that you should skip the expensive festivities.
● Love: Your recent flexibility in dealing with some less-than-stellar romantic circumstances gets its cosmic reward now, as the good karma you've generated starts flowing back to you. Don't forget to keep the cycle going.
Scorpio (10/24 to 11/21)

● Work: You could be seized with a kind of fight-or-flight response after recent workplace decisions from above, but give the situation some time to settle down before you make any hasty decisions.
● Finances: There is more than one way to help a friend out. A financial favor may be the most obvious, but it's not necessarily the most helpful. Don't reach for your checkbook just because your mind immediately goes there. Give their situation some careful thought.
● Love: Often it's your desire to stand out from the crowd, but going into a stealth mode lets you make some very interesting observations now. Blend in -- as much as you can, anyway.
Sagittarius (11/22 to 12/21)

● Work: Whether you need to hop on a plane or just hook up over the Internet, now is a great time to spread your business worldwide. If you're already there, expand even further if possible.
● Finances: You can't assert your authority over certain people and you'd gladly trade all your money to do just that. But you can't buy that kind of relationship with something like money. It has to be earned in a completely different way. Think about it but don't let it, or those in question, drive you crazy.
● Love: Put your responsibilities on hold and follow your mood. Your heart might especially enjoy a day trip, with lots of exploring to do and new people to meet.
Capricorn (12/22 to 01/19)

● Work: Clients will set their expectations just a little too high, and it's your job to talk them down. Your iron grip on reality will impress them enough to split the difference.
● Finances: When you start planning something big you tend to get carried away. The excitement of it all gets the better of your good judgment. Try to stay grounded, because you could rack up some serious bills just thinking about it.
● Love: It may not be the easiest day, romantically speaking, and you'd be forgiven for regarding others with suspicion. Keep your head down -- this will pass.
Aquarius (1/20 to 2/18)

● Work: You'll feel better off working on your own, and in fact, your productivity will do well if you can keep yourself from attending to everyone who comes seeking your assistance or advice.
● Finances: You're examining all of your spending habits, from the top all the way to the ground and then some. That's right, you're digging beneath the surface for the why's not just the where's and when's. You'll feel completely self-aware by the time you are through with this little exercise.
● Love: Some apparent contradictions are surfacing in the realm of romance. Luckily your skills of investigation and interpretation are more than equal to making sense of it all.
Pisces (2/19 to 3/20)

● Work: Egos flare up all over the place and try to snare you in their micro-battles. Do your best to stay neutral, especially if the boss is watching -- the tussles won't last long, but the impressions will.
● Finances: Don't assume that if you can't figure something out now, you'll figure it out later. Don't commit any of your money until you have a better understanding of how much you will ultimately be in for. And if no one knows at this point, then that's all the more reason not to open your wallet.
● Love: It's a great day to mind your own business, in the best possible sense of the phrase. Free yourself from others' dramas and enjoy singledom to its fullest.